Interview of William P. Lytle by Lois Boyd and R.D. Brackenridge, side 2.

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    I was saying that I had the sense of numbness, of inadequacy, of
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    the responsibilities all of a sudden were there.
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    And the question just why did I allow myself to be
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    put in this situation? And, can I do it really? Am I up to it? T
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    hat lasted for
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    I would, somewhere within that first 24 hour period that
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    that would be Wednesday, a good part of Wednesday, that
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    you're feeling this. You may not be expressing it openly in your meetings with people,
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    but it is down there. But when the Assembly began
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    on Saturday, when we got together again what you
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    experience is immediately the support of the whole. There's a
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    tremendous sense of uplift that hits you as the moderator. The
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    people expressing the fact they're praying for you. They're. They're thinking of you daily. And, they are with you, you know, and
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    all of this. That kind of affirmative word comes
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    through. And so that you really then
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    find that sense of strength. And I. And, that's part of the reason why I think that
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    you get the energy that carries you right through. At the end of
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    the Assembly,
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    do you immediately come back to your home? Or do you go to Philadelphia? No. I
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    n this case we stayed over a day, and I guess that
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    again Bill Thompson does this annually.
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    This would be the stated clerk's doing. He invited us, Bertie
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    and myself, together with some of the staff,
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    some of the stated clerk personnel. The others. The Associate Stated Clerks,
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    their families, their wives,
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    just to share together in an evening, dinner,
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    talking, straight socializing. There was
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    then about a half day spent there in some initial
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    calendar coordinating with the Stated Clerk's
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    office. And then, we headed home. And,
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    were home just for a few days before the very next event came up.
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    So you really are. You jump right into the schedules. Our
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    summer schedule was not totally full, but we were.
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    I was off to a meeting, a Major Mission Fund meeting in St. Louis about two days after I
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    had arrived home.
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    Well we were interested in knowing how your schedule is
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    coordinated. How do you make the choices of where to go? And, are you supplied any
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    kind of secretarial help by the stated clerk's office?
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    How does this work?
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    Well. Go to the secretarial help. The. This varies again
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    depending upon the circumstances of the person who was elected. In
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    my instance they did provide a
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    three-day secretarial help here at Madison Square. So, we hired
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    an additional person for three days a week at the church
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    here to handle the moderatorial correspondence and
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    to help with the calendar and the like, and take the phone calls. Y
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    ou do have the office in New York. There is an office for the moderator there.
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    I was only in it two or three days during the year, actually, but it is
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    there. And then, of course, one of the secretaries in the Stated Clerk's office, Marian Liggins,
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    who has, who is
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    Bob Stevenson's [Stevenson, Robert F.] secretary and has worked
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    with moderators primarily as her responsibility. She does other
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    things too. But but that's been one of her primary responsibility issues. She has done this for years.
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    She is really the key person as far as secretarial work goes. So the
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    secretary here in essence worked with Marian in that regard. But I answered mail in both
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    places. So they do provide that. As far as the scheduling is
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    concerned. We agreed that any any
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    invitations toward requests for the moderator's presence would go
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    through that office.
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    So the Stated Clerk's office essentially gets all of the, the invitations. If
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    I have somebody come to me personally and say I hope that you can come to our church
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    this year. I'd like to have you visit the campus here or there, I
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    would say I get a letter off immediately to say the Stated Clerk's
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    office because that's where we'll be doing the coordinating. And so,
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    it does happen there. that and that does free you from having to
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    have the problem with saying yes or no yourself to everything that comes up.
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    Are you aware of every single invitation?
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    I'm sure that there were a lot of invitations that I was not aware that
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    either were accepted or were not. Y
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    ou depend a good deal here upon the Stated Clerk's office. They know where
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    moderators have been in the past.
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    They know what parts of the church have not had visits in the
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    past and those that have had more than their share. So that it's. They
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    can. They can sort of weed out some of the invitations
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    that way.
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    They also. I depend upon that office to
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    know what they would see to be something more significant than other
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    in the light of acceptance of what would have been a more
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    appropriate and more needful for the moderator's presence. At
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    the same time, you have your own input. You say, as I did,
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    I would like very much to visit
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    a number of the mission fields of the church. I'm was talking national mission so as I
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    indicated to my desire to get into Arizona
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    and New Mexico and into some of the fields that I had served before that I, I looked
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    forward to the opportunity of revisiting that work. I wanted to
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    see some of the work in the Southeast with the black communities of the
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    southeast. I was interested in and touching base
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    with as many seminaries as I could
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    and with colleges. Those
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    were some of the. Those were some of my personal requests.
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    I also asked that in, wherever I went, that, if
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    it were possible, to visit some of the
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    jails or prisons in the area that I would appreciate that. And
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    any of the retirement homes. So these were some of my
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    personal requests that then would go out for an invitation that was
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    accepted by the host or hostess in this case would be told that the
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    moderator would appreciate the chance of doing this. Is this some
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    kind of agreement as to how many days a week that you're
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    to be involved? Or how much you are to be here?
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    How much is how much commitment is there?
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    That is a pretty much of a personal decision too.
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    Nobody tells you either ahead of time or afterwards that, "Well. You
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    must if you're going to be a candidate, you've got to be willing to give up this
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    much, or you've got to you've got to appropriate that much time.
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    I assume that people are accepting the fact that they're
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    going to be giving up a big block of their time if they become the moderator. But
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    I'm sure this is different in each instance. John [Conner, John T.] was in a position
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    to take a sabbatical. And so John and Kathy
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    were hardly home.
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    Well one day a month. And, they were gone all year.
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    I indicated at the outset that I was prepared to
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    give something like two thirds of the time that I felt the necessity of being in
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    the pulpit at least once a month. And that I wanted to be able to meet with our
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    session at its monthly meeting. Those were really the
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    parameters that I put upon the schedule. As it turned out,
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    I guess I was probably on the road three-fourths of the time,
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    but they did that in almost every instance and
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    I had the Sunday at home, one Sunday a month and I was able to meet with the session.
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    So my requests were honored. And, we did spend a
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    lot of time on the road in the church. And you asked earlier about
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    my wife's involvement in the event. And, Birdie was able to go with me,
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    I would guess, 90 percent of the time. With her, with
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    her costs being taken care of by
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    gifts from friends, from presbyteries,
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    from the home church here. This presbytery was responsible for
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    gifts that amounted to over $3000 alone, which assisted in her travel. And,
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    your travel then is covered through the Stated Clerk's office?
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    That's right. Do you have any feeling that some of these
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    things you do are quote "musts"? Others are optional? Are you given that, that
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    type of thing? Yes. Is the moderator really watching here or.
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    Yes I think that there are a number of things which, you might say,
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    are in the calendar. And, it's one of those events.
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    There aren't very many of those, very frankly. There aren't? There aren't very many instances that people say
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    well you just got to be there. One of
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    those would be the opening of the Congress every year
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    when they have now the moderator's communion service and
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    this includes moderators of all reformed church traditions that come to
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    Washington for a Sunday prior to the
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    opening of Congress. And, there is a communion service to which the Congress women and women
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    and other government heads are invited to participate. That
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    it's sort of to make sure that the moderators
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    there. I really. Offhand I can't think of anything else that I would say this
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    year that, you know, it would have been impossible to
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    miss. I could have missed that,
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    but you wouldn't want to, To your knowledge are these
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    visits other than such considerations as when did the moderator last visit that area? Are
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    we balancing city and country, and so forth? Are these visits
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    in any way related to the issues at the General Assembly
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    or such, such matters? In other words, is it focused on
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    what are the particular problems or issues?
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    First of all, the visits are all at invitation. They're not initiated by the stated
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    clerk's office. So I would say that what
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    generates at a General Assembly or the person who is elected,
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    determines to some extent where the invitations will come from
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    and whether they're large or small and the like.
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    But again it's hard for me, not knowing how to balance out others, to
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    say for sure. But I do believe that the
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    issue that we dealt with seventy-eight Assembly on the ordination of
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    the practicing homosexual persons was probably responsible
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    for the moderator, during my tenure, being
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    invited to attend congregations that have not had
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    moderators for a good many years.
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    I'm thinking of some of the more conservative congregations,
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    larger congregations, that where a moderator has not
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    been in appearance for a good many years. And where I was
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    told, You know, this is the first time that we've had an invitation from
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    this church. And that, that happened
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    a lot of times this last year. So that, in a sense, I suppose that is
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    saying that what happened to General Assembly did
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    determine something of the invitation, in that one instance at least. My
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    my small church background I'm
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    sure had had some impact upon invitations that came
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    from a good many of the small congregations as well,
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    for which I was very grateful.
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    Other than that, I don't know what pattern is. I think there are a lot of places that simply get in their
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    invitation right away every year, you know, in the hope that they'll get it. And then, you
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    do have those churches where the celebration is coming. They're having their
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    150th. They're having their seventy-fifth. We were at one with a
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    250th anniversary in the New York state at a small
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    church. And I went to on a Wednesday night Newburgh New York where George Washington rode
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    by on horseback and the church was operating then. And, Washington was supposed to have come
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    in for a funeral service. It was a General Assembly occasion.
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    We had a delightful evening with that of that group.
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    And so you do have some celebrations of this
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    kind where your presence is appreciated simply
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    because it is a special event in the life of the church.
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    Did you find yourself to be the spokesperson for the
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    church during the year? For example, Doug
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    and I were talking about some of the events of the year. And, of course, I don't know how to
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    pronounce it. Zimbahway? Zimbabwe. The Rhodesia question of course
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    was very much on people's mind. Were you the one that they would come, the press might
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    contact? Or would they go through the Stated Clerk on that?
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    I can't
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    recall the press calling, calling me
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    you know, at a distance, to ask about that. But
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    in almost any instance when I was in a community and they were going to have a
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    press conference, that would be a question that was asked of me
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    by the reporters because they
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    are wanting to know what the word is.
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    They would at this time not be looking so much for a statement from a
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    spokesperson on that. If they were doing that,
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    I would, I would anticipate they would probably go to the Stated Clerk's office, more than they would go to the
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    moderator if they're looking for something that the
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    Presbyterian Church has taken a particular stand on an issue. I think the
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    natural thing for them to do would be to go to the stated clerk to get the
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    official position of the church in this regard.
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    But the Zimbabwe issue was the issue that more than anything else did
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    consume a lot of time for me, the letters and with news
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    reporters both in our
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    inhouse communication and  was in the public
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    Did you find it difficult being someone that every
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    time you said something you realized it's going to be put into print?
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    Yes. That's a weight that I was happy to have
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    removed, as one of those.
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    As one of the burdens that rolls off you on that moment of when you
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    pass over the symbols of office to the next moderator.
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    That is a heavy responsibility.
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    Although I did not have to assume that
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    all that often, it still is there. This is what I was going to ask
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    something similar. I was going to ask,if it is relevant now.  In such
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    situations where there was some advance notice.
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    not that even after the Assembly itself, where you knew you were going to have to make an appearance before the press, were you briefed in any
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    In other words, so that you were. That there was some information about things that was specific to your
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    speaking, not just as Bill Lytle, but you were speaking as? Yeah. Our
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    own Office of Information
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    does, of course, make itself available to the
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    moderator immediately. Frank Heinz is one
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    who has particularly carried that role
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    for a number of years with moderators so that, at the Assembly,
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    upon my election, when I would be
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    facing very soon afterwards the battery of
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    the newspapers and so on who would be ready to go. I did sit down
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    with him ahead of time. And, Frank shared with me what to expect
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    in the various areas. He made no attempt to try to tell me how to answer. But he did let me
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    know the kind of climate that I'd find myself in. And if I had a
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    question from so and so, that I might be particularly mindful that it would be
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    coming out of this particular field or something else. But then
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    others through the year. Vic Jamison and Bob Thompson both from
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    time to time were also real help when it
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    came to dealing with news releases, actually
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    getting into communications but also just some briefings on what to
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    Do you ever take the initiative in saying, "Well, there is this disaster, and I feel I
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    must speak to it."? Or. This incident, and I must communicate"?
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    Well the Zimbabwe would be the one instance that I think of, in that regard, but
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    it was providential in this case that our mission
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    trip was to Africa. Every year, the
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    moderator  goes to one of the overseas fields. And,
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    it was decided in June that we would be going to Africa.
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    That was two months before the Zimbabwe question hit the press.  So
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    that, we didn't go there because of that, but it was providential that we were there. And, we were
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    in the part of Africa where this was a very real part of the
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    life of the countries involved. When I came back from
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    Africa with the kind of data that
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    we had been privileged to both receive and to experience,
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    I felt it was important that I share this somehow with the
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    church as quickly as possible.
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    And, in as wide a way as possible.
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    So I did at that point to initiate with our information. So,
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    that I feel and felt that I had, that I had some information that I wanted to
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    get out to the church. How was that? How was that done? That was done, through through
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    a letter that did go out to all of
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    the executives of the synods and presbyteries
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    with the thought of their then sharing this on the
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    local scene immediately with the pastors. It could have had a
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    broader. In retrospect I think I would have preferred even
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    going on a general mailing, costly as that might be, to every pastor. But,
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    it was decided then that we would go the other way.
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    Can you imagine? I get asked a hypothetical situation in which a
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    moderator's own personal positions are quite different from that of
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    the denomination.
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    But that's, knowing what you know about the the ongoing processes, would you
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    think it would be easy or difficult for a moderator
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    to be able to communicate? That would be. It would be
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    difficult. And, I'm sure that that could very
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    well happen.
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    It could very well have been that a moderator, in this instance, would have
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    felt very strongly that the grant
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    in question of the World Council [World Council of Churches]  to the to the Patriotic Front
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    was itself a grievous error. And, have had some real
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    conscience about this. In that case
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    I would have seen no problem with the practice of moderator saying something to that
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    extent and being honest about his or her position since
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    the General Assembly had not, at this point, taken an
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    official stance on that, on that.
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    It is true,
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    in the past, the Assembly has indicated its support of the
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    grant to combat racism [Special Fund to Combat Racism], that program within the World Council. And we've been a
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    party to that. But that still would have nothing to do with an individual instance. And, there were
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    many leaders in the church who would have taken a position like that. There is
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    no monolithic viewpoint within the church on that one
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    from the top down.
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    My own feeling though, from what I gathered and what I heard, was simply to the extent that
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    when people were concerned about whether or not we ought to be getting out of the World Council and
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    because of this, and so on. It was on this
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    issue that I felt very strongly that when we
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    were involved in the kinds of issues that we're involved in in the world, that you're going to be making
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    mistakes along the way. And, you're going to be open
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    to being misunderstood or misused. But not to do
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    anything, which is the other alternative, is a far greater sin.
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    And I just kept making that point that we need to trust those who make decisions, that
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    they're human. And they can they can make the wrong decisions. In this case, I don't think they did. But
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    they could. We need to still support it. It was a. It was a message that
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    I think it was was heard. I do think that,
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    as I say, I was at presbytery meetings. And, I was in 75 I guess, out of 152 presbyteries
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    over the year, and that was a question which was fielded about as often
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    as any question. And, I found that there was a
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    listening ear in presbyteries. We didn't have this year that kind of a
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    wall that people were throwing their questions out and then not listening to what you were
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    saying in response. There was there was some openness in this. And, you could
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    talk with each other about it. And, you could end up disagreeing, but appreciating
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    the position that others. Well, this leads us sort of into,
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    I think, maybe a question that we could spend the rest of this week
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    on. But Doug and I were talking yesterday about the
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    old General Assembly minutes. They may still do it.  But, I've been reading
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    through the 19th century minutes, where there was a narrative on the state of religion. Each. Each
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    minutes is accompanied by it. It's a  very useful summary, if you are trying to
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    pin down an event. How would you? How would you compose
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    such a narrative of the state of religion, based upon your visiting the church in the past year?
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    What are even, if that's a little bit ambiguous, what did you?
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    What did you learn about the church, as moderator,
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    going into seventy-five presbyteries? How do you feel about the church?
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    Well my feeling was positive about the church. I had good vibrations across the
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    church as a whole. I found a lot of
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    vitality and positive feelings towards the denomination.
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    I really feel that you, just from a Presbyterian
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    point of view, that there is a drawing together within the church
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    that I found to be encouraging. After some
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    years in which a reorganization system we have really not
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    been as closely in touch with each other and the parts of the church as we had in the past,
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    I found that a growing interest, in that and a growing concern.
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    So that was positive.
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    I would say that there is a
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    growing conservatism in the sense of wanting not to
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    be as ready to jump into the arena of
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    the social affairs as there has been in the past. T
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    hat is somewhat
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    discouraging to see. It has both
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    sides. I find one of the real questions that it faces a
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    denomination like our own to be the question of how you continue to have a corporate
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    witness in a day when issues are so complex,
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    that it's not easy to come up with the simple answers: yes no
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    black white on any question. And,
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    you have a constituency, which is much more sophisticated,
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    which is a good thing. But the sophistication brings with it
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    also a desire to be a part of the decision making process. And, that
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    creates some real problems. With everybody wanting to be in the act and
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    frustrated when the church is saying something that they are not in agreement with. So
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    can the church take these official stands that
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    they have? For the church not to be able to do that I think would be very very
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    disastrous. But how to do it and still keep the
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    integrity of the whole and speak to the diversity of the
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    church on that. I say that's one of the issues
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    around which we're really having to do some real wrestling and
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    questioning today.
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    Over all, my sense of the
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    nature of religion is a deepening, a
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    deepening interest in in our faith, a
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    deepening role of spiritual life in the church.
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    And I found that in small and large churches alike
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    that this was present. T
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    hat, you know, that rather than a general
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    statement. There are concerns. And,
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    if I were going to be picking those out that characterize the church today. One
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    of those, which which was central in my own year,
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    was the role of women in the ministry. That
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    came early on out of a personal desire to know more
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    about the concerns that I've been hearing and
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    hearing about at Ghost Ranch conference on Church Change Clergy Women in June.
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    I made it a point of putting that on the schedule. That was my initiative.
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    It really was my initiative, over some hesitancy on the part of those who were doing the scheduling, wondering
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    if it really was going to be worthwhile for me to take the time to spend out there. No question in
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    retrospect that it was. Because, out of that,
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    came the question, "Well. How can the moderator during the year help
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    to make visible the concern that women are, in an increasing number,
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    sensing a call to ministry in the church. And, the doors of opportunity
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    are very slow to respond to that?" And,
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    somebody at that conference said, "Why don't you consider a woman intern at Madison
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    Which, I said, "Fine, but who would pay that bill?" Whereupon
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    I learned that there is money in the Major Mission Fund

