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In March 2001, fifteen PC(USA) representatives travelled to the Vatican, on a return visit from the prior December's first-ever formal meeting. The outcome of the meetings was a joint statement in which all parties resolved to find agreement on the doctrine of justification, to recognize each other's baptisms, and to renounce Reformation-era mutual denunciations. Cliff Kirkpatrick, then stated clerk of the PC(USA), echoed the theme of Christian unity that John Paul II put forward in the 1995 encyclical Ut Unum Sint: "It is our deepest hope that the third millennium of Christian history will be the millennium of the reuniting of the broken body of Christ."
Subject names:
II, John Paul, 1920-2005., Pope, Kirkpatrick, Clifton, 1945-, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Communications and Funds Development. Media Services--Archives.
Interdenominational cooperation--Vatican City.
Geographic subjects:
Vatican City.

