Communist prison life in China, after 1953.

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    Good evening at this time we present by transcription the weekly program "Religion Makes News."
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    Religion makes news is designed to keep you informed about the
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    activities and services of the Protestant churches in this community. This evening we
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    present an interview with Dr. John D. Hayes missionary to China from the National
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    Presbyterian Church. Before hearing from Dr. Hayes, we
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    present Eugene Ellison with some church news. A week from this coming
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    Friday evening, September the 18th, the young adults of the National Presbyterian Church 18th,
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    and M streets, will leave for a week end fall retreat at Orkneys
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    Springs in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Come and be one of the
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    150 attending. The program includes time for religious inspiration
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    recreation and social good time. If you are interested call National
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    8 5 9. 5 9.
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    Do you want to become a Christian leader? Do you want to know how the church can serve the community better?
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    The Methodist Youth Fellowship at the Mount Vernon place Methodist Church will be having classes on these bible
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    subject beginning next Sunday evening at September 13th at 7:50PM. Weekday
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    Classes will begin at 7 o'clock p.m. on
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    Saturday September 19th at 2:30 p.m.. There will
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    be a picnic in group number 30 23 Rock Creek Park.
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    This will be the concluding feature of the week program closing with a Communion service conducted by the
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    pastor Dr. Alfred P. Shirky. All young people between the ages of
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    16 and 24 are cordially invited. Registration will close this Sunday
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    evening. The church is located at 900 Massachusetts Avenue
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    Northwest and may be reached by taking buses on the F-2 , F-4 , U-2 or X-2 lines. you two or x two lines.
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    See you at the Fall fellowship. This is T. Nelson and I
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    turn the program over to Neil Chism. Thank you.
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    During the hostilities in Korea many servicemen were taken prisoners
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    by the communist while in the P.O.W. Camps. These fellows were
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    exposed to not only mistreatment and forced confessions but
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    also to communist propaganda and doctrine. Several
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    questions foremost in people's minds today are what effect has
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    this had on our prisoners of war. And if any have turned communist. Just what
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    can we do about it. And more especially. What can we as Christians do about it.
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    Tonight we have with us Dr. John D. Hayes a man
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    whom we feel is capable of bringing to us some time thinking on these questions.
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    He himself as a missionary in China was imprisoned by the Communists and
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    knows at first hand how it feels to return to his homeland after such an
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    ordeal. Dr. Hayes without any further ado
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    What effect do you think the imprisonment of our servicemen has had
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    upon their lives and their thinking.
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    I think I realized at first that as far as
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    the communists are concerned, the Geneva convention really only
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    applies to those who signed it. Those are the backward nations that
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    haven't come as far forward in social progress as that of Russian
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    and Communist China. And to that a lot of questions in my
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    own mind I'm sure that most if not all of our form or
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    another of indoctrination especially those that they wish to use.
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    This is a glorious opportunity of having these Americans in their hands and presenting to
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    them the communist idea of a simple life, the brotherhood of the worker, the
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    dictatorship of the masses. And they would then
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    try and get the American to see it. I remember my own judge saying
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    to me one time, "You Americans all dress differently. And, of course, you enjoy that
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    way of doing. But for me I enjoy dressing in
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    the simple garb of a Communist Party member
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    and others do the same. And you see we're all dressed in either gray or green or
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    blue and representing different factions. And we have a certain joy
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    in simple life but they don't stop there, unfortunately. They
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    have the idea that only by cracking our morale,
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    breaking down our sense of loyalty will we ever be able to accept the
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    ideals that they wish to give. And so they
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    try various methods either by cruelty or
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    torture or by long hours of questioning or
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    by a subtle suggestion or the withholding of food or whatever it may be, bringing the mind
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    down to a certain level where they feel they can and that they can impress
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    on it their ideal. Well Dr. Hayes.
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    What does the communists hope to gain by this propaganda? They hope to
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    gain the man's mind completely under their control. They
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    say one must give up this idea of individual freedom. They say individual
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    freedom doesn't exist in the working world anyway. And this idea of conscience, that's all hooey.
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    That's the thing that really counts. It's what they call group Liberty. And one thing that views
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    group Liberty then that means that the actions of the
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    various members are all controlled by the party member in charge of that group.
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    Dr. Hayes last night on a televison show I saw a
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    story about a returning P.O.W. And, it seems that his
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    wife tried to explain to him that she understood
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    what he had gone through, that she was trying to understand what he had
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    gone through.
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    And she in turn wanted to help him readjust himself.
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    She had told of the waiting times that were waiting for his letters and all the rest of
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    that. No. Just what can an American do? What an average American do to help the P.O.W. readjust himself to his community life again?
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    First of all I don't think we can quite understand what they have gone through, to be quite
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    frank. And, asking them questions
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    about their prison experience is for those who have suffered any
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    torture of mind and spirit, it's actually physical pain.
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    You just can't stand it. It was months before I could stand people asking me
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    questions about my prison experience, And, what these men went through is
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    far worse than that. So that one must wait for these wounds
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    of the Spirit to heal over a bit and then they'll start talking.
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    And here comes the test. They'll be indoctrinated in some ways and they'll
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    begin speaking in ways that will seem strange to us because when you
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    realize for two or three years, they've just been hearing one line of argument put
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    up to them and one kind of thinking and the calmness of acting out their
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    idea that a man's mind is a creation of his environment. And, they
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    provide the environment. Well it's obvious that a man when he reply that first
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    he's going to talk with some of that jargon. Now. It's absolutely essential
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    that one pays attention with respect and takes it all in because what we are
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    trying to get is to get that man back on his feet to get that man with a certain
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    sense of assurance  and self-confidence because
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    by so doing we're able to get his own real judgment starting again.
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    And that isn't a simple matter. What has helped me has been the
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    friendship of longstanding friends that have helped
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    recapture for me and memories of other earlier days and the spirit of early
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    days of the spirit of one's environment. And so it's essential that we forget
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    about a man's deeds and that sort of thing, and treat him as a friend, and begin to help him to
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    recapture his own spirit. And then comes the most interesting part of all. These
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    men are really mines of valuable information. And, they're the only
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    ones that can begin to speak on it. And when they start speaking when
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    they start to review their own experiences once they've once they get poised then they'll
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    reveal to us the methods used and the real
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    form of psychological warfare and understanding with methods and objectives and the way
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    perhaps we haven't yet got fully in mind. And when they do
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    that. It can only be done by a certain sense of expectancy in our part we expect them to come
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    across it and as they do it they'll feel the mind of getting clear and getting
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    free and getting a load off their conscience and off their chest that will
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    really help them once more to orient themselves in our life and thought.  Thank You. Well there one thing
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    that sort of concerns me and that is
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    the question of communism. Is there any way at all that these
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    these fellows in coming back? Is there any way that they can help now
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    to to help us as Americans understand communism
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    and to and how we can overcome it? I think
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    they're the ones having been through the mill in part are
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    the ones that will give us an understanding of the method that
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    communism uses to attain its end. The
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    ideals of communism we can read in books, but we
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    hardly realize how much a part of actual physical
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    force and cruelty and misrepresentation of truth
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    play a part in their system and that these men will give us an
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    understanding of that and they will then help us to see
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    how we can meet it and how we in helping them to
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    reorient themselves back into life, we will be will be given
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    the method of approach not only to these men that are returning but also
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    into lines as to how to reach those who live behind the behind the Iron
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    Curtain. So to my mind they're very valuable indeed and we should regard them as
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    such and let them feel that they come back as esteemed members of
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    our community. And then watch the result. That's the way the communist
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    themselves. Curiously enough at treat their own prisoners. Once
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    you come out of a communist jail you're regarded as an
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    honored member of the community because you have now purged yourself of
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    any of the old practices that sort of thing. And that teacher honored. Well in
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    somewhat similar way we can treat these men came back out of these prison
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    camps in Korea. But in a in a deeper sense
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    because they'll be bringing to us information that we cannot get to any other way.
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    And when they read that realize that they're valuable to this extent that will give them a great
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    thrill to go forward and help us to meet this menace of communism.
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    Now Dr. Hayes. Since we're in the interest of religion here how can
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    the Christian church serve to help these returning service men with their
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    problems or their ideals? I
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    think it can help greatly because a matter of fact
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    communism isn't really a social political or
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    economic order so much as a religious faith. That's
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    why the the communists, both in Russia and in China,
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    they're afraid of the Christian church. They rule God out
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    and these men coming back have seen what a materialistic
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    order can be like in its very worse analysis.
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    It'll be a revelation to them of what life would be
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    without the Christian faith. We accept our Constitution as being found in the Christian faith
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    and we revel in the freedom we have little
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    realizing that all these have been founded on a Christian faith. And so these men come
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    back they'll be particularly open to this line of approach
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    to see that the traditions of America that our founding our ideals our freedom
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    all date back to the faith of our fathers carried on by
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    the church even down to the present day. And then with
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    this in mind they'll see that these communist countries need this above all.
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    One thing that has attracted me greatly about our Voice of America program recently is the release
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    of religious programs over into Communist countries, but we don't
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    know how to go about this yet. We haven't got sufficient personnel who have become acquainted
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    with the practices of communist China or other nations who really understand the
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    movement of thought out there in order to give voice to a faith like that of real love and
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    understanding. Thank you. Dr. Hayes I think that you've certainly clarified a
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    lot of thoughts for us. Thank you.
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    You have just heard an interview with Dr. John D. Hayes missionary to China
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    from the National Presbyterian church of Washington conducting the interview with Neil Chisholm of
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    the National Presbyterian Church and Eugene Ellison of Mount Vernon Place Methodist church.
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    Religion makes news a transcribed program is presented by the Washington Federation of
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    churches. This is Earl Harbaugh speaking, inviting you to join us again next week at this same
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