KFAB Church of the Air, Dundee Church choir and Dr. Louis Evans, 1957.

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    Come now. It's time for worship by transcription in the Church of the Air.
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    [Choral introit]
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    Yes We invite you to come into the Church of the Air now for worship and adoration. These services
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    of inspiration and adoration come from the main sanctuary of Dundee Presbyterian Church in Omaha,
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    Fifty-fifth and Underwood. We pray that you will be with us each Sunday morning at this time
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    in the Church of the Air.
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    [Choral introit resumes.]
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    Let us pray. Eternal God, Lord of all being, who has shown
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    thy greatness and power in the mighty forces of thy universe, which thou has created.
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    But hast revealed thy goodness and love in the personality of Jesus Christ, our
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    Lord. We come to thee, because we trust thee. And art assured that
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    thou hearest and seest in secret, wherever we are and whenever we come
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    to thee. We thank thee that thou hast made known to us thy care for
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    us, thy care for all of us and thy understanding of our needs. Help
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    us in thy presence to see our true needs, as thou dost see them. Thou
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    knowest all that we want, but we pray with the humble realisation that
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    thou knowest better than we what is truly good for us. To
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    thy higher will, we would learn to yield in humble obedience
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    and loving trust. Thou who didst send thy son to live and die for us,
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    we trust that thous wilt freely give us all things that are best for us.
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    And so we yield ourselves in love and obedience to thee. Through Jesus
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    Christ, our Lord. Amen. [Choir sings "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord."]
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    The choir of the Church of the Air, under the direction of John D. Miller, sings this morning one
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    of the best known chorales of the many beautiful ones in church music from words written
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    originally by Martin Jahn and music composed by Johann Sebastian
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    Bach for his Cantata one hundred forty seven. We hear "Jesu,
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    Joy of Man's Desiring." [Choral anthem sung.]
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    Where two or three
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    are gathered together in my name, sayeth the master, there am I in the midst
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    of them. [Choir sings "Gloria Patri."] These
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    Church of the Air services are brought to you each Sunday morning by Dundee Presbyterian
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    Church, Fifty-fifth and Underwood in Omaha. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian
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    Church in the United States of America is meeting in Omaha this week. At
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    the eleven o'clock service at Dundee this morning, the newly elected moderator of the General
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    Assembly will preach the sermon. On this Church of the Air broadcast this
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    morning, we have the pleasure to present as our guest preacher from the leaders of
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    the General Assembly, Dr Louis H. Evans, former minister
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    of First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood California, and now minister
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    at large under the Presbyterian National Board. Dr Evans' task
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    recently has taken him in lectureships to the atomic scientists at
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    Los Alamos to the guided missile scientists at China Lake and
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    to a conference of nearly a thousand called by the Pentagon in
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    view of this recent experience. He takes as his subject for us the
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    Lord is my shepherd or what science is thinking and
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    now Dr Lewis H. Evans. The Lord
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    is my shepherd I shall not want. But if he is not our Shepherd, how we
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    shall want. Now this is a fitting text I think for an age that is just
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    lately trusted so much in technology. Charles Lindbergh, ace flyer and
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    aircraft scientist, said some time ago. Once I was a disciple of man and science.
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    I said science is my shepherd, I shall not want, but now I see that science is
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    no shepherd at all.It is but a sheep, and the eternal spirit must lead us or we
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    will annihilate ourselves. Now this terse statement indicates, I think, a
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    turn in the minds of men, gradual but a turning. Scientism
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    that made a god out of science is bankrupt. If once a technologist was
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    our Messiah, if his laboratory had become our chapel, and
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    the smell of his chemicals our incense rising to a material God. If
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    his chemical chart was our creed, and his test tubes were our sceptres of power,
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    and our psalmody like this science is my shepherd. Then
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    we have changed a bit again to the Lord is my shepherd, we shall not want.
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    Many are searching now for a central aim in life. How do we know if we succeed
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    or fail unless we know what success is? If we are not
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    sure what we are striving for, how do we know whether or not we have attained?
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    If we are within the circle of God's will for us that is fine. But, until you establish
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    a center, you cannot even draw a circle. How then can we know whether or not we stand
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    within the circle of his divine will? Now two choices go to make up
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    your calling and mine. First of all we must choose our vocation. That is the supreme
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    central purpose for living, the magnificent obsession, the fundamental drive, the
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    thing that makes us tick and go. Now there is a single
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    vocation for us all. "Voca." l I am called Christ gave it to us. Thy kingdom come.
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    Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. To make this world a kind of a place where God's
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    will is done in fraternity, sorority, goodness, peace, truth, prosperity,
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    love in Christ like this so that we are all called. And, however you make your living,
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    this must be what we are living for. Now that of course has to do with the human equation.
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    This is dearest to God and it must be dearest to us. What is happening to people?
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    Roger Babson the great business expert put it this way. We all realize now that
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    the preeminent object of all mercantile establishment, banks, stores, churches, schools
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    is to make people healthier and happier. And it's a crime to be in any profession that
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    makes people less happy and less healthy. Now the second choice
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    is your profession. Now that's a particular tool you choose for bringing the kingdom to pass in
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    your own way but that's secondary. Now this is the arresting question then.
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    Is my profession the servant of my vocation? Is my way of
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    making a living ministering to my desire to make a life happier, healthier,
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    more Christ like, and godly? Now, this is the inherent restlessness among the scientists
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    today. Is my profession making people healthier and happier? Now
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    they are encouraged, of course, by the great affirmative side. They have given us
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    the merciful penicillin, the helpful scalpel for the operating room,
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    light that brings brilliance to the church, the chapel,
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    and the home. I stood for months beside an iron lung watching my daughter try
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    to breathe, and how I think God for the merciful scientists then. It gives
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    us an airplane and from that you can drop baskets for the starving in the Berlin
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    airlift. Thank God for the scientist. How selflessly they seek
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    profounder meanings hidden in the lump of moss or the iron ore. How they have found
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    in energy the secrets God smiled to know a billion years before. Counting their lives
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    not dear till they discover some bit of truth. the weigh ins all on get something to make
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    the lives to come the richer when they themselves will shut their eyes and rest.
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    Still Lord God walks with noiseless footfalls, visits the workshops of these
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    patient men, smiles on their test tubes, their revealing lenses
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    and it is good, God murmurs once again. Thank
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    God for that. But the scientists realize is if you and I are careless with our vocation,
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    our purpose is changed and then suddenly everything becomes negative. That scalpel
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    he made becomes a dagger. The light burns a man to a crisp
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    in an electric chair. He does not build a lung, he builds an iron tank.
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    And, when it fires its gun, someone ceases to walk or to breathe for ever.
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    and then he must make a bomb dropped from a plane that
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    burns eighty thousand to cinder and to crisp. That's what's troubling him.
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    The expert making a long range gun to exterminate everyone under the sun would like to get
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    out, but it was heard to mutter, "What can I do? It's my bread and butter." You and
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    I have got to do something with the help of Christ to the heart of civilization so he can
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    use his profession for other things. Now of course that get back
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    to a purpose. A lot of the scientists feel we must be strong.
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    That a doctor must cut to cure any must hurt to heal but this purpose was be behind it all. One
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    Bombardier said that in the World War when he was marching or flying on a bombing mission.
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    He said I read my Bible in German. I said the Lord's Prayer in French, and I talked
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    to God in English. And, I said, "God, those are my brothers down there. They've got to be stopped,
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    but they're my brothers. Can we go to war without hating? I remember
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    one of the first men wounded in the Korean War from our congregation was a young lieutenant. Part
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    of his face was shot away. And, his right eye gone. And, there were shrapnel in his hip. I
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    went up to Letterman Hospital to which he had been flown. And, as he saw me, came limping to me, put his arms around me,
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    and said, "Hi ya, Doc! How's things?" I said, "Fine. Bill, how's things with you?" He said, "Fine, Doc.
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    This is great stuff." I said, "Great stuff? Part of your face shot
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    away and your right eye gone." Well, he said, "You know we set them free." There was no
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    hatred in his heart. Probably Christ would permit
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    us defensive warfare, not the war of revenge. because he said put up thy sword when
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    Peter cut off the servant's ear. But, he said in Luke twenty two, you
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    know, he that hath no sword let him sell his garments and buy one. They
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    were going through those robber district of Jericho. And, the disciples came back and said, "Lord.
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    Behold here are two swords." And Jesus said to them, "It's enough." I
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    think Christ would permit us when going through the Jericho of bandit nations all about
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    us, ready to rob us even of our freedom, to carry one or two swords for our defense.
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    but we must keep our motives pure. John Foster Dulles [Secretary of State] said in Chicago some
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    time ago I think I can honestly say that I've never seen the United States of America do a willfully
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    selfish thing in the U.N. May we keep our motives clean. But
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    the scientists realize all the while they are defending us with possible swords against
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    aggression that they must change the soul of man/ I
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    was in Germany this summer with the occupation forces with General von Brunn and General Hodes [Major General Henry Irving Hodes]. And
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    as Mrs Evans and I were driving along, we saw this sign Dachau, indicating the position
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    of that renowned city. If you're ride along with the scientist in the back seat
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    you notice him duck is headed so he didn't notice a sign at all, because Dachau,
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    to the German stands for science without God. Rotting flesh, the smell
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    of the gas chamber, and putrefying bodies. If you go on to Heidelberg
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    University the chancellor might say this to you again as he said it once. We have
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    enough of science without God. Philosophy without God gave
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    us illusions. Physiology without God gave us euthanasia. Physics
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    without God gave us a gas chamber and we have enough of it. That's education
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    for brutality and we're done with it. Now that's the way many scientists feel. That
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    our defenses. These weapons are just a holding power to give us time time
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    time until we can change the human heart. But many know therein lies the trouble.
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    A sergeant in the tank corps, Mannheim in Germany, this summer handed me down in a seven foot
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    leap from the top of a tank and whispered this to me. He said, "You know, Dr Evans, I'm getting out of the service in three
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    months and then I'm going to seminary and going into the ministry. We're going to settle this thing right."
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    He knew there was just one way of settling it right. We were spending some time
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    with high officer of NATO just back from examining the defenses
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    of Europe. And we noticed out there in the beach that he was
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    working on some plans. I said, "Are these defense plans?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are they classified?"
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    private he said No I said let me see them. There were plans for revamping
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    two Sunday school rooms in the National Presbyterian Church of Washington D.C.,
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    where he was Sunday school superintendent. And, he said, "Louis. That's real defense."
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    I was speaking to the guided missile scientists or rather to the Atomic Scientists at Los Alamos.
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    And, I said to the chaplain. "I'd like to meet this great atomic scientist, Dr Graves. Where can
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    I see him?" He said, Evans, he has a pail of paint in his hand and a paint
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    brush. He's out there painting two Sunday school rooms for our annex." sees a great church
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    when I said that The peaceful use of the atom
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    to if God is our shepherd. President Eisenhower wants three hundred fifty million dollars to set up
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    these atomic demonstration stations around the world to give ourselves to the peaceful use
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    of the atom. That isn't much. That's one fifteenth of the military aid we gave to one country alone.
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    This would help us in agriculture. Grow wheat, barley, oats impervious
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    practically to scale and rust and help to feed a half of the world that goes hungry
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    every night. Medicine. Atomic radiation would give us two isotopes
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    that have already helped a half a million people in diagnosis, would give poor nations
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    power that have no water power, no electricity to drive their ships and light their homes.
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    Russia claims to be loving the world but it's bluffing. We've got to prove it and
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    we must take our atomic power not merely to say to the world. We'll show you what we can do to
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    the world. We must say we'll show you what we can do for the world. The
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    world of dying killing. The world people don't merely
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    desire that we make bombs for them, make dams for them, make guns for them.
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    The world wants is to make love to them. and this is our great opportunity
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    now. The God of Love must be our shepherd.
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    The technical then is just the prologue of a possible masterpiece.
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    It is merely a preparation for being of service to God and men. We
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    cannot applaud our means of saying things through wireless, radio, T.V.,
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    and the press until spiritually we have something worth saying to the souls
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    of men. What use is power unless we have
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    a spiritual purpose for the use of that power. Why learned to paint if
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    we have nothing worth splashing on canvas? Why learn to sing
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    if there's nothing more singing about? Why speed in an plane
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    and in an automobile if we don't know where we're going? Why plan
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    plan for interplanetary visitation if we don't even love Africa enough
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    to bring Christ to them? Why be strong in force if
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    we are not iron clad in faith? Science is a shepherd.
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    It is a sheep, but the Lord must lead us. God
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    makes science and technology simply a prologue and let our spiritual
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    service to God in Christ in the world be the final masterpiece.
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    Our motives and our motors pierce the clouds they penetrate
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    the depths of oceans. Microscopes reveal new worlds to conquer.
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    While we dedicate our intellects to strength of stone and steel. We
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    are proud as those who build a tower to reach to heaven. Recklessly
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    we rear our lofty Babels, arrogant with power.
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    How dare we boast of cities while we hear the nation's groping through
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    the dark along this road of life. What right have we for pride
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    till truth is steel and faith is iron strong, till
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    man and God are working side by side. Then let our prayers
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    and labours never cease. We act the prologue of a masterpiece.
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    Should we pray. Lord Jesus Christ, thou great
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    shepherd of the sheep. Shepherd us. Give us a purpose
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    for our power. Add soul to our science. Add mercy
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    to our might. And add love to our limbs of steel.
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    And when the Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want again.
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    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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    [Hymn: "Praise the Lord, His Glories Show." Tune: Llanfair.]
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    The grace
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    of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all
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    now and forever. Amen.
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    [Choral benediction response. "The Lord Bless you and Keep You."]
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    [Organ plays fanfare from hymn "God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand."]
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    Sunday at this same hour
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    we hope you'll join us for another Church or the Air service that is made possible by Dundee Presbyterian
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    Church fifty fifth and Underwood in Omaha. The program is under the general
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    supervision of Dr Edward W. Stimson minister of Dundee, the choir is directed by John
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    D. Miller, Junior. Our organist is Evelyn Smith Swanson. This is your announcer Thompson
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    Holtz inviting you to join us again next Sunday as by tape recording we bring you the Church
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    of the Air.
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    [Hymn continues. ]
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