Eugene Callender address on evangelization in Harlem, 1960s.

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    [Internal dating places this in 1967] We are very pleased and proud to be able to present. Dr Eugene Callender.
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    Thank you very much Dr Peters. I speak out of the context of
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    a ministry in central Harlem, which is perhaps the most famous ghetto in the
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    country. Central Harlem is located on a small
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    portion of the island of Manhattan, one of the boroughs that make up New York City.
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    It lies between one hundred tenth Street in one hundred fifty fifth Street, which is not quite two
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    miles long and Morningside Avenue and Fifth Avenue which
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    is less than a mile long. In that small piece of geography
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    we have over a quarter of a million people living.
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    Harlem is a black ghetto. It is ninety nine and forty four
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    one hundred percent pure black.
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    To be exact it is actually ninety six point four Negro.
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    Three percent. Puerto Rican and seven tenths of a percent others.
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    Harlem is a black ghetto that was created and perpetuated not only by successive
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    migrations of negroes and West Indians from the south and the Caribbean,
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    but it has remained a ghetto because of the ignorance,
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    fear, prejudice, superstition and
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    benevolence of New York's white majority.
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    Harlem is the servant quarters of the great
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    estate known as New York City.
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    It is the restrictive patterns of white
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    real estate brokers that is responsible for
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    thousands of Harlem residents to be squeezed into the vermin-ridden cold
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    water flats that are too prominent in our
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    community. Harlem ranks number one
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    in all of the indices of social pathology that
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    determine the stability and strength and health of New York City,
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    except in one area. Harlem ranks number one in infant
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    mortality, alcoholism, juvenile delinquency,
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    narcotics, venereal disease and aid to dependent children.
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    The only statistic that Harlem can boast about with any
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    kind of pride is the fact that it has the lowest suicide
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    rate in New York City. And I think there's a good reason for that.
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    You see we in Harlem are used to misery and deprivation
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    and trouble. And so when things hit us hard, it's not
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    a new experience and we don't head for the George Washington Bridge. It's just part of our daily existence.
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    Sixty five percent of all the residents in Harlem
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    are on public assistance. According to the nineteen sixty
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    census track, the median income of Central Harlem is twenty
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    nine hundred dollars a year.
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    Fifty one percent of all the children under eighteen years old in central Harlem and
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    there are some seventy thousand of them. Fifty-one percent of
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    all of those youngsters live with only one parent.
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    Seventy percent of all the housing in central Harlem was
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    declared ten years ago as sub standard.
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    And only ten percent of all of Harlem's housing, housing,
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    has been built since nineteen twenty nine.
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    Eighty percent of all the youngsters who went to school in central Harlem are
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    three, from one to three years behind in the mathematical and reading
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    achievement by the time they reach the sixth grade.
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    And fifty five percent of all the youngsters who went to high school in
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    central Harlem drop out by their third
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    year. Every time I repeat these statistics,
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    they make me exceedingly angry. And after listening to the
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    tremendous speech by Dr Williams. I'm afraid that it might not
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    be quite appropriate to be angry this morning, but I have neither his goodness not his scholarship
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    or his saintliness, so I'm afraid that I shall sound at
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    times this morning like an angry man. But if I do
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    it will be in the spirit of him who drove the money changers from the temple.
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    It will be my indulgence in the old fashioned and now apparently outmoded
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    virtue of moral indignation. But it will come
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    from a heart that tries to be with him who, when pinioned on
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    the cross, cried, "Father forgive them. For they know not
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    what they do." It is highly popular today
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    to sound off about juvenile delinquency. And everybody is talking
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    about the long hot summers of the ghettos.
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    And all of us have been concerned about riots and the criminal actions of young people
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    from our urban ghettos. Most of them Negroes and some
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    of them with Spanish names. Some commentators
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    have described these youngsters as wild animals.
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    And indeed, no one wants to condone lawlessness or criminal activity.
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    And perhaps some of these so-called "wild animals" certainly must be
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    caged. But I went out recently to visit
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    the real wild animals in our city in one of our zoos.
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    And I noticed that most of the large cages are occupied by only one
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    or two lions or tigers or hyenas.
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    And that their cages open up on patios where they can romp or
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    sleep in the sun and fresh air. At feeding time
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    these animals were served well with carefully selected
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    viands. If their stomachs or teeth ache,
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    we supply professional care of a high order.
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    And then I walked again through the streets of Harlem
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    and was reminded of the five and six and seven and in some
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    places as many as eleven adults and children caged up in
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    one room with something called a toilet serving four, eight,
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    six and more families on a floor. And I asked the
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    question who is treating whom like wild
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    animals? Who is making whom wild?
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    While we apply the nightstick in the polite concentration camp to ghetto
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    escapees, who is cleaning up the ghetto swamp where the wildness is bred?
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    Over and over as I visit settlement houses in the ghetto areas, I hear workers in despair
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    describing the wide and deep involvement of these young victims in narcotics and
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    dope. And, as we send in added police,
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    are they to give attention to the dope pusher, who is
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    not a resident of the community, but who preys upon the young lives in
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    the community? Who is responsible for the exploitation of these
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    young caged lions with grass and heroin? Who makes
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    fantastic sums of money out of this, while young people are plied with poisons
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    whose thrall is so terrifying as to make a killer out of a gentle
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    farmer's son. Where is the moral indignation of the nice people
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    of the country? Where is the insistence upon protection of these youngsters from
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    this vice? Who is to take up the lash of public opinion to drive out
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    the money changers who desecrate the temple of beings made in the image of God?
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    Who will touch the leper or extend his hand to protect protect Mary Magdalen
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    from the barrage of death dealing stone.
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    Other angry men would go out into New York Bay
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    and throw a shroud over the Statue of Liberty
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    and doused the light that welcomes the world's huddled masses to our shore.
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    They would turn her back upon United States citizens from Mississippi or the Caribbean
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    until we clean up the ghetto. We've
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    forgotten that in the past we have welcomed into these same slums Irish,
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    Italian, Jew, Rican, German people of every conceivable strain,
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    subjected them to get a living and out of the brawling competitive streets seen them build the towers that
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    challenge the sky. Who has gotten afraid of the American venture just because
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    the new immigrants to our city have colored skins and Spanish names?
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    Who will suffer little children and the heavenly burden to come unto him?
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    Are we to continue to blame our problems on slums and ghettos? Upon
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    the latest newcomers? And
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    there are those who would discourage the newcomer and slam the door of relief in his face.
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    They say to him if you have been in our city or in our country for three hundred sixty
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    six days, we shall not let you or your children starve.
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    But if you have been here only three hundred sixty four days, you can grovel for your
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    crusts with the dogs. What kind of arithmetical morality is this?
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    Where is the spirit of him who lifted up the afflicted and fed the multitude with
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    loaves and fishes and walked the streets with the poor and the lonely?
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    The immorality of the ghetto breeds the immorality of the segregated schools.
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    I mentioned before that eighty percent of the youngsters who went to kindergarten, by the time they reach
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    the sixth grade are from one to three years behind in their reading. And,
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    the Board of Education in New York City says this is because they are poor and culturally
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    disadvantaged. We have demonstrated with an exhaustive
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    study the main reason why these children are not achieving is because
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    the board of education of our city has assumed that they can't learn and has set out
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    to prove that assumption by not teaching them.
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    Ten years ago. Ten years ago responsible studies revealed that
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    seventy percent of our public elementary schools and junior high school are segregated.
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    The Supreme Court has reminded us that modern psychological knowledge indicates clearly
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    that segregated, racially homogenous schools damage the personality of
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    minority group children and white children are also damaged, whether this segregation occurs
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    by law or by fact. Twelve years ago the Board
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    of Education of New York City rose to the challenge. And in December of one nine hundred
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    fifty four proclaimed its interpretation of the May seventeenth decision of the United States
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    court as a legal and moral reaffirmation of our fundamental educational
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    principles. Declared that racially homogenously public schools are educationally
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    undesirable. And the board twelve years ago committed itself to approach more clearly the
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    racially integrated school in all localities. And, since that time, segregated
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    schools have increased in New York City, rather than decreased.
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    The flesh is so often weaker than the spirit.
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    And the moral drive that produced the policy lags in its implementation. People in high places
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    after all say the segregated schools are only a little sin. And since we have been sinning
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    more or less comfortably for so long, let's don't clean it up too fast. Let's
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    be practical has been substituted for let's be moral.
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    The ghetto pattern. Ghetto thinking degrades us all, those in the
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    ghetto and those outside. When he
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    said, "Suffer little children to come unto me." Did he mean for them to march up
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    in separate phalanxes, black and white, Jew and Gentile, Irish and Puerto
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    Rican? In this issue psychology and morality I hand
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    meeting. We can run, but we can't hide.
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    And many of us have come to see that the a large measure of delinquency, school segregation and
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    racial tension is grounded in racially restricted residential pattern.
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    The president of the United States has vigorously and repeatedly called our attention to the depressed
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    countries and nations of the world. He has said that they will not rest content in
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    their poverty while other nations nearby are fat and privileged. He
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    predicts conflict and explosion unless the rich and powerful nations of East and West
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    increasingly share their resources and know how with the poor and rich.
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    Well what about the depressed areas and districts of our urban communities?
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    Districts which are increasing in restlessness and discontent, who are
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    tired of having the iron feet of oppression on their necks.
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    And we can predict that there will be spreading conflicts and explosions within these
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    ghetto communities, unless we find ways more rapidly to increase the share of
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    these districts in the full stream of our country's life.
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    Business and Industry seem content to employ the labor of these
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    people but take little responsibility for their existence in crowded tenements and stinking
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    slum. Business and Industry and the government must share
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    the moral and realistic responsibility for increases in the housing supply at
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    costs which these workers can afford, for enforcement of housing codes and laws as
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    vigorously as policing the streets, and for opening up the total housing supply to all people
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    on the same terms regardless of race, religion, and national origin. And every landlord
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    or are real estate operator or mortgage lender who turns his back on one of these
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    families contributes to the sharpening resentment and tension, and so does every housing
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    inspector who looks the other way at code infraction; every court that penalizes
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    housing lawlessness by slaps on the wrist; and all the policemen with their hands in the back
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    door, profiting from numbers, gambling, prostitution, and the dope traffic. The ghetto must
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    be recognized for what it really is a stinking cancerous blot upon the
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    morality of the entire community. There are devils to be cast out. There are
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    money changers to be whipped out of the temple. There is a high need for moral indignation,
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    not at the victims, but at the perpetrators and exploiters of the ghetto.
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    The unfortunate truth is that the one institution which
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    exists to make this kind of moral protest, has been most
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    silent on this matter of the immorality of the ghetto.
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    And that is the church. And those of us who are
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    confined to the ghetto pattern are not without our moral responsibilities.
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    Indeed we dwellers of urban ghettos are responsible to do all in our power to preserve the integrity of our family
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    life, to condemn lawlessness by black and white alike, to educate our children
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    to knock on the door when the opportunities are open, to organize to vote, to fight despair, to
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    join with the forces in and out of the ghetto, who are fighting to eliminate the ghetto itself.
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    For respect comes not to those who whimper or whine, but
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    to those who stand on their own feet and do all they can
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    with what they have, little as it may be. And this is what
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    we're trying to do at the Church of the Master. [Church of the Master Presbyterian Church] with our youth program introducing
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    the host so-called hardcore teenagers. We have about two hundred fifty
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    of them that meet at the church every Wednesday night. We have a an academy
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    of transition where youngsters who have dropped out of school. And we have demonstrated
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    that these youngsters can learn. Their I.Q.'s can be increased. Of one hundred
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    fifty of them that have attended these academies, twenty-five are now in prep school, having dropped out of high school
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    mind you. Seven are now in college and twelve have already been admitted to college in the fall.
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    Right from our academy of transition. But
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    time is running out. Our national and international obligations are
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    pressing America on every side. And even the great Sir Lancelot could not find the Holy Grail
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    because his honor rooted in dishonor stood. The Lord has allowed us
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    to develop a way of life based upon the everlasting sanctity of every human being.
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    He will not permit us to be custodian of that light unless our hands are clean.
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    Civilizations that have failed this trust have gone down into the dust. The
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    communists and many of the darker uncommitted peoples will not let us stand before the
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    world in raiment of shining light which hides the cancers and sores and the cloven
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    hoof of racial injustice and ghetto immorality.
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    But important as our world role may be, even more vital
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    is the cleanliness and sanctity of our own nation. Its internal moral
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    fiber. We have an expression in our Negro community
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    when someone does something bad. He sometimes chastised by shaking
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    the head and saying God don't love ugly.
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    Certainly he doesn't love immorality. And I would believe he doesn't love the
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    ghetto. What he does not love he may punish with hell fire itself.
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    But his compassion is great and redeems us when we reject the immoral
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    and the ugly and embrace the true and the beautiful. I
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    plead that one of our evangelistic thrusts from this extension of the
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    ministry. I plead for the moral indignation and the hard
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    tough work that must be done to eradicate the
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    immorality of the ghetto.

