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Web site of the Association of Retired Ministers, Their Spouses, or Survivors (ARMSS). ARMSS seeks to discern and help meet the needs of honorably retired ministers, their spouses, or survivors, by providing opportunities for worship, major presentations on contemporary issues, discussion groups, and fellowship. ARMSS is called by the grace of God to celebrate the lives of its members, and to bear witness to their years of faithful service to Jesus Christ. ARMSS: Advocates in behalf of its members, supporting and nurturing them in all ways possible and appropriate. Provides local and national opportunities for ARMSS members to learn about and discuss issues of faithful living in today's world. Supports the governing bodies of the church in their ministries to and with retired ministers, their spouses, or survivors. Assists retired ministers, their spouses, or survivors, as they are willing and able, to utilize their skills and abilities in ministry to the church and the world.
Association of Retired Ministers, Their Spouses or Survivors. (creator)
Subject names:
Association of Retired Ministers, Their Spouses or Survivors.
Retired clergy--United States., Spouses of clergy--United States., Children of clergy--United States., Families of clergy--United States., Church work with older people--Presbyterian Church.
Geographic subjects:
United States.

