Susan Karchmer oral history, 2021.

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    This is Ann Silverman, and I'm interviewing Susan Karchmer
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    on June 19th, 2021.
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    And what what I wanted to ask you, Sue, was when did you first hear
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    about COVID, about the pandemic?
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    Do you remember?
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    Probably in January of 2020.
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    Do you remember your reaction..
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    Well,first of all it was in China and so you know, you sort of didn't pay that
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    much attention to it. But I know that by March 4th, we took a trip
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    from Cathedral Village to the casino and we were thinking
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    maybe we shouldn't go. So by that time, people were aware and we
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    weren't wearing masks or anything. But I think we were starting to sanitize our hands and
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    thinking maybe we shouldn't go. But that was the last trip I made to a casino, and
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    that was March 4th.
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    What would you say were the pandemic's most significant consequences
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    for you?
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    There were consequences right?
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    There were. For me, not so much as for
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    many other people, and that's, you know, that I've lived I lived alone for years.
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    So being by myself is no big deal.
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    Most of the time I say it appealed to my my inner hermit.
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    So the biggest consequences were not being able to see my friends when I wanted to.
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    And the biggest was not being able to eat out in a restaurant
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    and then not being I want I do stuff like that, not going to casinos,
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    not going to malls and just not being able to go to..
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    the Zoo? I hadn't been doing a lot of work there anyway.
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    So and I but I was kind of anxious to get back
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    to and of course we're still not volunteering, but I was able to go back and visit,
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    which was nice. Great.
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    How are your friends doing?
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    Well, my friends, pretty much like I am. The ones who have partners
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    are finding out that luckily they get along very well.
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    And the ones who didn't are, you know, very, very, very well.
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    I also want to ask you, what role, if any, did did technology play for you?
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    I could not have made it through this without it. I mean, I probably could have.
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    But having the computer and having zoom and a lot of
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    social contact I had or as many people had, was using Zoom for meetings.
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    I've done Zoom folk dancing.
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    I've done I've done webinars on a regular basis
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    having to do with conservation in nature.
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    Oh yes, it played a huge part.
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    Has has COVID changed any of your plans?
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    Well, I had to give up a vacation that I was supposed to take last April, and
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    but other than that, I didn't have too much planned and was just kind of making
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    my way through the world here.
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    Were there any particular incidents that stood out
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    to you related to COVID?
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    I think hearing about some of the people who were ill here.
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    That was tough. But also it stood out that our administrators here
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    did such a phenomenal job of keeping the thing at bay and closed.
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    I think Charles did an excellent job of keeping things closed, getting things closed
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    early and taking care of the people who were ill.
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    Mm hmm.
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    Charles is the director of Cathedral Village.
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    Executive director?
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    Yeah Executive Director.
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    Do you do you have any. Those are my questions.
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    But do you have any memories or comments to add
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    or observations about this 15 month experience?
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    Well, I'm glad I'm in a CCRC because
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    I had no problem getting food. I never had to worry about going out to a store to get
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    food because the food was delivered.
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    So I felt very fortunate that I was not in my own house, which would have been
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    really tough, I think, because I could even wander out here and see people outside.
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    And yeah, between that and having the technology that
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    you brought that up in, that was probably the key thing.
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    Great. Anything else?
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    Well, thank you very, very much.
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    I appreciate this.

