Alan T. Forbes oral history, 2010, side 3.

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    leading up to my conversion. Actually, while I'm talking about that, my association with
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    those young
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    people runs very, very
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    satisfactory and enjoyable to me.
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    a common group of young people that I was interesting. Of course,
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    my girlfriend was in that church. And, I was I was living
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    my first month out what's I grew up in my senior
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    year. And, the interesting thing is that her name was
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    Joan Fields. And I married Jane Woods.
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    [Laughter] Anyhow,
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    But back to the to
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    McDonald and his messages. He did not have one conversion
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    in that entire week.
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    And, here on the last night of that campaign,
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    he gave an invitation that I waited for five
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    verses of "Just as I Am," before I raised my hand, and I
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    accepted Christ as my Savior, as a result of that. Because I knew that there was a
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    that this whole world of entertainment was not going to be satisfactory. So you?
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    At the same time now, at the same time. i had other interests
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    Other than performing and in the middle. And that was because of my literary
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    I had written an article for the school paper, concerning the Haddington mystery
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    urging every hatter who worked for the hatter
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    be sure you wear a hat. And that was an article.
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    One of the executives of the Frank H. Hat Company
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    read that article. Heard about that article.
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    Commended me in that. and offered me and made possible for me to have
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    a partial scholarship to Yale
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    journalism school. As far as a possible.
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    Possibility for me. Upon graduation I could consider going to Yale
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    journalism school as one of my options. But then I got converted in the meantime, see?
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    So that
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    my interest in that particular field left me. I
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    was picking blueberries with my brother in the summer of that
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    year after my conversion. Now my elder brother. What year
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    was your conversion? Thirty-nine.. Do you know what time of year was it?
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    February. were that we
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    First week of February. Yeah, the first weekend of February. Five or
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    six is what. When I had my observation and my conversion. The weekend of February
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    fifth and sixth.
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    But after my conversion, there must have been some obvious
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    changes in
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    me. One thing was. I was not a really cursing kind
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    of person. Moving but I never really used profanity at
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    all after my conversion. It was remarkable. And my brother
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    noticed that. My younger brother was back
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    from college. He graduated in thirty-nine from college.
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    And, we were picking blueberries.
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    And he noticed a change in me. He
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    said, you're so interested in religion now, he said, Why don't you become a
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    minister? and I said, No, I'd never consider that, because.
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    Because the only ministers I ever knew were the Episcopal
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    minister who came maybe once a
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    year to visit my parents in our house and he had his collar on backwards.
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    And he drank with
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    his tea with a pinky finger sticking out, you know. My impression of ministers
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    was not good. And I had them or because they were kind
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    of compassion our distance and then we went bad.
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    Perhaps a little bit louder than not
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    Skilling and up for me more in the realm has
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    it that all of that you know. To doing this act then.
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    Now we ask you to that.
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    But instead of that does not her man. Like the business.
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    That visit with them. And that's really the only cause I never knew any other minister.
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    The A push couple service was so
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    talk to
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    me in comparing that to rather I
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    saw in the year a lot of
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    have in the Methodist Church. When I went to acquire Urso. At the
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    Methodist Church. It was burning day. And when I got there early. I would sit
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    and listen to the
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    programming and it was totally within the totally strange slogan
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    We had people talking to God is the biggest part of the
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    family dinner happen they bother. I never had any any
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    personal background would were not know anything about that as
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    a personal relation. Right to voice cliche their personal relationship with
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    God writer her luggage was the party the others a Methodist church
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    exact community that religion are welcome You sound like a high meaning and somewhat awkward.
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    Now I
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    have somebody associated myself with no be able to group.
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    At the Methodist Church. After Michael Very here we did a lot of things together. We make
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    this is two different conferences. All in the six month
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    period prior to my going to the little
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    theater I went to a couple of
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    conferences amount burning up with the own people it was a real great
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    great only experience for me. And there was one man. In that Methodist Church.
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    In the name of jihad Rush really took up the
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    Cybermen and he took Make it was. And his mother
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    was bright and. She would be able to move.
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    Just as if she was a sighted person rather than memorized. She was an inspiration.
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    As well it's
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    So let me follow through. So let that question that
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    my brother as many.
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    After I got the ball now. I thought to myself. Maybe he was running.
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    You know enough months between our.
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    The next big incident was when that one people's group rather than
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    five years to go to a conference in
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    Barrington that war college in problems rather than. I'm the Labor Day weekend.
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    Listen the Labor Day weekend nineteen thirty. And that's when World
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    War two here. Started. Yep.
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    And at that conference was an upstanding
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    tenor a little coward from Blue.
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    And he had a motoring grub cap and we were by
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    the in there on the morning broadcast. And when we went to
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    that broadcast we were just about to grow on me when we were preempted
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    by the announcement
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    that the Germans had attacked to
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    the track caused by Robert Eckels the bucket with the latter but some have
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    been bats when Pope maybe was following the September night whatever it was it
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    was that well. That would have been so good I may be going on more work to.
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    Yep Yep I think you're right my way. After
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    K. have to have a trip to the number nine hundred thirty nine. And then France in.
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    Bravery declare war on terror. Right and that right was always had a hand. That was a
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    I've started alone will say what I don't remember much what I but I do remember
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    how impressed I was with them. Marvelous boys some current
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    rules can
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    you share that how to lose and have called
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    a program called on the mountaintop. Hour. And that's what we were magnet goes
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    in and the theme song of that nigger learned by heart I know
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    that in some numb. Part of the
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    little rubber room. That was the things a lot of progress. But the guy had such a
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    glorious time in a voice that I was a he was a
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    lynch Parisian. I later met them. Knew him personally enjoyed
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    it and he later became the president of were the
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    treasurer of rural Vision International that was started by probably the
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    purest you remember the visions are still operative. Were of Asian. There
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    were only in were in Haiti and so what the current mood for many years. Was
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    a treasure. In the road. That
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    leaders humans drive the Real World Vision.
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    Bob Peters was
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    there but whether or
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    no so you. How did you end up from
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    the moon there if you know when your brother OK All right my
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    girlfriend. Jordan fields. Had a and girlfriend.
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    By the name of Ellen Stacy and Ellen Stacy's father
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    was pastor of the Baptist church in Denver. And I
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    never went to the Baptist
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    church. But balance. General were very close aloes
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    said Joe
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    when there was a program unsettled out the other crowd and young people stretch
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    of the air and I heard it last week. And they are asking
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    for ten or perhaps our would be interested in applying for
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    that which is exactly one of the. I wrote to Dr Percy
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    Cropper a post office box to con the now and said I would like to try to
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    help record that they were going to get me a little bit of the is true that I was a
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    son was a loser. I would like to try out for that quarter. He got me
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    back and the lease and I have the letters.
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    You said we are having a banquet. In New York City.
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    At the Rogers hotel. And if you could come down for
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    that we'll give you around decision. At that time. So that's what
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    did was the bike was on a Saturday night.
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    And I went down the train and went to
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    the writers hotel. And the really
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    copper person croppers was the news ition or the people's Turkey where.
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    And she had me saying. She learned what songs do you know I didn't know
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    any of the worst of all. All right who is one a brand we haven't Jesus.
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    So I sound rather. We haven't Jesus and she was impressed.
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    And she said maybe and person Crawford was an interesting man.
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    The fact that I
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    was the a boy from Denver you can
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    either get not much of a background or appeal to him. He he was
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    a. He was a man who always appreciated people like
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    racial Alger dollar each you know he cannot get money as
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    a by was not the
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    interesting because not because he came from a hard scrabble upper. But because he would not
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    permit religious background. I think that's it.
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    I mean one thousand little bit about Percy
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    Crocker. Her luck. There is a cropper it was a
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    man who were who was a great combination
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    a looter sing harmonization I'm sure.
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    It was business principles.
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    Probably promised then that all of those of captors. But he was a
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    very quick.
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    Not quick tempered but he was the Victoria. OK.
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    And he was quick to fire people.
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    If they crossed him at all or didn't do on it
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    because the rules. It's amazing that I record tense.
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    Them with them for six years and none of us ever got fired.
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    We're going to talk about them.
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    And I think person Congress through on the city
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    has developed a great understanding with the West
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    to miss back to our lot. But I feed an hour in self.
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    Model harder weeks. PRESS.
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    Ralph loser to his family. Of
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    brotherly children or love you love them and probably
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    for the money was related to it then the fact. Move. Really knew how
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    to express not. So he was what fifteen twenty years older than him then
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    was born. Yes twenty years
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    older and luckily black and brown where he ended up and where
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    he kind of our lives and came really among a group or planet. In
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    the police who went through was so nervous.
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    Where he studied a new look by babble is to have the rotten.
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    When went to quit in college and graduate from college. Had news
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    a clue the actual number the excellent every move in the US
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    I think he was number two on the weekend.
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    But still felt was not musical. But it is what it
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    was rooms.
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    So he got in with. What was his business how did he end up and
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    tell evangelist. From even Avengers you have a public speaker.
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    Oh yes. From from Alice Through his rags after
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    risk aversion. He
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    was converted by an Irish evangelism. And none of us
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    and from the time with humans in biology. He had teams
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    of young people who write with to evangelise it means those who
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    had evangelists a million dollars really is adult life.
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    And then eventually came to know whether and when the organization he had
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    placed that you call the young people's George was near and give a church there he was a radio.
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    Regulars in their regular broadcast intervention really how many are seven hundred.
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    Nationwide radio
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    stations of the broadcast. So I live in the lane of the Charles whether it
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    was last or buy a home of the same
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    caliber or LORAN think more people who knew of the or bashing
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    them our the new person carbon. Versa grabber dominated is the film about
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    the New Jersey. As of a New York area. We haven't mingle.
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    But beyond
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    that you would probably not the most well known in the Midwest on the West.
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    Even though we talk Crips and the libertarian. Because of our radio
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    station. So if our ending point for this session. Is when you met.
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    Jane was. We today. Would you
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    then you know. He hire you. And he moved to Philadelphia. Less.
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    And you're right Tyner your primary. I
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    have my my location budget grabber or the
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    bookstore at just well and eighty seven in
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    just seven thirty just last week was the I broke I have read. It is
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    OK Cuomo. But still which punk rock was the name of
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    the summer camp. That person cropper. The
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    man only knew casually. He actual or LEO's in the broken about in
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    Pennsylvania right to be strong to murder.
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    OK. I don't know carjacked members and need a
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    little bit was judging the air spell of ten weeks of summer.
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    But mine broke in the stratosphere. And they
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    were I really got logic of.
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    OK So
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    you were hired by Percy cropper. When did you begin courses at Easter.
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    Back this sudden
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    or are right the first year in that I was with a person who I wrote with birds a grabber no right.
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    The just almost exactly. Of the eight months and. After
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    commercial. And it
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    totally after I had my try out quietly.
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    He said can you be in Philadelphia. Monday night
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    I have my trial Saturday.
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    But you'll be in Philadelphia Monday night.
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    I think so I'll talk to drain from New York.
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    From brochure. New York to New York so the one change trains and one of the not that
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    well Springer. Met me at the North Star love your friends took
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    me across France hours. I got my car. Room the
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    music and saying that Monday night with the growth in the
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    region. And then those on my way. I was with them for six or seven
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    years after that.
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    OK. And when did you began your birth in Tennessee thought
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    out the rest. I have my I have my bed. On the
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    third floor of the primer. But still an interesting
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    love my companion who have a real.
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    I'm a third floor of the bookstore. Was. Well
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    let's leave came from the mood as the.
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    As a man in bars in the building who say well
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    who Smith was a principle. Player in the in
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    the in the Graham Crusade. And so
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    you began He's during the spring of drought I were in I worked inversion
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    croppers milling or up
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    was the first month. That I was there. And on top of thing. Yep.
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    And that adds to my income a little bit maybe a murder.
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    Level but was
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    still very frugal
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    collide. I'm also worked in the
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    bookstore. During that time too.
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    So he
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    began curses Easter holiday each
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    unsanitary for him for the next
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    spot. And that was a four year degree. It was
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    a combined six here. Th being
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    big green. Six years. These guys were of our. And
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    then badger of the eligible bachelor theology and Bachelor of
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    Arts Bachelor of Arts. But you could
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    not pick up your busy day after four years. You had to take the hose that he was in
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    for you could pick up in the group. OK OK. We can do it.
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    So you get hello when you're walking and he had I go.
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    One year with a mat and picked up a rock out become a quibble it to
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    the masses given.
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    I'm living and doing
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    what you did seven hears. I did seven years. To have and then. And then a bath or
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    theology a basket of our that's right. Was it a good education.
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    Excellent. But it was as if you're all
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    the same a large include it was struck. A learning. Group.
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    Can the the go to set it
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    up in the meantime in ten weeks a year
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    as that Bible Congress. I heard. New World.
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    Greatest waggled teachers for tried weeks every
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    summer. And when I heard an idea. Any names that come to mind
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    that were if you were boys really and that was done through the room growing
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    wider hose. My was an intense Presbyterian out there right now.
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    You LOL you who later.
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    Who was from Baltimore.
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    Just everybody who was anybody who went there were others who was a musician.
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    Ralph Stuart. The when their mother says later her board great numbers
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    are regular run all of us did he his seven. Was probably one of the most
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    prolific composers of gospel. Corps is a live in
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    the one called
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    up one of two numbers.
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    The lead less loveless. I thought I saw that name in a lot of
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    your materials that he maybe showed up. Anyway.
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    Regardless of
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    them. So
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    when you were living in Philadelphia in the midst of all of this. And in
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    the ninety's and rattling every day. To say less and having
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    a search and I was stunned when I was on the radio or we have.
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    So the Brady a public meetings every night of the week by about two weeks. Lease
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    and sometimes we have one spring where we have forty nine days leading
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    up read a subject around southern New Jersey or a Pennsylvania.
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    OK model fifty thousand miles a year. We grab. One hundred thirty nine nine
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    hundred forty thousand nine hundred forty seven is when you about that about. And
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    you my gramma. Just by living there and when did you know this is the
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    way to I met. Graeme Jenny one of only two or left out there. OK.
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  • speaker
    OK then it's Wednesday June sixteenth two thousand
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    and five when and continuing interviews with
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    the purpose of our undoing were picking up women that. In
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    then he's forty two with the
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    Delta tell me where you
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    know. Memorable day.
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    When her side of it she was there. Right. Well Anderson. There was a. Well.
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    We had supper together
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    after the teaching session I
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    I helped the guys with their Geek. I was better in Greek
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    and so I I helped them with it a little bit.
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    As a result of that we finished our studies and had dinner
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    together there
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    we talk. Did I study even further
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    after dinner? I don't think so.
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    or. That it's getting up my table
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    You know, she plays the piano.
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    Why don't you go over to that old pipe organ and
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    let her play?
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    Oh, I don't want to.
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    So I played the piano.
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    But then you guys are all cleavers and also that you were hurling
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    nice entertainment news editor you like the music in
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    the bottles. I was a professional musician.
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    I think that's the way I worked my way from school.
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    However is a close them.
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    Similar indication at the time was screaming middle and
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    bugger grubber guys think one of the arrangements for Mike to listen to the
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    pay for the didn't break the law that's a later on the. Well I had to do
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    was a remark
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    What's it like. Neither you know
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    sounding ever worried
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    about how you cracked the play.
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    Can I do it is wearing on
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    the years nineteen
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    already. The corny seven I guess you did your
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    brother were there. What are the. In terms of career wise
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    though I mean that's really I guess we could talk about this period by you
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    were in Philadelphia. When you move.
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    How do you think she's playing marbles and
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    now she went back to school for a mother as you're
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    you know. I've just finished until May and this makes me scared by
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    was below me and then.
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    Most definitely right. So she came to Philadelphia. In May of forty
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    one know Mayor. So it's Hillary.
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    Forty three doing. Mayor or is doing were married in May Have What were you doing.
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    But let's go back a ways to
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    that what you can help me with is writing is challenging.
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    OK When the hardest thing is separating out the
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    chronology of major events. So that I have a brain work.
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    And so the more you can help me do
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    that in terms of what happened this year what were the major moments
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    in ships and. Well with each chapter of this story
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    like sure
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    that. That's the only one I understand we do not have this time.
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    So. We met him in. Well you
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    are out for every wasn't making and about forty
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    two are probably too. She went back a second ago when
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    going to Philadelphia. In September. You know the man
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    may or may or isn't this I was finished. Well I am a
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    or forty two. Well. We.
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    And I go down at a stubborn confirm they
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    are signed by brother and
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    SIL so I'm sure that close.
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    It's just that the shared same
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    ago. OK. So the next is the problem. Run.
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    Really hot Well how would you describe these years and one when
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    did you leave that out there one of the ones that section we can talk about we have seventy
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    years in the SO route once you're done with seminar you did. But I did
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    that he had seven years and then you move down about of course you are still in they have
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    him there at the timing this is big and we have what we
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    have five. OK. And so here here's their involvement. Seminary.
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    And really course is a main
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    line. Maryjane there you three forty one three marriages.
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    For a three residence in
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    Rock Central and reporting on the radio program pub.
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    Then what did you do when
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    you retire. I read some of the rather still don't think. I play. Work
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    to start a new color. BUT I MADE IT Lee almost
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    immediately started in. And
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    the and the concept program.
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    We that. I stated I was in Delhi with my friends
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    staying with those couples. So you.
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    And because there is so say these things so that stays until September.
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    then they still have to give up that help that apartment they were
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    in agreement lived in never. I that they never
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    with his human rights records or you know person I was in there buying I was
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    in the room. We had options. Who thought I was sick really what some are
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    while. So that was before in the you know
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    the I don't know where the oh you were living with that guy.
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    It was given that living with the court that guy. When I met
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    him Who are you in an apartment.
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    The three of
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    you showing rain you. Was a rock for.
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    I don't know I don't think so I don't think you lived in
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    that but it just about towards
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    all than where your three guys were living together at that time. Jim
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    and Brown was living with this
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    bear and geography there was another.
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    Yeah. I don't know it was
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    a well known important. How would you describe.
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    And how he forty
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    seven moved. I would use Fridays years it was busy and you
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    were essentially in his our family
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    and you moved. You moved to Melbourne.
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    No I didn't do it that those two couples the number for the summer.
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    And then those took up a pen to give up that home.
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    So I I I'm not going to go to. I moved
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    in with a girl friend and their parents that I met him. I stayed
  • speaker
    the summer there. And then
  • speaker
    I had to move in with that. Another girlfriend and her
  • speaker
    parents and. I met there. From September.
  • speaker
    TO may. When I Get
  • speaker
    Married. Some And. What I did was
  • speaker
    I route to quite soon put me in the broadcast
  • speaker
    booth I saying at
  • speaker
    first and then when she had a baby.
  • speaker
    A plane. And that broadcast the going around the world.
  • speaker
    This little girl. I practiced.
  • speaker
    What she did she had a run. Opening the but cast. What's
  • speaker
    what I had to come up to him and I practiced and I know that
  • speaker
    that was very important to me I had to have that by the top of the
  • speaker
  • speaker
    never the suburbs were spent a cordon broke. Because
  • speaker
    of what was your question of home.
  • speaker
    We can use drugs as a bigot
  • speaker
    because we have. Percy
  • speaker
    rented for three of a couple ten what the Brown Yeah. And
  • speaker
    Brown wasn't married at all but I mean in Ray. And
  • speaker
    Betty until we were are married or cross a
  • speaker
    group in by you but it's hard to
  • speaker
    gather the Willows the only ones attack whether or not but
  • speaker
    those were good as
  • speaker
    well as we did. For one that that kind of weapon we were there. But we moved in that house.
  • speaker
    The three couples. Firstly rented that power. And we had a car
  • speaker
    that we had they have to
  • speaker
    remember. What was your impression
  • speaker
    of the camp.
  • speaker
    What were that member go for you.
  • speaker
    Well I had been. I had been to camp as a kid
  • speaker
    my parents went over to say the Bible conference which was a thirty
  • speaker
    five miles or so between Buffalo and the Liane. So I was used to
  • speaker
    going there but just with my parents I don't think I ever wanted somebody lot more.
  • speaker
    Because of the low yeah.
  • speaker
    But I I was used to going
  • speaker
    to let my parents to the Bible can you know there
  • speaker
    was a present for reproach she enjoys the Word of God and
  • speaker
    clothe explain to you how you have remeeting the
  • speaker
    day. By the best teachers a little world. She just
  • speaker
    gobble up one of your both to
  • speaker
    about getting just wanted to give her a chance that it was a
  • speaker
    formative experience to be exposed to some of the great minds in the
  • speaker
    Christian That created by Byron I didn't mention her
  • speaker
    earlier sailing. Manship he is one of the
  • speaker
    great hurry Ironside has a commentary on every book of the Bible in
  • speaker
  • speaker
    heart and I wasn't doing person that it was all the room.
  • speaker
    Because I thought I'm not a
  • speaker
    menace. And then I have to tell you something very
  • speaker
    important as the thing today to happen.
  • speaker
    But I can't stand the radio. Year two years later and bust
  • speaker
    up. And he
  • speaker
    sat back their hands sank. When to be with the Lord in the.
  • speaker
    And I carbon
  • speaker
    minutes back at them I said when I go to bed.
  • speaker
    And he said. Right. When I said you'd said Dr thank when we've
  • speaker
    lowered in the spirit. So I'm going to go
  • speaker
    to him. Now to drop in for the
  • speaker
    I want to go and see that lawyer get the straightened out so that those recall
  • speaker
    our lows about the joke
  • speaker
    or is it that we have been our goal
  • speaker
  • speaker
    blow them away. And I was so
  • speaker
    I didn't do it Brad get us to correct his mistake.
  • speaker
    And he finished out.
  • speaker
    Any other questions of those years. It sounds like. If anything for me during that that period.
  • speaker
    Well it seems like it was a hub of the city is on the
  • speaker
    management service there. Remember the rovers. For those in some of the little waiting.
  • speaker
    We're waiting for your graduated from seminary before we couldn't make any kind of
  • speaker
    like choices. And I felt I'd live. League or were alone.
  • speaker
    Every night and guys were gun. So we were very good things and
  • speaker
    sure they're good friends we are that gap in Philadelphia where we had
  • speaker
    work. When we got married. Our salary got bumped up
  • speaker
    the subsea got hours a week which was you. What we were getting.
  • speaker
    But I was really into the I knew
  • speaker
    what he was the first one to get married. And so you're supposed to be kicked up the courts
  • speaker
    at all the it was after one summer. And they did. And now the guy.
  • speaker
    Want to there in September. Together to that but Kasten
  • speaker
    said. You're going to hire or ever.
  • speaker
    Or in about. We are getting
  • speaker
    married. You know that the person the other three. We say they were going to
  • speaker
    wait and the in UNGAR babe done with their girls them out longer than dad with me.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    OK. And. Those of you in the future. Hello.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    Can you tell me about. It seems to one of the things that struck me when I
  • speaker
    was looking at the documents from the nineteen eighties from Buffalo Christian Center.
  • speaker
    I know I don't. This is my impression. I'm interpeting. So if I'm wrong
  • speaker
    please say so. But, I saw Christian show business circuit in the nineteen eighties.
  • speaker
    I see all these talent agents. Here is
  • speaker
    my talent and these. This circuit. Was there a Christian
  • speaker
    show business circuit in the forties when you guys got married that we were
  • speaker
    pretty prominent speakers. Bible and then singers
  • speaker
  • speaker
    competitive as a companion programming growing up as a programming of evangelism.
  • speaker
    As a primary early on Saturday nights and
  • speaker
    other hand there is a club asserts a room. What
  • speaker
    about you might meet losing.
  • speaker
    Recording nationally know were courting Argus and presenting them personally.
  • speaker
    To the brutal of western New York.
  • speaker
    And Monday night or Monday
  • speaker
    nights and it might mean one of mocking up Philadelphia right now. Oh.
  • speaker
    We met. OK. We're back. I'll quit your job about it isn't the burden that I was
  • speaker
    I had that I guess what I'm asking
  • speaker
    is in set of me in the forty's. Was there as a what are
  • speaker
    you participating or was it just being born. It just seems like.
  • speaker
    I know revivalism goes way back. But is it seems
  • speaker
    like is is tell if you just took on the Christian part of it that I
  • speaker
    was someone might mistake you for a couple who are in
  • speaker
    professional entertainment. Except you're marrying you
  • speaker
    were drinking and part of those the world know we're all
  • speaker
    musical most musical ministry.
  • speaker
    Now how
  • speaker
    many entertain. Musicians
  • speaker
    and speak what what can you describe this world. This.
  • speaker
    You know it sounds like when you've read been one of those
  • speaker
    biography on a biography. And he talks about well. We were all living together.
  • speaker
    Jerry Seinfeld or me and we were beginning. We would have a big here that we.
  • speaker
    It sounds of a little like that and I'm trying to rent a lot
  • speaker
    of something here that we can capture this. In
  • speaker
    one thousand nine hundred forty two forty five or six three
  • speaker
    seven. But I was part of a place. But
  • speaker
    I LET LET was the way I live
  • speaker
    in six days yet my life. How do you know what about is out there.
  • speaker
    What how broad is this is a national thing has North America.
  • speaker
    Less was wealthy. Except a single in value was doing
  • speaker
    is OK with they know what I'm asking is how many other people in
  • speaker
    Boston or about are now in land in Chicago.
  • speaker
    How big is in their circuit. I mean. It went to church and how
  • speaker
    common is this. In this an extension of what you had when you were growing up with
  • speaker
    these preachers will come in a town. You never know what is this
  • speaker
    world that they're scholars going to be interested in interested in how the
  • speaker
    world that you are entering. Which is not just going to be in Pastor
  • speaker
    of church that very well known.
  • speaker
    But there's something a little bit of a mystery here. Because today. There's a lot of attention paid
  • speaker
    to. Kristin entertainers most of the these men these but today.
  • speaker
    A popular show South Park with a parody. About if you want to become Thing this.
  • speaker
    Get a Christian rock band started first. And there's a whole industry. A
  • speaker
    Christian there's a special on him and then. So there's a lot of interest in that today.
  • speaker
    And what I'm curious. Is that it is interesting to
  • speaker
    me that I'm one level and seems to be an overlap between a Broadway show business.
  • speaker
    Lifestyle with backing of the present time. Hot
  • speaker
    how many other people like this. Rather like you guys who were part of the
  • speaker
    Was there a circuit. Well know what what was how lonely were greatly you
  • speaker
    think you kind of that circus
  • speaker
    and you're describing. Overcome her. After losing evolution.
  • speaker
    Record mark and that's what started there was a
  • speaker
    people giving themselves empowerment to just move they're
  • speaker
    going to and I was there but it looks pretty tame with me is
  • speaker
    that when the big bridge was we knew that they were his trap. It was
  • speaker
    a moment. Radio was some regional
  • speaker
    travel creasing with every day that when one made on
  • speaker
    holiday with a big break every lie down
  • speaker
    or well has monsoon I have I'm seeing. Absolutely.
  • speaker
    Them they went across the
  • speaker
    country and
  • speaker
    landed in order the good way
  • speaker
    to go other places came as a result of absolute seven
  • speaker
    hundred who came were taken back up it's June
  • speaker
    seventeenth Thursday. Over the southeast when Tonight does not like it.
  • speaker
    Nine twenty five
  • speaker
    A.M. And here with Alan Forbes
  • speaker
    in chain for just going to John Ensign on Tyler Flynn. And we're
  • speaker
    taking up. Talking
  • speaker
    about your move to Buffalo New York
  • speaker
    to work two years with nine hundred forty seven in one hundred forty
  • speaker
    nine but at the Prospect Baptist Church. Yes. Got.
  • speaker
    The last time. Maybe we can pick up with this last time we were talking about.
  • speaker
    Experience and. I was thinking of every
  • speaker
    night. About another phase of the preparation for the work in Buffalo.
  • speaker
    As far as my work with the person crockery was concerned. The fact that I visited
  • speaker
    so many different churches. One every day. Practically a different
  • speaker
    church here on the Jersey Pennsylvania
  • speaker
    church. It would be opened by a hymn.
  • speaker
    And then the court and Mrs Gropper would take
  • speaker
    over twenty twenty five hour surgery
  • speaker
    was. Present are more than
  • speaker
    Christian entertainment. Which would bet everyone who.
  • speaker
    Many teams doing that we were you
  • speaker
    make when you think Christian entertainment. You mean saying oh I
  • speaker
    don't know I'm going. Presenting a program of very
  • speaker
    Or I'll just up front performing whom and I have a
  • speaker
    problem. And then.
  • speaker
    During the
  • speaker
    hears you must be very busy and issuing College and Seminary.
  • speaker
    That's right but remember they were warriors. And we were exempt from the
  • speaker
    war. Because we were and some of them.
  • speaker
    I have always felt that very keenly that we should applaud arms elements
  • speaker
    of probably to our work writing one had at one time period
  • speaker
    I even had a side job working for a federalist Then
  • speaker
    story get married never want to go. So a
  • speaker
    typical we. We know with the summer and he was like it was ten we are going to be me. Did they
  • speaker
    have a temp a coral week for you than I
  • speaker
  • speaker
    working at the new day there in a day and you have meetings.
  • speaker
    And I hope school what schools are in a have unlimited room. And then about
  • speaker
    Clark Luckily at the moment I would have to get the car and we would travel as much
  • speaker
    and as much as ninety
  • speaker
    miles to the area churches in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
  • speaker
    Well New York where about us we are way it was another
  • speaker
    case. So most of your travel was with then
  • speaker
    others miles under my belt there.
  • speaker
    But then that returning to it man gets less right away. California. Same
  • speaker
    legal where
  • speaker
    that not but mainly men they came in for those
  • speaker
    two hundred to one of the
  • speaker
    two miles of Cape during the here is did you
  • speaker
    have had did you ever have a. What were
  • speaker
    the is how old. Whenever a local story can intersect
  • speaker
    with a national map anything. You always want is made those as possible. So hearing about. You
  • speaker
    know some He's well known people it helps we are local. So about another here right
  • speaker
    behind me. I'm going to quote myself with a lot of them. I Pod
  • speaker
    What if you get a personal brand. At Iraq. Heinrich was OK The. The FRONT OF
  • speaker
    through it jumps. I became acquainted with a lot of people. Now don't know what are
  • speaker
    some quotes of those years. I'ma all men.
  • speaker
    And personally
  • speaker
    knew making up the people that were here I would lose. And at the
  • speaker
    Buffalo Christian
  • speaker
    Center. OK OK. Yes. Now you are going to have some of
  • speaker
    the names that I've encountered. All of them are from the earlier period. Could
  • speaker
    be OK I'm a power like JAMES BENNETT I only have a row.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    it I look at Percy cropper. Was he at Pine
  • speaker
    Grove how present was he there was he speaking every day all over here
  • speaker
    with the order of the old the earth a little
  • speaker
    a lot of our muffin. I work with is
  • speaker
    personal business.
  • speaker
    And so he was a director and a public speaker and didn't get her radio
  • speaker
    programs from there let we recognize what actually from
  • speaker
    their other localities. The radio program who their. And he did continue to
  • speaker
    work there. Or back as you're out we have all a lie.
  • speaker
    A level I was but got the brag that the rug gets it over the world. And while you were at home work you
  • speaker
    did not travel to churches. Well observed in the equation from that. But this is
  • speaker
    a basic cable. There are A quick to murder people that.
  • speaker
    Of had something notable aggregate.
  • speaker
    And it would be like one set of campers and come through adult. Yes. Came to have to make
  • speaker
    about ten children who need I
  • speaker
    guess teenagers. Just teenagers. No doubt their parents are with me
  • speaker
    on weekend meaning they would come. Sunday.
  • speaker
    If they get their kids in stay here. That's right. What
  • speaker
    were the. Were there other big moments when you.
  • speaker
    In the six years. When he said four or Matt. Really famous
  • speaker
    people or
  • speaker
    national think that you want to
  • speaker
    mention. In the meantime anything now or
  • speaker
    I don't think you we went to the depth of my own
  • speaker
    house and down. You know Piers it's neither.
  • speaker
    We haven't seen them. But maybe other people wouldn't know their
  • speaker
    news so we wouldn't
  • speaker
    get her back.
  • speaker
    Anything else about those
  • speaker
    years. Hope.
  • speaker
    I'm looking at pictures here hopefully I'll be in the future for these pictures. But look
  • speaker
  • speaker
    that and the Last night I
  • speaker
    was there.
  • speaker
    And there was a style of programming. That Mrs Crawford
  • speaker
    was probably the originator and I was in later of it
  • speaker
    and woman's remember. But what the present day is what's called
  • speaker
    the praise music OK.
  • speaker
    Which is generational. That praise loser because normally big ten to
  • speaker
    fifteen years ago. Run churches turned from having a choir.
  • speaker
    To having a group of small a small group of people who shoot
  • speaker
    in the church services. That's all maybe ten to fifteen years old.
  • speaker
    Prior to that lower
  • speaker
    was audience participation in what were called courses in the early part
  • speaker
    of church services. And Mrs Crocker.
  • speaker
    Single and link of the.
  • speaker
    Well the a bridge in the leg or arm all that music. She gathered it
  • speaker
    was given to belts public. Yes.
  • speaker
    Fifteen separate quarters. Rocks. That people in
  • speaker
    churches around. Entire East Coast. Would
  • speaker
    you can you give. Can you sing maybe a tune the typical
  • speaker
    chorus and a walk with me in the god
  • speaker
    with no lights. But. Well I had eyes that had a really tell
  • speaker
  • speaker
    was do you not know where everyone is when you go out in
  • speaker
    the Orlando.
  • speaker
    Everybody who landed there. You think is wrong
  • speaker
    and now solo. Globe
  • speaker
    or idea that everybody
  • speaker
    whether. That's right and that angle well. Mr go home.
  • speaker
    The composer of that person or a. I mean when
  • speaker
    the loveless who was dominant and was by Will that you just mentioned Meryl Dunlop
  • speaker
    was another one of
  • speaker
    these. There were other quo or perhaps a
  • speaker
    dozen cars. ROGERS. Doing that per user although that
  • speaker
    payment is a result of. Mrs Crawford but it will show that issue.
  • speaker
    And there was this. This is being made to have him around him to come in
  • speaker
    with an archive this is very helpful to have. Especially with this
  • speaker
    interview. But it was nano music that would have been a great amount really good
  • speaker
    news up. And I may not use them again but I'm not really the
  • speaker
    most is make sure they come my way with him.
  • speaker
    OK. How can you tell me that very helpful. Can you tell
  • speaker
    me about. When you graduated from Eastern.
  • speaker
    What happened that you had a child born in one thousand forty six and eight. In man
  • speaker
    but he had one where you go.
  • speaker
    And so very wet eyes looked like she was born in March of one binary thinking
  • speaker
    then that for one whole next school year master of
  • speaker
    the men in the morrow. And
  • speaker
    the fact he actually it was a plea deal at that time.
  • speaker
    Dr a dependent. But they are limited and may just be telling that
  • speaker
    it became a OK. A Great thousand. Since
  • speaker
    it was an extra year. Should class apply as a master which route looms up
  • speaker
    in the vision where you should know.
  • speaker
    But no could do know that the six train a stick and they said
  • speaker
    he would be dying in the back to state where you're going to bury him. When we've
  • speaker
    been married a couple of years. Do we leave the premises or no but maybe he
  • speaker
    said. No I don't think we do it has nothing to do with the advance of them but
  • speaker
    they didn't expect him to. And Dr I
  • speaker
    was mean that was during these years OK. You must remember.
  • speaker
    Without being him out of the big hole where we were
  • speaker
    who we were doing was celebrating staggers
  • speaker
    status within the church community.
  • speaker
    Because of the radio. And because of that short amount of travelling that. And
  • speaker
    how many job or all of the old regime of there was so that had left the
  • speaker
    same impact on people. And I was told regime. Artists
  • speaker
    were the pack of being on the radio.
  • speaker
    Specially machinable radio. Make you a celebrity.
  • speaker
    Do you want to talk about that.
  • speaker
    No this is where we were so I know where you have very like what did you think of that. You know
  • speaker
    what I think
  • speaker
    the in the only answer and then to my parents.
  • speaker
    We. They could hear the back can hear it.
  • speaker
    And they came to but
  • speaker
    somehow they came to buckled to
  • speaker
    the same. And now to secure comes not America here's
  • speaker
    a pragmatic approach New Year clean.
  • speaker
    And I heard that but then that train had who they were and out on a
  • speaker
    little stand that they came to this big of a Tory
  • speaker
    and that we have shown you know that we. That he came was
  • speaker
    perfectly there that's when he met my parents they came tumbling into Buffalo to
  • speaker
    meet him. And I was living in Philly but I
  • speaker
    came to Buffalo. So that he couldn't live
  • speaker
    there. If we could cause.
  • speaker
    How did you feel about being part of a celebrity culture.
  • speaker
    And having that would
  • speaker
    depend on how you can scan in there who didn't know
  • speaker
    I got a square are ordinary and
  • speaker
    the I get sentenced except for then I've been thinking a
  • speaker
    lot about it but this to me at least the thing
  • speaker
    I regret. You know I have
  • speaker
    made for cuts and what year was that happened
  • speaker
  • speaker
    I was running through all her her problems on
  • speaker
    the boards was in
  • speaker
    the makeup. So you were saying even if you
  • speaker
    began with a
  • speaker
    certain remember. Sure. Did you begin to attract attention as
  • speaker
  • speaker
    own single put
  • speaker
    me as a solo on that it broadcast travel here on the radio.
  • speaker
    You know about her was when than if you found
  • speaker
    out I could play.
  • speaker
    And then when she had a baby.
  • speaker
    I was no baby it was
  • speaker
    and to play in America and around
  • speaker
  • speaker
    world in the burbs
  • speaker
    can't wear the same be.
  • speaker
    The the basin is in you know Ecuador. Which we went and we're
  • speaker
    down later. For my and you know what respect the mission went
  • speaker
    away. To make him. We went there and we're going
  • speaker
    to and that space and
  • speaker
    still it can be very good read. Center everything everywhere. That was much later.
  • speaker
    Mostly. But did you see any potential. This
  • speaker
    year of you see any potential. What were the benefits of this much attention
  • speaker
    and were there any drought that
  • speaker
    when the contracts that I met with people that I could use
  • speaker
  • speaker
    in the movie. I work in the work at
  • speaker
  • speaker
    center also influenced my decision must have been
  • speaker
    part of a national group in Ruston in the archives where
  • speaker
    you knew when the but the
  • speaker
    churches were independent churches.
  • speaker
    Hesitancy to be attached to everything that was national or international they
  • speaker
    would rise the national the when one of the many of
  • speaker
    the Wonder Dog growing national figures.
  • speaker
    But no you were wrong and that is anybody. And
  • speaker
    Bob peers.
  • speaker
    Run the press and that is their crime and. We went to trial. And you said
  • speaker
    to him. You know I I am. Whim of your organization but I
  • speaker
    don't need to because I know being people personally and used to cry.
  • speaker
    The board. What for our best city in the United
  • speaker
    States too because they move the speaker in new concepts out in
  • speaker
  • speaker
    mail on a billion from the only organization which I didn't use a lot.
  • speaker
    And yeah I had the contact or and they know. We were good friends with them with
  • speaker
    no problem but that one Billy Graham with them and welfare
  • speaker
    and get her out through and bought him. And who are.
  • speaker
    The president
  • speaker
    early Johnson who was part of the greater worry.
  • speaker
    Ground in count. The the fellow who within that.
  • speaker
    He was a crack and dad went into Iraq and went. Met them
  • speaker
    and second no I'm not adding anything to you but I don't need to
  • speaker
    do their work. Not
  • speaker
    only that when I was melt into the radio Mother Bab but I felt that the churches
  • speaker
    would resent being the problem. I would not have those uproar.
  • speaker
    When my vocal charges if I were the sons you needed to a massive organization.
  • speaker
    And good the we didn't need it you know. And so it's money in the so then
  • speaker
    they come back
  • speaker
    a celebrity and have this attention that you receive because your radio. Figures.
  • speaker
    You helped one of the positives it gave you your own set your own
  • speaker
    Rolodex OK. I was from a personal contacts for me here. He see any
  • speaker
    problem with with this amount of attention. And the celebrity culture.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    I only say that I don't know why I mention that except
  • speaker
    that. I really know the others. By
  • speaker
    the other over emphasized in the movie. For the person.
  • speaker
    That's not the rule or the simply for the night. When I
  • speaker
    was with person crap. I love or went to a church that wasn't
  • speaker
    bought with the five dollar governments and
  • speaker
    then in the Red Sox the I'm going to be in. But were told You can
  • speaker
    be sure of this is what I mean all the
  • speaker
    ground and will learn when people tell in this world that I was a perfect
  • speaker
    robber was barely come to have absolutely New Jersey
  • speaker
    in the church was
  • speaker
    full and the going have to or we went contact with Jack
  • speaker
    work that went out on a little move out if wife were paid down
  • speaker
    there personally and then Jack became a good friend of F.E.M.A. to Rep
  • speaker
    It can't kill them in a parallel around
  • speaker
  • speaker
    world where I live.
  • speaker
    Or another what it was at that looked at. And
  • speaker
    so then we went there I went there plain perma in to do you know
  • speaker
    that you know one of those you know it works and son.
  • speaker
    Can't think the same question was witness to my
  • speaker
    music. And we're good friends but when he was going to move to that says he
  • speaker
    called us and back peepin down the way down here was down with
  • speaker
    some wonderful musician loads of music. And we're good friends.
  • speaker
    As we were with by
  • speaker
    the. Can Really can you walk me through your your transition
  • speaker
    out of seminarians where good up with the you know most of the
  • speaker
    time when bucks. Not all runs from Mitchell's
  • speaker
    group. I'm alone with
  • speaker
    her classroom I'm in first
  • speaker
    year of our marriage with one comeback story. You did the same.
  • speaker
    Several conditions were just one. But Napa same probably closer closer.
  • speaker
    You sound just the season. Yeah. It was for them. I would if I
  • speaker
    was military chaplain I could come back with another person or what will be a couple of streets
  • speaker
    from a couple of streets
  • speaker
    from the. Well not. You
  • speaker
    know something else that important that out this summer we got married.
  • speaker
    What Allen had to leave the court that they had another panic come in because you couldn't get a binder.
  • speaker
    Because even where and everyone ran the books. So our work and
  • speaker
    pretty books that are going to this that a princess.
  • speaker
    And I were in they were set or were going with just the Blackall
  • speaker
    over and out. So that Alan. Got to know the book
  • speaker
    starts with his wife he started a bookstore in but
  • speaker
    I'll pick up the thing from it with it and knew what it was what it
  • speaker
    was in person Crawford bookstore.
  • speaker
    And I mean primal.
  • speaker
    You don't owe our right there on the I will come you know the Christian right. Yeah.
  • speaker
    Sure wasn't the study of most novels. I'll Christian
  • speaker
    the Muppet sure that will please you and you have a good can look sort of day.
  • speaker
    Remember do not assume that the audience knows that these things are.
  • speaker
    So he had on your Bibles all your commentary or theological writings. It
  • speaker
    went in with our That was true thing that's in the
  • speaker
    record and that. Yeah. And then back. Why
  • speaker
    he started the bookstore in the panic. Because he knew how to
  • speaker
    do that but we think I just was looking for a house.
  • speaker
    Then where the books are in the center was to Percy cropper didn't they were pretty much the same we had one time but
  • speaker
    they only standard because of the expense look time. The bookstore business
  • speaker
    in the in the eighty's and ninety's been going a major major
  • speaker
    economic could
  • speaker
    force women to juggle both stores are huge force.
  • speaker
    Some very good what they were so Percy croppers was with like a seed of that was part of it
  • speaker
  • speaker
    think so seems like a lot of the story does go back to
  • speaker
    Perth the proper to some extent is what we're now trying.
  • speaker
    And his wife.
  • speaker
    OK. Can you walk me through how you ended up moving to Buffalo
  • speaker
    less than seven or eight. Well like right.
  • speaker
    Logos some of the pastor. Then the buffalo church that
  • speaker
    I suspect that when we list
  • speaker
    some recommended me to his father.
  • speaker
    And then am I mean you can't wait for the loose and move the mad prospect Lima Church.
  • speaker
    Must've been a big carrot enough to support a good conservative Baptist
  • speaker
    in downtown Buffalo. It's that prospect
  • speaker
    church is within four blocks
  • speaker
    of what became the Buffalo Christian Center.
  • speaker
    So, how did that go? You interviewed. I had. I had a
  • speaker
    very effective youth ministry and choir ministry. Jane and
  • speaker

