James Baldwin, "White Racism or World Community," July 7, 1968, tape 1.

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  • James Baldwin
    What everyone overlooks the fact that Stokely Carmichael for example began
  • James Baldwin
    his life as a Christian and for many many years I've
  • James Baldwin
    noticed by the world's press was marching up and down
  • James Baldwin
    white highways in my country in the Deep South. I spent
  • James Baldwin
    many many years being beaten over the head and thrown in jail singing We Shall Overcome
  • James Baldwin
    and meaning it and believing it. Doing day by
  • James Baldwin
    day and hour by hour. Precisely what the Christian church is
  • James Baldwin
    supposed to do, to walk from door to door, to feed the hungry,
  • James Baldwin
    to speak to those who are oppressed. Try to open the gates of prison
  • James Baldwin
    for all those who are in prison.
  • James Baldwin
    And a day came, inevitably, when this young
  • James Baldwin
    man grew weary of petitioning a
  • James Baldwin
    heedless population and said, in effect, what all
  • James Baldwin
    revolutionaries have always said, "I have petitioned you and petitioned you."
  • James Baldwin
    And you can petition for a long long time but the moment comes.
  • James Baldwin
    When the petitioner is no longer a petitioner, but has become a beggar, And,
  • James Baldwin
    at that moment, One concludes you will not do it.
  • James Baldwin
    You cannot do it. It is not in you to do it. And therefore I must do it. When Stokely
  • James Baldwin
    talks about black power, he is simply translating into
  • James Baldwin
    the black idiom what the English said hundreds of years ago and have always
  • James Baldwin
    proclaimed as their guiding principle. Black Power translated means the
  • James Baldwin
    self-determination of peoples. It means that and nothing more. It also means
  • James Baldwin
    nothing less. But it is astounding and it says a great deal
  • James Baldwin
    about Christendom that whereas Black Power, the conjunction of the word "black"
  • James Baldwin
    with the word "power," frightens everybody, no
  • James Baldwin
    one in Christendom appears seriously to be frightened by the operation and the nature of White Power. Stokely
  • James Baldwin
    may make terrifying speeches -- though they're not terrifying to me I must say -- and Stokely
  • James Baldwin
    may be -- though I don't believe it -- a racist in reverse.
  • James Baldwin
    But in fact he is not nearly so dangerous as the people who now rule
  • James Baldwin
    South Africa.
  • James Baldwin
    He is not nearly as dangerous.
  • James Baldwin
    He's not nearly as dangerous as many of the people who govern in my poor country.

