Bible Week luncheon.

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NEW YORK -- Honored guests stand at the dais during the 31st annual

Interfaith National Bible Week luncheon in New York. From left are:

Pearl S. Buck, Nobel and Pulitzer prize-winning novelist; Arthur J.

Goldberg, former Supreme Court Justice and Ambassador to the U.N. who

is chairman of National Bible Week; Claude L. Fly, agricultural con-

sultant who was held hostage for seven months by guerrillas in

Uruguay; Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale, honorary co-chairman of National

Bible Week; E.C.R. Lasher, general industry chairman of Bible Week;

Edward Starr, of Hill and Knowlton public relations; Dr. Norman

Temme, executive secretary of the American Bible Society and chairman

of the Bible Week advisory committee, and Associate Justice Theodore

R. Kupferman of the New York State Supreme Court.

Miss Buck, Mr. Goldberg, Mr. Fly and Mr. Lasher were among those

honored during the luncheon. Miss Buck received an award for her

book, The Story Bible. Mr. Fly was cited for "living the Bible"

during his captivity. He said the Bible helped him keep his sanity

and establish a "Christian relationship" with his captors.

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