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Reuther addresses young Lutherans.
"Easy as driving a car"
Nothing like doing it yourself.
Negro Baptist convention meets.
Trainside hootenanny at youth convention.
Trainside hootenanny at youth convention.
Prize-winning modernistic church art.
Prize-winning modernistic church art.
Prize-winning modernistic church art.
4th Biennial National Religious Art Exhibition.
4th Biennial National Religious Art Exhibition.
Detroit minister, rabbis hear Catholic prelate.
Detroit minister, rabbis hear Catholic prelate.
Note from Bruce Sifford.
Week end in religion.
Honors for rabbi-arbitrator.
University chaplains "Walk for Reconciliation"
University chaplains "Walk for Reconciliation"
Catacombs anew: Church goes underground in Lent.
Detroit congregation in 'Catacombs'
First Negro elected to head Detroit Council of Churches.
Detroit council names Negro.
Palm cross.
Palm cross.
Methodist cover story.
A bishop is consecrated.
Sermon preached at the consecration of the Reverend C. Kilmer Myers, S.T.D. as Suffragan Bishop of Michigan in the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, Detroit, Michigan on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels.
"Receive the Holy Ghost for the Work of a Bishop…"
Consecration plans ready.
A bishop is consecrated.