Highlights of the 179th General Assembly, part 1.

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    Dear friends. This is the banquet of our Lord,
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    prepared for those who love him. Let us therefore
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    take the bread of life and the cup of salvation.
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    And call upon the name of the Lord. Come!
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    For all is ready. Immediately following the communion service that officially begins
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    each General Assembly, the commissioners' first order of business is to elect themselves
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    a moderator. There was an unconfirmed rumor that only three
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    men at the Assembly had ever actually seen Big Lick, Tennessee.
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    One of them made the nominating speech. The second made the seconding speech,
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    and the third one got elected. [Little, Ganse, speaking] The tabulated results of the first ballot
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    are as follows. Number of votes cast eight hundred twenty one.
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    Needed to elect a simple majority. Four hundred thirty two. Dr.
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    Smathers [Smathers, Eugene] received four hundred and sixty two. Doctor Hudnut [Hudnut, William H., Jr.] three hundred fifty nine.
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    The moderator of this one hundred seventy-ninth General Assembly is our therefore the Reverend Eugene Smathers. [Applause]
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    [Eugene Smathers speaking] Fathers and brethren and friends. This
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    is an awesome position to which your call me, as those
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    who stood here before can testify. But is specially
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    so for one who never even in the faintest imagination
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    had any idea that he might ever stand here.

