LBJ memoirs: religion's role.

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NEW YORK -- Former President Lyndon B. Johnson brings up religion and

religious personalities frequently in his book, The Vantage Point,

published in New York by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Some apsects

of religion's role during the Johnson years are illustrated here.

UPPER LEFT -- Mr. Johnson and his daughter, Mrs. Luci Nugent,

chat with Father W.W. Schneider of St. Francis Xavier church after

attending Mass in Stonewall, Texas, near the LBJ Ranch. At right is

a member of the Knights of Columbus who participated in the service.

Mrs. Nugent converted to Catholicism during the Johnson Administra-

tion and was later married in the National Shrine of the Immaculate

Conception in Washington.

UPPER RIGHT -- Evangelist Billy Graham (left) and Mr. Johnson

bow their heads during a Presidential prayer breakfast in Washington

in 1964. In his memoirs, the former President reveals that Mr. Graham

acted as an emissary to Richard Nixon during the 1968 campaign.

BOTTOM LEFT -- Mr. Johnson shakes hands with the then Republican

Presidential candidate, Richard Nixon (right), as former Vice Presi-

dent Hubert Humphrey (left), the Democratic candidate, chats with

Cardinal Terence Cooke, Archbishop of New York, at the Alfred E.

Smith Memorial Dinner in New York in 1968.

BOTTOM RIGHT -- Pope Paul VI and Mr. Johnson exchange gifts

during their 1967 meeting at the Vatican. During that meeting, the

former President and the pontiff discussed peace moves in Vietnam.

Mr. Johnson describes Pope Paul as "a quiet, serious and sensitive

man profoundly dedicated to the cause of world peace."

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Former President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who died Jan. 22 in San

Antonio, Texas, at the age of 64, often met with religious leaders

during his term of office. A member of the Christian Church (Disciples

of Christ), Mr. Johnson frequently attended worship services of other

denominations during his administration. Some aspects of religion's

role during the Johnson years are illustrated here.

UPPER LEFT -- Mr. Johnson and his daughter, Mrs. Luci Nugent,

chat with Father W.W. Schneider of St. Francis Xavier church after

attending Mass in Stonewall, Texas, near the LBJ Ranch. At right is

a member of the Knights of Columbus who participated in the service.

Mrs. Nugent converted to Catholicism during the Johnson Administra-

tion and was later married in the National Shrine of the Immaculate

Conception in Washington.

UPPER RIGHT -- Evangelist Billy Graham (left) and Mr. Johnson

bow their heads during a Presidential prayer breakfast in Washington

in 1964. In his memoirs, the former President revealed that Mr. Graham

acted as an emissary to Richard Nixon during the 1968 campaign.

BOTTOM LEFT -- Mr. Johnson shakes hands with the then Republican

Presidential candidate, Richard Nixon (right), as former Vice Presi-

dent Hubert Humphrey (left), the Democratic candidate, chats with

Cardinal Terence Cooke, Archbishop of New York, at the Alfred E.

Smith Memorial Dinner in New York in 1968.

BOTTOM RIGHT -- Pope Paul VI and Mr. Johnson exchange gifts

during their 1967 meeting at the Vatican. During that meeting, the

former President and the pontiff discussed peace moves in Vietnam.

Mr. Johnson described Pope Paul as "a quiet, serious and sensitive

man profoundly dedicated to the cause of world peace."

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