Class at first Russian Orthodox Academy in U.S.

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By Religious News Service


NEW YORK -- St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary and

Academy, which will be housed in an annex of Union Theological

Seminary, was formally opened here.

The Academy is the first Russian Orthodox establishment of

its kind in this country and will serve as a center of advanced

training for priests of the Russian Orthodox Church in America and

"other interested scholars."

Inaugural ceremonies were presided over by the Very Rev. Dr.

George Florovsky, formerly of the Orthodox Theological Academy in

Paris, and now a member of St. Vladimir's faculty. The ceremonies

included a worship service held in the James Memorial Chapel of

Union Theological Seminary.

Dr. Florovsky announced that messages of greeting were received

from Metropolitan Theophilus of San Francisco, rector of the academy,

and a group of prominent Protestant clergymen and educators.

The latter included Dr. Henry P, Van Dusen, president of

Union Seminary; Prof. Clarence A. Manning, of Columbia University;

and Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, associate general secretary of the

World Council of Churches.

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