Highlights of the 179th General Assembly, part 2.

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    Following the election [Election of Eugene Feeland Smathers as Moderator] the assembly got down to business. And mighty expensive business it is. Most
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    of the eight hundred twenty one commissioners that had voted lived east of the Mississippi. When
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    you fly that many men and women to Portland, Oregon, and recommend that they accept thirteen
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    dollars and twenty five cents per day for their living expenses, you begin to get the idea.
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    And a few unhappy commissioners. May I speak to that briefly. This
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    is a real problem. I speak as a commissioner now. Not my experience on the General Council.
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    I'm under the impression that most of the presbyteries get all of their commissioners together once they are elected to a
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    given General Assembly for briefing. You've made a very good point and this is the kind of point
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    there should be part and parcel of the integral briefing of commissioners from the presbyteries.
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    By and large unless you come with your wife, and then we do understand there are some complexities in reshuffling
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    the deck. But if you come alone like like Noah's Ark, you
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    come as commissioners two by two. If you read your yellow pages, it's clearly indicated
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    that the per diem each year is calculated upon the basis that wheresoever possible at
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    least two commissioners will find a congenial experience during a given assembly in sharing a twin
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    bedded double room. This ought to be part of the briefing on the presbytery level. We can't do it from here. Mr.
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    Moderator! Stated Clerk. Yes ma'am number five. I'm Ardluise Spurgeon
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    from the Philadelphia Presbytery. I came here with twenty three men.
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    [laughter] [Smathers] Dr
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    Little [Little, Ganse], will you answer that? For the record I have a single room. Thank you.
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    I would observe that there is always safety in numbers. For those who
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    were stuck with a fourteen dollar a day room. They began each day with a seventy five
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    cent deficit. And no money left over for food or cabs or fun and games.
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    When the federal government does this it is called deficit spending. When the church does
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    it, it is called stewardship.
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    [Hymn "God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand"] It wasn't all
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    committee meetings and business sessions, toil, and trouble. During
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    an ecumenical worship service, the commissioners heard a twelve hundred voiced mass choirs from
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    the churches of Portland. And, at the popular meeting, Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia
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    Orchestra. The last assembly to be
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    held in Portland Oregon was back in eighteen ninety two. That assembly
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    is remembered today primarily because of the heresy trial of the Reverend Dr Charles
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    Augustus Briggs. What many people may have forgotten is that
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    during that same assembly an effort to introduce the idea of writing a new confessional statement
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    for the church was defeated.

