Chava Weissler and Nancy Fredland oral history, 2021 (Part I).

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    OK, yeah, boy, that looks like a great machine.
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    I wish I had one of those when I was doing interviews for my field work.
  • speaker
    Oh golly, it's fabulous.
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    What does it come out like, you know, what do you get from that?
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    Voices, a voice recording.
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    But it's no longer a tape. Do you remember those tapes?
  • speaker
    Right. Right, right. Oh, boy.
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    Cassettes. Anyway, go ahead.
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    I wanted to ask when you first heard about the pandemic
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    and what did you think if if you have any recollections about that?
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    I have recollections because I remember reading about China you know, it's they're seeing
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    this in China, you know.
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    That was something that they didn't know about yet, they were going to look into it, so
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    and it struck me, as you know, could go on elsewhere to
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    could spread. Yeah.
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    We sort of decided Nancy might talk first.
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    Fine, fine. So I'll just hold off on.
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    So maybe we'll come back to some of these questions when we get to me.
  • speaker
    Oh, fine. OK.
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    What what would you say were some of COVIDs most significant consequences for you
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  • speaker
    Having to get, you know, vaccinated
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    and being I guess if there were restrictions, if you hadn't
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    been vaccinated, you couldn't go in there, you couldn't go out, just go to stores.
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    I know that was really a strong thing just couldn't
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    circulate the way you might have to.
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    Right. Right. And masking.
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    Masking. Yeah. You know, accepted that.
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    That didn't seem to start like somehow, you know.
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    You know, although I guess I've gotten used to it now, but.
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  • speaker
    Yeah, were there any particular incidents
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    or events during COVID that stand out to you?
  • speaker
    Anything, um,
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    you know, watching to see who was vaccinated and who wasn't and what that did, you know?
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    We're always keeping an eye on that.
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    All right.
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    How about at the beginning before there was any vaccine
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    and just that that virus was known.
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    I mean,
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    Yeah. What happened here at Cathedral Village.
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    Oh our Director took charge.
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    He swore to, you know, protect us, you know, really had in his
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    mind what he could do. Yeah. Yeah, he did.
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    And he got right in there and got his vaccinations and it was right
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    in line to get anything done.
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    So it tightened things up a lot.
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    Do you remember our experience over at Marías at the restaurant?
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    Yeah. Tell Ann about that?
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    What do you mean
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    About how when we were eating there for the last day before the lockdown, you know,
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    there were people, we were in the bar,
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    There were families, you know, who were not masked or anything.
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    Yeah, but don't you remember how. Well, OK, I could tell her later but you know,
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    how the governor got on the television.
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    Oh yeah. That was very interesting.
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    Happened to be watching television while we were eating a pizza or something.
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    Yes. And and there was the whole array
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    of government people, the governor or the
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    Secretary of health or whatever her name, whatever.
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    She was amazing. Yeah. And yeah.
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    Know the governor or whatever.
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    And also then they came on with the Montgomery County people.
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    Oh Arkush.
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    Yeah. Afterwards.
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    But there we were sitting in the in the bar.
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    Oh real surreal.
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    And there was people all around, there were people all around.
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    They were you know they were there for them was like there for like a post funeral
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    lunch or something like that.
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    Everybody's there and everybody's walking around and we're sitting there having our pizza
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    and beer or whatever it was. It was a place we like to go for lunch.
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    And all of a sudden, you know, instead of the ball game on the air, it.
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    WAs the governor.
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    So that was very interesting and then it went on from there.
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    You know what will result from that?
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  • speaker
    That's an interesting environment in which to be informed.
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    Yeah, well, that's OK because.
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    Well, that's that's got to go home and lock down
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    because they announced all the restrictions.
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    At that time.
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    Yeah. When we were watching in the bar.
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    So we knew what we had to do next.
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    I think Marías is starting to reopen.
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    Oh it's well reopened.
  • speaker
    Oh is it.
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    We ate there.
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    Oh wonderful.
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    Yeah. It was crowded full of families running, everybody
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    running around. We were taken aback that it was so crowded
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    Well people were familiar with it, it wasn't they weren't like guests of the place like
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    we felt we were. I mean,
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    Yeah, there were people, I mean we do, we eat it Maria's but we
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    don't eat there every other week or we had, you know, so we feel like it's a familiar
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    place. Yeah. Still, there were all these people I
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    mean, you know, we went took Nancy's son John out for his birthday there.
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    He has to go. So and the food was good, but
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    it was really quite chaotic.
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    I did not expect it to be so crowded.
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    Was it lunchtime meals?
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  • speaker
    Yeah but they had whole family's a lot of kids.
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    And that's what's nice about Maria's.
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    it is it is a little scary after the pandemic.
  • speaker
    Right. Right.
  • speaker
    Oh boy.
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    I wanted to ask about if there were any adjustments to daily
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    Because of the pandemic.
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    Yeah. Because we were I think we felt we should not go out
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    and not that I ever did go out much but still.
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    What about the change in how we got our meals? Well,
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    you remember they were ordering,
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    remember, they delivered them instead of
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    Yeah, that's right. They were really good about that.
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    I guess some of the places I like to go out in the city, you know,
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    were for, you know, no longer possible.
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    And that was disappointing. You know,
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    what would you say?
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    No, I was just thinking about how, you know, for months we never went to the dining hall.
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    It was closed. Yeah. And they brought they brought us three meals a day.
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    It took complete care of us.
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  • speaker
    I also wanted to ask you about technology, about
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    if that if you're what role, if any technology played in your
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    daily. Did you do zoom?
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    Yeah, but we were all doing zoom.
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    Zoom. Mm hmm.
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    And staying connected with your family, that's not in town.
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    Less of that. But I think you definitely find out about the whole
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  • speaker
    Mm hmm. And the village college was on.
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    That's right. You know, the village college's residence
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    lecturing to residents.
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    Yeah. Audience Yeah.
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    How are your friends and family doing?
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    Suppose as far as pandemic goes?
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    Yeah. That well most
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    of the families are like in the far end of Connecticut close to Rhode Island.
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    You know, they're observing, they're doing what they need to do, but they don't seem
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    terribly concerned just because not a lot of cases where oh
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    Well, not anymore. For a long time, they couldn't see Sylvia in the nursing home.
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    Yeah, but.
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    Was John able to come over here at the
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  • speaker
    Well, you know, he couldn't.
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    In fact, what we did was we zoomed every since he used to come every Friday night for
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    Shabbat dinner. We we Zoom every Friday night or else we would
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    do face time.
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    And then when was he able to come by?
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    Well, so things loosened up for a while over the summer, and we actually went out
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    and met him in a park.
  • speaker
    Oh, right.
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    And also he was here for
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    Rosh Hashanah dinner and Yom Kippur.
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    But then we didn't see him for a long time until they were allowing visitors.
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    And then I guess the last couple of months, I'm not quite sure when it started.
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    He's been coming back. Oh, good for Friday night's.
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    And Nancy's daughter Elizabeth stayed here once right before Passover.
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    John came for Passover, too, on the first night.
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    And Elizabeth came with our grandson for a few days right before
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    Passover. And she came down last
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    weekend for my birthday over
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    Friday over Saturday night.
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    Oh, nice. Yeah. And then the weekend before that, we actually went on our first trip.
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    We went to visit my brother in in Chevy Chase.
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    Yeah. The virus was on then wasn't it.
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    Well yeah it was, it was loosening up.
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    That's why we could go.
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  • speaker
    I guess by then everybody.
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    Yeah. We were all vaccinated even more so we went for my nephew's graduation
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    from Montgomery County Community College.
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    So I
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    Montgomery County, Maryland?
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    and I have to say, I was really impressed.
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    We watched the actual graduation on Zoom, which was a few days before I
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    was so impressed by the institution.
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    It's big, isn't it?
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    Well, it wasn't so much that it was the quality of the presentation.
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    Also, they did.
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    The governor came. I'm not sure it was the governor.
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    But in any case, the all the Democratic people came.
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    The senator came, had a prepared speech.
  • speaker
    Great. The what's his name?
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    Jamie Raskin.
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    Wow. I was very impressed with the administrative personnel.
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    I was very impressed at that.
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    What they had was each student I mean, they had a chance for each student to say
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    something that I don't know how they picked the ones they used, but
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    seemed like all of them, but I guess not.
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    Yeah, I know there must have been many. I mean, Nathan wasn't on there.
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    We saw his later. But in any case,
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    I was impressed at how many times the students mentioned various supportive
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    bodies within the within the institution, you know, whether
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    it was for students from Asia or whether it was for kids with Asperger's or whether
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    it was whatever. You know, I really want to thank my counselor and the whole
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    organization of whatever it is.
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    And it really also so impressed me this isn't so relevant to your study.
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    But anyway, we watched it on Zoom.
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    That's why it's relevant. Yeah, we probably it would have been a completely different
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    thing if we've been able to go in person. Yeah.
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    I mean, first of all, it was amazing how many kids thanked God.
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    I want to give a real shout out to God for supporting me.
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    And I also, you know, and I also want to thank my family in
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    Ghana and my family here in the United States.
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    And a lot of those,
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    you know, my family in Bhutan, my family and wherever, you know, it was really
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    you could see the gateway to college for the immigrant community.
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    Anyway, I'm talking about other stuff, but I was that's great.
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    I know since you've taught at Community College.
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    I mean, it's great.
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    It was really I was, you know, who knows?
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    It may not be as impressive in real life, but it certainly put it on, you know,
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    and they also had this is resonate to this.
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    They had an award for the best faculty person,
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    best full time faculty person and the best part time faculty.
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    It was good, the best. And the part time faculty person who got
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    the award was directing the STEM program.
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    the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Program as a part
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    time faculty. Oh, my goodness.
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    So that tells you something about their finances?
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    Yeah, it sure does.
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    Oh boy. Maybe there's a small grant in there to supplement her part time,
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    you know,
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    but I mean, I was thinking, first of all, they praised you to the skies.
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    And second, she's contingent faculty.
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    Oh, golly.
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    Well, to you that's impressive not to them.
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  • speaker
    Anyway, well done. She got a job.
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    Yeah, well, she did. But the point is they're not paying her a full time salary.
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    I understand that. I live that time.
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    I knew someone from one of the NIH
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    projects. I knew someone that won the Teacher of the Year at that college and
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    went on to win Teacher of Maryland.
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    Oh, that's great. Yeah. She was wonderful.
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    Yeah. Yeah, she was history professor.
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    Yeah. Anyway, um, anything else that you wanted to add,
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    Nancy? Anything related to COVID that I didn't
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    ask about.
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    I'm going to ask Chava some questions, and if something occurs to you just interrupt,
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    just just say, yeah,
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    yeah, because maybe something I'll say will jog your memory.
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    Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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    But thanks very much for your memories and
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    comments. This is going to be good.
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    I won't reiterate the questions, but unless you want me to.
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    But just in general, what sticks out to?
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    You know, me, I could give you an hour's lecture so
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    which is why I thought I should let Nancy talk.
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    I lost my chance. Now she's gone.
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    Well you just interrupt if this makes you makes you think of something.
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    I'm going to come back to you, Nancy how's that?
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    So I guess
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    we did have I mean, you know, I guess I remember hearing reports
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    and first I heard the minimizing.
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    It's no worse than the flu, you know, all that kind of thing.
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    And then we had that very dramatic experience at Maria's,
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    very dramatic, where, you know, we became aware of what
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    was going on in the state and in the county.
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    And so I did
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    feel, as Nancy did, that Charles took charge.
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    And I think it is probably rather different being
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    in an institution than being alone.
  • speaker
    Pardon me.
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    So that I think in some ways it really, even when we were locked into
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    our apartments, mitigated the experience.
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    Is it still recording.
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    I'm looking at the battery. It's fine, OK?
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    It really mitigated the experience of isolation which other people had.
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    Yeah, I did feel I mean, in some ways,
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    I mean, again, it's already starting to unravel, but I often thought I should write a
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    little piece, which I never write these little pieces that occur to me.
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    So, you know, this was like that to me about how
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    the period of extreme
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    lockdown was in some ways like a little harmonious paradise
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    That is, we all felt or at least everybody I knew felt that Charles was working
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    really hard, that he was doing a good job, that he cared deeply about
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    us. We felt the same way about Julian.
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    We were impressed with all of the staff and their dedication and that
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    it would be a time that I felt like it was a time when
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    people would not people would, you know, it a time when
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    criticism of the administration, which there always is, is muted
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    in favor of, are all pulling together to get.
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    I agree. Yeah. Yeah.
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    So I think, you know,
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    that was for the first, you know, I don't know, many months.
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    I mean, even until relatively recently, I would say that was my experience here was
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    that that Charles was doing his best, the administration were doing their best,
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    the dining staff were doing their best, and Julian's sense of humor
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    helped to and and the fact that they did so
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    many special events for us. All of a sudden they show up with beer and pretzels, you
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    know, or or, you know, the July 4th decorations.
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    I was realizing I still have those July 4th cups that they gave out.
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    It's almost July 4th again.
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    And and, you know, coming around the graduation
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    celebration for those who graduated and Charles in his graduation robes because
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    he got his whatever degree got, I remember.
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    So that and I felt like we were not that
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    isolated. We we were here, you know,
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    Mitzi and I, who both like to cook and you, too, on occasion, you know, we would drop off
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    little foods we had made at each other's apartments, sort
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    of wave at each other. People would go outside for walks so
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    that it really you
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    Did you see them when you dropped down and gave them stuff?
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    Oh, I can't. No, you say no, I'm going to leave this outside
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    your door, OK?
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    You know, and sometimes
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    you might catch a glimpse and you know that way with your mask on, you know,
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    You know, or somebody would would be baking cookies and they'd give good give out to
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    people they knew, you know, that kind of thing.
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    So that I think it was very different from living
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    alone in a house or living alone even in an apartment building.
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    I mean, depending on the kind of apartment building, some apartment buildings are more
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    right. Sociable, sociable than others.
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    So in some ways, I thought we were protected from
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    the worst of the isolation here.
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    And also they cared, you know, it's like, oh, you know,
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    the people that sort of had their eye out.
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    I mean, this whole transition with personal care is very controversial.
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    But part of the genesis of it was realizing that during the lockdown there were
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    people who never came out of their apartments.
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  • speaker
    So they're still arguing.
  • speaker
    Well, yes. Or there were you know, I mean, this has been going on
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    for, you know, just about a year and a half, almost since the beginning.
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    I'd say also at the beginning it
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    was and you could see this nationally, a stimulus, a certain kind of creativity.
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    That is, you know, all those people break baking bread.
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    I was baking bread, too. I revived my sour dough cultures just like the rest of the
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    nation. You know, it was a wonderful cartoon in The New Yorker,
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    you know, where a man and a woman are standing next to each other.
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    An enormous blob of dough is rising over the New York City scape.
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    And one of them says to the other, I told you not to overfeed the sourdough.
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    And, you know, and and there were sort of creative
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    things. I couldn't go out to buy plants for my little garden
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    here. So I just I put out this notice on the form will swap
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    bread for flowers and people some people brought me flowers and
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    I gave them loaves of bread, you know.
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    So in any case.
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    So there was that. And also, I think, you know, I'm
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    very active in the village college in which residents teach sort of we have six month
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    terms, spring, fall, winter, spring, summer, winter and fall,
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    whatever fall. I'm getting them out of order.
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    Oh, boy. Anyway, and we were just about
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    to have, I guess, our spring term when this locked down and we just canceled
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    it. But by the summer, they were up on Zoom.
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    I was not teaching because I was also very sick during the summer.
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    So I mean, and the ways in which that was affected by COVID was
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    they actually in fact thought it was COVID to begin with, which I did not have.
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    But everybody who came down, I had to spend three weeks and Nancy had to come with
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    me in White Lodge and they put us in isolation,
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    you know, in the COVID isolation. They did that with everyone, you know,
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    you know, so and everybody was there in full PPE and and all that kind
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    of stuff. Yeah, of course, you know, the gowns, the face
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    shields, all that kind of stuff.
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    So but they were really quite,
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    you know, at first, quite sure that was what I had.
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    You know, it was it was it was a long abscess.
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    So it wasn't so surprising that they thought it was something like that.
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    But but, you know, I had a high fever and I, you know, all this kind of stuff.
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    So so the experience
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    of being in White Lodge was somewhat different.
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    And the fact that at first, you know, until I had, you know, a couple of negative tests
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    or whatever, and they could move us out of the isolation wing, it was I remember I went
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    in on my birthday.
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    Oh, awful.
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    I was so sure I was going to have to do something terrible on my birthday this year.
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    It's like leftover trauma. Oh, so so that was one thing.
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    And then I was really not well enough to teach in village college in the summer, which I
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    ordinarily do. So other people picked up the time I had, you know,
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    which was nice of the people, you know, the resurrected old classes and things like
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    that to feel good. And so yeah,
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    I mean and I've been very involved in trying to figure out all the Zoom technology
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    for the village college.
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    We haven't we did regularly zoom with
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    Nancy's son on Friday nights and probably we did
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    not do any more face time than usual
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    for some for with her daughter in Vermont.
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    I guess, you know, there was some stuff we did, maybe Thanksgiving.
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    I think we might very well have zoomed with my brother and his family because we usually
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    have Thanksgiving. Yes.
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    Well, I don't know, I guess to be tell a telephone still seemed adequate, I prefer
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    it. Yeah, yeah.
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    And we did talk on the phone to friends.
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    Oh yeah. My women's group switched to Zoom.
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    Oh, I have a women's group that's been meeting in various forms since the 1970s.
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  • speaker
    Old friends.
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    Yeah. You know, did, did you did you want to add something, Nancy,
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    at this point?
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    Yeah. I mean, you know, the other thing I just wanted to say was
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    I started to say this is sort of burst of creativity in response to the
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    beginning of it all.
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    And, you know, it's sort of like, oh, how are we going to do exercise?
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    We've got Coach COSAC. You remember Coach COSAC?
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    Oh, yes, yes, yeah.
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    To yeah,
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    We like Coach Cosan.
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    Yeah. And then the sort of we had stopped doing after I came back from
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    being sick and we also had help at home and all that kind of stuff.
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    It was, it was kind of different. But in any case that was is the way we kept up our
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    spirits. We got some exercise. Yes.
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    That cheered us up
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    Oh is it a show because I watch him on video?
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    No that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
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    He's good. And let's see what else.
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    So but I would say that by this point which is over a year later.
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    Yeah. I'm tired out, I'm tired of, of trying to do creative things
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    which of course you don't do as many of.
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    But I sort of like it was a tremendous burst of energy at the beginning
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    and then my energy gradually got lower and lower
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    so that I didn't have I just didn't have as much
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    energy for trying to do things that fix things up or cheered us
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    up or that kind of.
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    And then, of course, we began to be able to do regular things like go to the dining hall
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    or have people over. Yeah.
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    Go out occasionally to restaurants or something like that.
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    Go out to a park. So so I guess
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    that's just trying to think.
  • speaker
    Was there anything else you asked that I didn't do.
  • speaker
    Anything else that you remember, dear, from the year.
  • speaker
    No, I think you covered it.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    Yeah. This is very helpful.
  • speaker
    Thank you very, very much.
  • speaker
    Both of you. Yeah.

