Help via telephone.

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Text transcribed from original caption.



SAN FRANCISCO--Three young people man the telephones at "Switchboard"

in San Francisco, one of the many telephone crisis intervention centers

now operating around the world. These centers fill the gap between

persons with needs and the agencies established to fill those needs.

At times people may have a problem they don't know how to handle.

The centers keep listings of various public and private agencies and

can put the caller in contact with them.

Often, too, the crisis intervention centers, such as Switchboard

handle emergencies. Possible suicides, drug and alcohol problems,

marriage difficulties, etc., are all dealt with. Frequently lives

are saved due to the quick work of such outfits.

The San Francisco center also provides extra services. It keeps

a list of people who need transportation but have little money and

place them in contact with someone who is driving to their destina-

tion. They call daily to find who has food and clothing that can be

given to the poor. They organize discussions of community problems.

Switchboard was begun by a group of concerned citizens but in

many cities churches have started centers. An organization called

Contact Teleministry has been established to coordinate the various

church-sponsored telephone centers.

Credit Must Read:


by Don Rutledge (DR-SF-11A-71-DS)

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