Eugene Carson Blake, "The Church and Communism," May 9, 1961.

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    I was asked by your committee to speak to you on the subject of the
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    churches and communism. It was
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    Adolf Hitler who perfected first the technique of the
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    big lie.
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    He proved that falshood repeated enough could
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    brainwash a whole people, no matter how absurd the falsehood might
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    appear to the rational mind when it was first stated.
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    Los Angeles Presbytery, along with its churches is being subjected now to
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    the Big Lie technique by this current rash
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    charges that the churches, particularly Protestant churches,
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    and the ministry, particularly Protestant ministers, have been
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    widely infiltrated by communism.
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    Louis Cassels of United Press International in an article in The New
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    York World Telegram, and in some other papers I'm sure,
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    on last April twenty ninth wrote,
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    "F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover is deeply concerned about the
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    danger that self-appointed vigilantes, may in the
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    name of anti communism, play into communist hands.
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    During the past few weeks, Mr Hoover has sent F.B.I. Chief
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    Inspector William C. Sullivan to deliver speeches in many parts of the
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    nation, warning Americans not to be taken in by
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    charges that their churches are overrun by Reds.
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    These allegations have served to create the
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    impression among many Americans that the Protestant denominations in
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    particular have been subjected to alarming infiltration and
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    influence. Mr Sullivan says." He goes on, "But
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    this is patent false hood. The truth is that the
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    Communist Party has not achieved any substantial success
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    in exerting domination, control or influence
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    over America's clergyman or religious institutions on a national
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    scale." Mr Cassels, quoting this continues, "Mr Sullivan
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    is not making this statement on his own authority. He is
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    speaking with the full approval and personal backing of Mr Hoover.
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    And the F.B.I. director has so informed a number of amateur communist
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    hunters who wrote him protesting Mr Sullivan's speeches."
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    That is the end of the quotation. I know of no stronger or
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    more recent third party evidence that I can quote for you this morning
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    to make it perfectly clear that the widespread allegations, and
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    I hope all of you recognize the difference between allegations and evidence,
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    the widespread allegations of communist infiltration
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    of the Protestant ministry, of the leadership of our church, and our churches
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    or of the National Council of Churches. I hope that this makes it clear that this
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    is a brazen falsehood. If any of you have
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    been worried about these charges, and I'm sure many of you have, I hope you're convinced.
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    May I go further and remind you that repeating these
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    slanders and libels or even gossiping about them
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    makes you an accessory to the conspiracy, which is attempting to
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    weaken the influence of your pulpits, your churches, and
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    your councils locally and nationally. I would
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    remind you this morning that we have traced to their sources these lies
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    about the Protestant churches and their ministry. I do not intend to
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    list these sources for you, for nothing pleases these
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    apostles of discord more than to receive publicity that they cannot get
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    on their own, for having someone like me name them publicly.
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    All the letters I received after my sermon of a few
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    weeks ago at Santa Barbara on this same general topic was one
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    from one of the well known sources of this falsehood. And, he
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    complained that I had not mentioned him in my sermon in Santa Barbara,
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    that I had left him out of my list of the sources. And, he said we originated some
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    of these charges about the National Council of Churches. My
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    reason was that he and his pamphlets did not happen to be listed on the single
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    sheet of calumny that formed the basis of my sermon outline to
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    the Santa Barbara congregation. The text of my sermon was "Thou shalt not bear
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    false witness against thy neighbor." And I believe, in the forty minutes
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    that it took me, which is about twice as long as I think a normal sermon should be.
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    It took me forty minutes to answer one sheet twice the
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    size of this, printed on both sides of false allegations,
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    mostly put in the form of questions, so that you can back off and say
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    "Well, we never said that. We just implied the lie."
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    Course he should have made his complaint to the anonymous cowards who printed and circulated
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    that poisoned sheet to the members of the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara.
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    This is one of the things that seems hardly possible, that members of our church
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    would begin to use the anonymous technique and be afraid to identify
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    themselves with what they circulate or even to give their names on
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    repeated telephone calls. But we can identify without
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    too much trouble the original sources of the lies about our church. You
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    can tell your people, the ministers here I'm speaking to, particularly now, but chances are
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    probably better than ten to one that any church story is false that is they
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    dateline Tulsa, Oklahoma; Collingswood, New Jersey; Madison,
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    Wisconsin; Cincinnati, Ohio; or Wheaton, Illinois.
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    Most of these alleged facts go back to the McCarthy era or even
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    earlier and have been denied and disproved as far
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    as anyone can disprove. I remind you that both the
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    Presbyterian and the American system is that the person who makes an allegation has the
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    responsibility to prove it or withdraw it rather than the person who is attacked
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    having the responsibility to disprove it. But, they have been denied and dis-
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    proves again and again by the responsible people.
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    If that's so, how is it that they still trouble us.
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    This is the real question.
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    Partly because the Big Lie technique doesn't depend upon facts at all,
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    but partly now because the old lies are being actively circulated by the
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    same people, who were McCarthy stooges a few years ago, and even before
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    McCarthy. I found the same people in Pasadena are now in the John Birch
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    Society, who attacked the school system of Pasadena when
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    I was a pastor there. The same crowd, doing the same thing. They are now
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    reorganized into typical totalitarian cells of disruption,
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    under. I understand, the retired candy manufacturer of the Commonwealth
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    of Massachusetts.
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    The illogic of this whole campaign has been again and again illustrated by that
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    man's own words.
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    In effect, he is saying to us a Communist conspiracy is the
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    most important and most dangerous thing that we are facing in the world. That you
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    can't trust anybody, not the president, not the State
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    Department, not the politicians, the congressman, not the army, not
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    anybody who can run and be elected for office. Certainly not the newspapers or the
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    preachers. Therefore, he says, trust me!
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    argument to trust him is that he has a nose for communists.
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    When this more than usual a fantastic charge was publicized that former President
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    Eisenhower was a communist, and not even the top one, his older brother was
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    his boss in the party. Even most of his followers even
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    realized that that was going too far. But their lack of
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    logic and common sense made them say, oh course that's going too
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    far I don't agree that President Eisenhower was a communist, but still most
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    play people are communist, you see. You are an influence.
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    may I suggest to you that a little Aristotle would be helpful here.
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    When a totalitarian scoundrel is caught
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    charging falsely that one distinguished patriot is a communist
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    or a communist dupe, the logical conclusion, according to
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    Aristotle's logic or any other more modern logic,
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    is not that now he's gone too far but, rather, that this
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    proves that he does not in any respect know what he is talking about.
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    This is not an exception which proves a rule, if you know what that really
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    means. This is an exception.
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    This is a fact which makes his whole nose for
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    communism technique suspect upon the face of it.
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    The other reason for the current increase in the circulation and acceptance of these false charges
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    about communist infiltration is the fact that, generally speaking, the
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    American people are frightened. Things have not been going
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    very well in the Cold War. Cuba and Laos have taken a
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    good deal of hope and confidence from a great many of the American people.
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    This real ground of fear of communist success, as
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    against our success of responsible freedom and
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    democracy, this fear is a fertile field for planting
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    seeds of distrust. We are all happy if we can find somewhere
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    a scapegoat to blame our worsening situation upon, if
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    it is a worsening situation. Let me repeat what I have
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    often said and most deeply believe. Free pulpits
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    and free churches all across this land are the best bulwark against
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    communism that this nation owns. And, I'm not really
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    fearful that our church will be mortally hurt by these attacks against us.
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    What I do fear is that we will become so busy
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    defending ourselves that we will not make the contribution we should
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    to true Americanism in our several communities and in the nation
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    as a whole. Our churches in every community should
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    be inspiring that community to support the United Nations
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    as man's best hope for peace and freedom in this kind of world. Instead of that, some of
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    you are afraid to mention the United Nations out here. K.P. P. C. was the
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    first station that gave regular United Nations news in
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    this West Coast when they began to broadcast radio.
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    Nobody else was even giving you the information as to what was going
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    on in the press or radio. And, that was the first like. This is the
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    kind of contribution that the church should be made. Let people who read and
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    know what is being said by the representatives of the other nations as they meet together,
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    instead of stirring up the kinds of fears that people have. Of course,
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    it's terribly difficult to be sitting in the United Nations with a communist bloc there
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    trying to block everything that the world would like
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    to be able to accomplish, attacking even the Secretary General.
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    This is, of course, a controversial area, but I'm saying my own
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    word for the United Nations, not that I believe necessarily it will
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    succeed in establishing peace or justice in the Congo or anywhere else in
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    the world. But I suggest that those who attack it,
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    are really asking for the kind of division of the world
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    that can lead to nothing but mutual destruction, in view of the
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    kind of power that both the Soviet Union and ourselves now control.
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    Our churches and every community should be taking the lead in support of the public schools,
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    against those trying to disrupt them by making false charges against many of the
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    best and most conscientious teachers that we have. This is going on in your
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    communities and, if you are busy protecting yourself, you're not going to be a very
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    effective in supporting a good and responsible public
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    school board and system and P.T.A. etc etc. Our
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    churches should be busy preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of
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    God that alone will give us that kind of courage we need to face the
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    real threats to our nation, to our culture, and our civilization.
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    I come here then today to my own presbytery at your invitation to urge you all to get
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    off the defensive. And, that every church to begin to attack,
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    begin the attack that our nation needs to be protected
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    from those who, in their fear of communism, would really
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    destroy American freedom. And, if these attackers of our
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    freedom have infiltrated Presbyterians sessions, I remind you that the
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    presbytery has power to go into that church in the support of courageous
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    preachers who will preach the truth. If these enemies of freedom have
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    infiltrated our membership, sessions have the power and the duty to
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    discipline members who slander the Church of Jesus Christ by false
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    charges of communism. May I interpolate here that I am not
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    suggesting that we ought to try to make everybody think alike on political,
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    economic, or social issues. But all I am saying is that there is
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    still the ninth commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against Thy neighbor"
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    and presbyteries and sessions have the responsibility of seeing that people
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    obey it, if, as far as they are able to do so.
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    And, there is no reason for our sessions to allow a church to be
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    disrupted by people spreading distrust, which is slander.
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    Now it's true that our gospel is not always popular.
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    In truth some of our members and even our officers may be bothered when they
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    hear the Christian Gospel preached. But, I urge
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    you ministers and elders not to be afraid to stand for the Christian faith.
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    Let me this morning remind you what our biblical faith is.
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    Even though I shall have time only to set forth in brief outline.
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    You are to write your own sermons.
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    All Christians worthy of the name believe in God as revealed in Jesus
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    Christ. That in itself makes it quite clear that we don't have to spend all of our
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    time saying I'm not a communist. Anybody who has this faith
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    is not a communist. If we really believe in the sovereign
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    living God, why should the Communist conspiracy or its
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    totalitarian and fascist cousins make us afraid?
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    Let's encourage our people then to trust God, to speak the truth, to
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    believe in the victory of righteousness that Christ has
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    already won.
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    This is what the gospel is about, and this ought to give us
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    a strength, a community of courage,
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    a community of faith that could face destruction of our way of
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    Still, in faith, I was hearing a man talk very piously about
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    God one time and then the subject of Russia came up. And, after
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    having been so pious about God and how he believed in Him, he made it perfectly clear that he didn't think God could
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    do anything about Russia.
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    Russia was way beyond the sovereign God, and that this
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    we and the military had to take care of.
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    Well, we are in a situation where we need military defense. I've never been a pacifist. There are
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    Christians who are pacifists. But my faith
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    is not in the strength of our wealth, the strength
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    of our military. The ultimate strength and security that you and
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    I should be depending upon is the Living God, Creator of heaven and earth,
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    the sovereign over the whole world.
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    This is what we're in business to preach to our people. And, all Christians
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    worthy of the name know that love rather than hate is
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    ultimately the most powerful weapon. We need to be reminded that
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    Jesus said "Love your enemies." Let's not be afraid to preach
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    Christ, even if some will charge then that you are weak or
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    stupid or an idealist or out of touch with reality.
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    What hope has the Christian pulpit of being respected if the preacher is afraid to preach
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    Biblical truth? What else are you preachers paid your salaries for, after
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    all? Can we dare let our pulpits become soft
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    echoes of the worst prejudices of our people? This is really what we're
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    I remember during World War
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    two, I was a pastor in this area.
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    There were some people who didn't want me to preach about peace, because the communists were for
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    peace. Before the communist party was
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    established, the Christian church has been for peace. I
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    suggest the Christian church will be standing long after the last remnant of communism has been destroyed
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    and will be still standing for peace. During the time that I was a
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    pastor in Pasadena, there were some people, some of these same people, by the
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    way, who were pressing me to lay off the
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    fact that the Japanese were people for whom Christ died,
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    that Germans really weren't human or that
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    I should modify what I was saying and not make it
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    clear that we believed that God had plans and purposes for these
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    then enemies, prayed for them even. How
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    forgetful are we supposed to be in a very few short years now if
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    the Japanese and the Germans are our bulwark against the real enemies. That happens
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    to be now the Russians. And, we're not allowed to preach the Gospel in
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    relationship to the Russians either. The other people somehow got
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    rescued, since the Japanese and the Germans are our bulwarks against them.
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    You can't please this crowd of people. Why try? Why not
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    try preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ? Tell your
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    people why from Christian grounds, we have to help the poor nations
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    out of our abundance.
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    This is something that the Gospel has to say positively
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    Remind them that the Christian faith is concerned about all men: Russians,
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    Latin Americans, Negroes, Mexicans, as well us stupid and decadent
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    white Protestants. Don't pull your punches.
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    Some will get into trouble for sure. So did Jesus Christ.
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    Don't let the doctors make you afraid to challenge them to provide better
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    medical care for old people. Don't let your realtors keep you silent about
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    housing or about open covenants of occupancy for all races.
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    Do you think that we dare let the communists be the friends of the poor and
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    the hungry and the disinherited, the only friends? And, if we find ourselves
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    therefore, for some of the things, the Daily Worker is for, is
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    this going to worry you? These things come out of the Gospel. The
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    communist heresy has taken some of the best out of the Gospel and added its
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    own brand of poison to it. Surely, you want every one of us to be
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    persuasive if we can, but don't expect that the Gospel is ever going
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    to win you a popularity contest. In addition to these general
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    Christian truths that we're obligated as Christian ministers to preach and as Christian
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    elders to try to apply in our lives and congregation,
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    let us remember our Presbyterian heritage and stand up for it as well.
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    For we Presbyterians believe that constitutional representative
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    government is the right way for free men to govern themselves under God
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    in both church and state. And don't let anybody get
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    away with challenging that heritage in your part of the Presbyterian Church.
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    We Presbyterians believe that our religion, both individual and corporate,
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    ought to bear upon the whole realm of human life. And don't let
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    anybody silence you or make you afraid to apply the gospel as well as you
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    can to economics, to politics, to social ethics, or to anything else that
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    is controversial. You want to have that kind of church, the only place that I know of you can
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    find it in full is in certain of the communist countries, where the church is
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    unable to say anything about anything except what is within the
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    walls and the various ancient liturgies. We Calvinists cannot
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    settle for that kind of an interpretation of Christianity, even
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    under pressure, for we Presbyterians believe in the emphasis on the
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    sovereignty of God. A sovereign God strong enough to accomplish His
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    will in the face of Satan and all his courts cohorts. Let us
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    behave as if we did believe it. Surely we are not promised that such
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    a course will be easy or pleasant or even successful.
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    We don't know what God's will may be for us, our church, our
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    nation, but we do know that, if we are disobedient, if we are
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    faithless in our times of trial, there is no hope.
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    But that God Himself must repudiate us as faithless
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    servants. Let's then get off the defensive.
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    Let's move into the battle. Let's so behave that the world may note what
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    we say and do, and, perhaps because of us,
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    be drawn to Jesus Christ because they see that we
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    are His.
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    [Turner, Herman Lee speaking] Sir. It is my duty to inform you. To announce to this
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    house that you [McKelvey, Paul D.] have been duly elected to the office of Moderator in this General
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    Assembly. Congratulations. For your direction in office and for the direction of this General Assembly
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    and all your deliberations, before I leave this seat, I am
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    to read, and fortunately the footnote says that I may hand this manual
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    to you.
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    To you and this house, the rules contained in the records of the General Assembly,
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    which I doubt not will be carefully observed by both, in conducting the
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    business that may become before may come before you. Here the moderator
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    delivers the book. And I've got to hand it to you then take it back
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    because I don't have another one. I have one in my coat. I give you
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    this book.
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    Now, having read the rules,
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    I assume you have all read them. to order for your instruction as moderator
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    and for the direction of all the members in the management of business, praying that Almighty God
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    may direct and bless all the deliberations of this General Assembly for the
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    glory of his name and for the edification and comfort of the United Presbyterian
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    Church in the United States of America, I resign my place
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    and office as moderator. Sir, before I
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    turn this office over to you and the gavel, I am privileged to
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    pass on to you, as other past moderators have passed on, over the last twelve years,
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    the Moderator's cross. In fact, it is two crosses, as you
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    well know, and most of the members of the Assembly. About twelve years
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    ago three Celtic crosses were made in the island
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    of Iona in Scotland. One given to the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church
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    US, one to the moderator of the Presbyterian Church USA, and one to the
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    moderator of the United Presbyterian Church. In nineteen fifty-eight
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    the two crosses, one from the United Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian
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    Church USA were welded together so now we have two crosses
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    one. And, of course, our hope and prayer is that one day in the not too far distant
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    future that the other cross may be welded to these two so they might
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    become one.
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    For I give you this sir, and pray God's blessing upon you and guidance in your
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    year as moderator, which I know will be a great year.
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    [McKelvey, Paul D. speaking] Just go back to your mic. If you will
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    tarry with us for one moment please. Are you men ready?
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    Yes, sir. All right sir
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    I'll play it
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    Well. What would you do if you were in this fix?
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    Some years ago in New York, General Assembly was meeting and
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    and elected Hermann Morse as Moderator [Morse, H. N. [Hermann Nelson[] . And he made a
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    response that when you see a turtle on a stump, you know it didn't get there by itself.
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    I don't know whether it was true then, but it's true this time.
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    I'm mindful of people who out of various kinds of
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    conviction felt that this would be good for the Assembly. I'm also very
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    conscious has already been an interview, of a heritage which
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    lies back of me. And I'm not sure I've done anything. but
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    somewhere along the line, I've been pushed by the acts of
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    Providence as they have come. You have a sense of a heritage, you have this, of course.
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    I assume that this has
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    taken place because the Presbyterian, United Presbyterian Church
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    is, through you, its representatives, have been
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    delegated somehow want to express
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    determination that, in these times, which are moving very
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    rapidly, changes are taking place, not only in our own country, but clear
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    across the world. Technological advance comes
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    more rapidly than we can comprehend it. And the
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    changes where men work, the changes of our whole society and culture are very
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    great that somehow you have one of the symbols the fact that the
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    Presbyterian, that the United Presbyterian Church is determined that it shall fulfill its
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    mission with the eternal gospel in such a day as this.
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    I'm not quite sure how I became the symbol,
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    but on behalf particularly
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    of those pastors and their wives
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    and their children and the men and women of their
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    congregations in inner cities all across this
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    country. And, in similar experiences in other
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    parts of the world, where some of our people have gone, that
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    on their behalf, I will accept this as somehow a
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    symbol of your determination in their behalf.
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    I have asked thus far, either directly or indirectly, anything of
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    anyone. But I do have one request.
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    Will you be as understanding and as kind
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    of my foibles up here, as you would want me to be
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    if you were here and I were back there.
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    Mr Clerk.

