Highlights of the 179th General Assembly, part 4.

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    The commissioners also learned that the Fifty Million Fund had already received pledges an excess of
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    fifty million dollars. And then there was a report of Church and Society,
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    in which the church seeks relevant Christian answers to the pressing questions of this sweating,
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    breathing, anxious present. There was no way to fairly reduce the great amount of discussion
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    of the issues here. So we have asked one slightly used but still new
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    Stated Clerk Mr William Phelps Thompson to report to you . Sir, what
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    were the specific items reported on by Church and Society this year?
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    [Thompson, William P. ] Church and Society reported on a number of different problems and concerns.
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    The one that was probably uppermost in the minds of the commissioners was the first reported on.
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    That was on war and world order. With particular reference to the conflict
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    in Vietnam, the committee reported and the commissioners
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    adopted a declaration of conscience. They also authorized and
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    directed a study of the issues in depth.
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    And finally issued a call to prayers for peace, which
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    they themselves observed on the last day of the assembly. During the
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    time when they would normally have adjourned for lunch, they had a service of prayers
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    for peace. They did not eat lunch that noon and
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    during the period, they had this worship. The money
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    which they would normally have spent for the noon meal was given for the relief of suffering
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    among the civilians in Vietnam. In the same area of War and World Order,
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    there was a pronouncement on international economic assistance, on the problems
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    in southern Africa, and the problems of the People's Republic of China.
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    There were a number of other subjects also proposed by the Committee
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    on Church and Society. These included civil rights from proclamation
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    to performance. And, under that heading, there was a statement on the church and
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    black power. Then there was a proposed pronouncement on the
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    church and selective service, on crime in America,
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    and one on traffic safety. These were all discussed in great detail
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    by the commissioners. There were some amendments and deletions.
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    After full and complete debate, pronouncements on these subjects were adopted.
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    The Church and Society Committee also proposed that the General Assembly approve
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    a report on the church, the Christian and work, which had
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    been prepared by a special committee working over a number of months. And proposed
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    a study on women in society and in the church. I
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    like now, if I may, to ask you how you found your first
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    year as Stated Clerk? [Thompson, William P. speaking] It's been fascinating.
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    During this year I have traveled a great deal. I have thought it wise that
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    I meet a number of people in all parts of the church. And indeed I
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    have traveled more during my first year as stated clerk than I did in the preceding year
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    when I was moderator. I have some appreciation of how much travel that implies.
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    Would you tell me how you would define the function of your office
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    at a General Assembly? At the General Assembly, the Stated Clerk has two
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    functions. The first is to propose the docket. In the final analysis,
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    of course, the commissioners themselves adopt the docket, but the stated clerk
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    must suggest to them how their business might be conducted. And then
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    in the conduct of the business, the Stated Clerk serves as parliamentarian.
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    I was left with the impression that you had memorized the Manual. You had some pretty thorny
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    ones from the floor there from time to time. You seem to have all the right answers. I had familiarized
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    myself with the rules. And in this particular General Assembly,
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    the commissioners themselves didn't like one of the rules and changed it. I
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    assume that's their prerogative? It is indeed. Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.

