Alan T. Forbes oral history, 2010, side 4.

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    Really that's him but I was a good youth leader. When I knew a claim are made up with more
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    money in Prospect church. I instituted a church newspaper.
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    I had a church newspaper.
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    expect that we would have I also would. It was that church. If
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    it's the newspaper just for that particular
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    church? That's right. because I have properties of the
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    the that you cause it was quote prospect.
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    Use of thing by the prospect
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    of my . each each area, the
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    woman society I gave a special prospecting name to that
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    It was a unique piece of literature.
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    I learned to
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    I learned to apply my
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    my knowledge, my gifts
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    to the jobs that I had. What else did you know that he had a part
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    of a scholarship to Yale. Yeah, I did tell him. where that. Journalism.
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    Yeah that's what I was studying
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    with journalism even when I was in high school.
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    So why
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    So this is the first time that
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    youth. Well, I guess a camp was youth really. I had
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    no desire to be a senior pastor. Why not? I wanted to be an evangelist.
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    And you evangelize your own people? Yeah. Absolutely!
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    And, that was why we found that the Youth Time evangelism
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    Which is Time for Youth, evangelism and
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    fellowship. Jane is the one who gave me that name.
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    Youth Time Evangelism. You were leaving in the morning and you
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    went downstairs and said I've got to have a name.
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    for this place. You've got to have a name
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    for it. And that I was giving Lisa a bath, maybe Vicki.
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    I remember having her in the bathtub
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    and saying, "How about Youth Time Evangelism and Fellowship? He was going out the door.
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    He said, "That's It!."
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    She gave "Youth Time," and I added "Evangelism."
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    is yeah but should then be proud to say. Well above.
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    As I saw that above there was no low Integra connection between us and
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    the bright but he didn't ask your
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    friends. So. Youth
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    because that was the way to shape and their eyes are was one of the news
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    about is of them all over my
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    education through the summer can't personally. Perfectly proper It was a Usenet.
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    He was. I didn't know that primarily
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    primarily at the camp. But then he broke it chipped.
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    There was basically was interested in the use of the
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    absolutes. But people that were converted to our
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    meetings. Eighty percent of work. Were you there
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    got saved in our meetings because statistics through and
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    what seventy percent of the decisions that are made her cry
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    survey before twenty one years of age.
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    And the other reasons why members and what if your reason for me doing so
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    when the amount of people.
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    And the other things if you think you find. Being a senior pastor confining
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    or depressing
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    the thought of it. When you made a choice to her that. I mean did you want to care
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    about that at all.
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    No sense of humor. And then anything which is us could get into I think
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    kids and Percy was like that Prissy was just then and.
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    The first time that they have program.
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    Let's really find you calling Pat they would get some laughing.
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    First he
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    did and the time there was
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    an element. Prior to television.
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    Prior really almost.
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    What I just cry.
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    As ever payment factor. Even Times
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    of London.
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    Movie deals already.
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    There was an entertainment factor because this was something outside of
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    the ordinary that they could go to that was like I entertainment when it was on.
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    Actually it was there was really somebody.
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    There was a. He was. Was dramatic. Repairs.
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    So I don't know that I had an
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    element of entertainment.
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    But it was just the moons of contact.
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    And then we exchange. That time with deadly serious getting
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    people laugh then perfectly with the first line. Because
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    further with my Dad The Caller Yeah.
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    He didn't train.
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    Well we are bring back on that and that
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    they did the helpful because one of the things here is it is
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    that there is an interesting confluence of the sacred. And
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    the seriousness
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    of eternal issues of salvation. You think of
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    Christianity and other religions around going back centuries
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    of very the most of way things and then now we're having something that seems to be
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    at odds with that the culture of entertainment show this isn't fun humor. And
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    there are overlapping here and how they overlap is going to point to point a curiosity. For example.
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    The discussion of Percy Crawford sounds
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    like earlier. Grampa share that
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    he was
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    a bit.
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    Dictatorial or a strict. One another's arrived versus personnel as the other
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    dictatorial. It was demanded a yard it was triggered
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    the man was own. James. How could this man who has all
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    serious attributes integrity
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    Dick's Tauriel learned all
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    that get healthy also be funny and how did you guys
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    find things to laugh about. Those are color.
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    He was even creating the can be very funny.
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    One instance he was the quick that was singing and it was that your guy here that
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    you know I
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    have brothers of my socks.
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    He reached over while I'm singing pulled my leg up
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    and Lagardere. Well. So look what I backed up. The
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    Guy Gardner was up for behind me.
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    And all the guys began to laugh. Because he was very fine air.
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    One know that other bit of the children only would never do
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    that but they say that the
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    first twenty minutes the guy was saying I want everybody else. Saying I had
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    Let's Make a plan my grandmother die. To set down to settle down
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    and not land. During
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    my serious thought because it's
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    that you know. OK I'm going to I'm going to play a little bit interpretive and they're pushing on both of
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    here. One of the description. Again of the modern world in the post World War
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    One World is this liberation from all of their constraints from from tradition. Is
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    there any chance that part of what was happening here was our grandmother was so
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    there Tori and she'd pull your ear if you were give you a whipping in church. Your father away.
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    If you laugh and this was like.
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    Listen we can laugh and be in church and jail time. I think you're right.
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    That's like to camp. Making fun. Saturday night or C.N.N.
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    could be true. Fun tourch could be fun. Worshipping God is
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    that Saturday night. They put on a Sunday
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    show and wear a thousand and ten. Let's sit out in front of the
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    big. Pay for the slack when there are
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    lights and it was not that they could be offended you know.
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    And then some kids would be down there and they would do funny
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    tricks and him. Funny
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    thing for an hour. And the kids with this list Six Flags and they thought well
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    we're for fun. And that's the first night they arrive. Since Sunday night.
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    They were Sunday morning. They were struck with
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    this very
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    serious Sunday morning when they were saying that it
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    go cold when.
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    So the Sunday morning was
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    serious. Oh yes it is the music is
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    as well it gets so you are finding the culture you have artist. Was
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    about aligning a way to. It's about
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    details. Again just for curiosity see from the historical perspective.
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    There was a sense of your parents and grandparents and great parents were part of a more
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    serious and something. The term Victorian nineteenth century comes to
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    mind but that you wanted to
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    embrace some of them aren't spirit but in a way that wasn't degrading to
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    your face but I have to incorporate here that my father had such a sense that you know
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    where he was so funny that we could never be serious for a day
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    on my son that way but your generation here the service. All
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    of your I read I don't want to say that at home. It
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    was serious and when we my parents would entertain so much it would all be funded my
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    dad couldn't think of anything
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    but plenty of OK. Can I ask a question when someone is. Let me just sort of term.
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    As we're describing this person crop of this world
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    here. Heard a
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    term like Victorian or nineteenth century or
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    progressive or. What can you give more of a description of what. You. He was the older
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    generation that preceded you. Not necessarily here specific father or mother.
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    But what how did it here to you have grown up in the twenty's and thirty's
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    and Coming of Age in the forty's.
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    It was quite a transformation then my legs to move
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    from. This is asleep. All
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    those concerts form of worship.
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    To be introduced to the message church. I mean
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    the faith can be there or when the whole new we are
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    or aren't familiar area. To
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    make nothing like that as I told you when I went on that program it's to
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    have been praying to God as if he was a neighbor or federally number. Tell
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    me was opening up a whole new world. And when we came to Buffalo.
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    From Philadelphia.
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    Registers New York had really
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    knocked. No programming that we were
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    very familiar with and we brought
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    that program and I we
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    had what I think. Attracted people plus my radio broadcast.
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    Well placed a little.
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    Oreo of worship understanding to the people of western New
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    York. And then
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    time he feels to some extent
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    that. I'm still trying to imagine an
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    older type of Christianity Protestant. Nineteenth century America. And
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    we started. That maybe at the turn of the
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    century and. And how what. You know how a younger generation
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    new generations if we want to be different. They've got a clear. Psychological
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    profile of how it's always been and then they define again.
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    That what they're going to be. Sounds like at infusing this element of joy.
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    Time to evangelism and worship. Rises and innovation. I But.
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    Looking for a little more help for the other generations look
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    to take
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    comparison. You know I'll have and most
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    unusual of course the
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    word purgatory. We have a different paradigm. Since the
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    presumes their cars come in.
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    You understand what I mean when I say praise music. OK Well for
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    the moment today not.
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    Is not anything but government today with the band that there is
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    that much of a break between my generation. And this generation.
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    The priests. Our generation was from less big story and kind of
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    an approach of Jersey. To this programming kind of
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    church rather just looking for a little more description from you on that all of that or
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    what preceded you. You know platform for our time we're trying or floor
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    time when he is that can do to time. And we did
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    three fluid campaign. But you didn't like states and. I went to
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    that broadcast to three same men who didn't
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    say he came out they sent. Shall We Dance.
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    The music was so unique and was so relevant to the
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    music as the right record just like today
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    need the kind of music that was being used in the church
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    is resolves against a secular time. In the word mother were the
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    church has become more secularized
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    secular community has affected the church more on the church affecting
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    those sectors but that is a blast. They've lost a real praise to God.
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    Now it's just a bunch of a setting where about us.
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    Well see I'm trying to again I'm trying
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    to I'm part of a generation and I know what I perceive me but I think
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    that the midst of people trying to understand about location. SATTAR and Percy Crawford are your partner.
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    I'm still I got the four forty three four. But can you describe.
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    And I appreciate you talking about
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    the Catholic formalism of Episcopalian tradition. Can you help me understand I
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    can with Percy proper care and the whole gang. All sitting up in here. And I could interview hundred times as well.
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    What was what preceded you. Because of course a younger generations like mine.
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    And music do you have it all as all fashions. So we're trying to can you tell you some
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    good the song per lose I don't remember saying. I do understand I'm trying to get a more
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    focused sure of what. Besides three
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    four engine and certainly was too simplistic. Simplistic and leads
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    to can I find is something you magic only within a church setting and women that
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    stick to me that I would say to Syria and of a sudden they
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    can see the choruses. In three four times. They too
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    are happy.
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    Now where there is a little amount that you
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    know that helps Thursday is a very crux of all of it helps to explain this by
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    is that is what is directed in worship
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    God. Whereas the Gospel choruses and gospel
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    music that came in after the twentieth century
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    began late. And then in the nineteenth. But really in
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    the twentieth century that music was testimonial Right exactly that
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    is began with Billy Graham and it began with the the Sunday.
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    While movie. Testimony of the meaning was an evolutionary I just
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    really well are. What our relationship to God is what God's relationship
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    the mainland. That's the big cruise God that's
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    So that's helpful. That's really helpful and sounds like a lot of it does come
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    for you to some I'm through. Is it that you saw these. Through the use of
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    another type of music that reflected a certain type of relationship to God When each other and then.
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    This was a new form of music that expect a different relationship to mean we've got
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    another we have a and spiritualism. To go.
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    As we had an experience. To dogma of the music
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    was Douglas. Prior to this knowledge experience.
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    You mention a term fun. Can you elaborate on a logic Leo.
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    Looking back what this fund. Me. Why why.
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    Here that my life there but no better word is experience.
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    OK. Because the because Rice is not because life is one experiences outside a church is not
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    just serious and it's also fun it's things that happen. They don't necessarily have to
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    be dark in corrupted by men knocking on the door.
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    Coming home from bar thing here. But part of Lady spirits is funny couldn't fuse
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    that back in order to went to a greater extent.
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    The experience of people prior to the twentieth century was
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    coming part might go like
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    this for our core things in the news and weather was
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    suddenly was something else. The rest of the week was here. And I
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    experience of those I'm of the twentieth century. I was brought a recognition
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    that Christianity is a slave by day personal experience.
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    Based upon glow.
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    And it's what you may say so you wanted
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    to bear with me here. I'm just trying to clarify
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    you that your music and protest and worship. That was later in the three
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    the four for the three for shift the dogma to the spirit that you wanted
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    make safe less compartmentalize and more real. And so that the. The
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    way you live life. Monday
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    through Saturday and when there is humor there's other things that have. Life doesn't have to be completely
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    set aside and and. And then there's worship which is a completely
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    right to same thing you pray in tongues to God every day just like you did
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    and send your art. Edouard WHERE OR and therefore if the church
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    carries over the week then we can carry over to
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    church then we began to join the began to have
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    devotional print the day with in
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    print for people. Yes that was a
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    big step but still going to be difficult for people to and they're curious about is how
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    did a lot of the motifs of entertaining and fun and laughter. Find its
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    way into church I tell you are right for you guys.
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    We were all gods are communication age. We moved from the industrial age.
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    We were already to the communication.
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    OK. But what I'm getting at here is a little bit is there is a common interpretation. But
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    that incorporating radio and and
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    entertainment what other forms of modern media and technology into worship.
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    Where only a technique. And then there's another news. Or that is more technique as a way
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    of saving souls. Then there is a some question as to what extent. Was
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    it to a reflection
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    of changing views of God into the human. What it means to be a Christian.
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    And it sounds to me like it was for you with the Buffalo Christian Center and your spirit is in
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    the sort of thing Firstly Crawford. Was it had a substance to it that went deeper than
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    that it was part of the desire to he compartmentalize the Christian
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    faith into bringing fun into worship in a church. You were also bringing
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    your open have to bring church. Into the rest of the world.
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    Every day experience.
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    It just experiencing God every day instead of just on Sunday.
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    I think our use of the
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    word. Rose is probably over emphasized in
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    this Berger view. Where the word experience we're. Better.
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    The start or words to
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    you because I felt that was the
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    pivot. When you start to think that if one has claimed requests like it was this.
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    least serious with great Simmonds we heard. But then there's Saturday night which
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    was so rare yes. Out laughing it tilts of the same people who
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    are on the platform. During the week. They were making fun
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    and children the
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    kids with get there Saturday. And they would go over this flange time.
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    And relax is see
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    the same people if they had they would see em the plaster you
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    wanted to put it another way. If you wanted to change.
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    The is proud was Protestant Christian church. Some of it more fully
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    reflected the the. The broader range of human. About.
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    That's Rob Liefeld miles per hour. Having to jump ahead
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    to having a Saturday night round I was saying it's OK to be a human being
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    because God made us as human beings and human beings are either always the
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    who and we don't have to pretend that we don't do those things. And that was the way he was a very
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    good by knowing the rockets challenging them to be segregated.
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    But that started the week which was very smart.
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    But it didn't start with the deadly serious than the Morning. They staggered Saturday night
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    with mine and
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    that the other were probably broken come to
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    London. The suburb in that was the culmination of that week mark in the beginning that
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    we were then the you know it when the car later. We're coming. I don't.
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    The people
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    are Berbers
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    around and we've got to
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    about whatever.
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    It's June seventeenth. There's a again I hope the Celtics a win tonight.
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    And we're going to. Cup.
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    And just a minute here. Down and buckle return. Florida.
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    And talking
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    about the days of the buffalo Christian Center between nine hundred forty
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    seven for the early phase in the four does move to Buffalo and the like nine
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    hundred forty seven.
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    I'm doing OK We're back at it. Here we are. And they do a
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    pick up
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    Graham. I was just saying that. In preparation for going
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    to Buffalo and being were church work in general.
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    Having visited so many churches, day after day, with Crawford, gave me a view
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    various denominations were. What their idiosyncracies, if you will,
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    Might be so I was open to understand the trick
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    seen a lot better than a subsidy.
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    Listeria kids had something to do in Buffalo with the
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    list you have got started. Interdenominational an area where I am.
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    Listening to work with the pastors knowing what their mindset
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    was OK. And the reason you got this experience working with Prissy Crawford.
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    Was because of the because you would be mostly busy in the churches or all of it
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    because he was working. He would go now ready for this to nomination meeting or never in this congregation.
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    It's probably point a real curiosity I know it has been in my research.
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    What we're here experience. Your experience of the secrecies of
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    different denomination world or. You're going to abuse up except for and
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    so see the need for
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    recommitment which were in the Wesley
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    The dilemma nations such as the Free Methodist the West the members
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    that mere legged Methodist. All of that I'm. The assurance of
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    salvation is also when you enter those churches. You had larger
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    responses than when you went to some that were Calvinistic for insulin and.
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    I've not noticed in the in the air around the nation a lot of.
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    Segment as well as in The Independent
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    Baptist group. They were very defensive
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    about their independence and.
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    How might that manifest itself it would manifest themselves and they would
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    not invest in the in normal ways they would invest
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    in our reloader missions. Budgets for instance.
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    They were as I said before. They were suspicious
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    of national and world or national groups such as World Vision's new surprised.
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    And they were very selective in their mission tell Rich in fact.
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    But they were quite substantial when
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    the supply of independent missions.
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    So when he said he didn't invest normally You mean
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    like give me
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    those nominations you know do not reach out to interdenominational missions
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    like like.
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    OK. Tell me the Mysterians. At this point in the
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    1940's how they function. Well. And why I am not a rich man I really
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    I said do you
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    live in western New York. The.
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    The Mainline the nominations had their minister and. But they were very
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    integral. And there are many of those men felt like they won the hot summer ship
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    with a larger group of people. So we became the means
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    whereby we would have ministers
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    meetings and invite and outstanding speaker to come and see
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    the ministers themselves. We often in. Are
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    rough men like Stephen Ofer. Probably the best. X. files
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    under of our generation. He would come and
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    he really speak to the ministers
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    and feed them spiritually.
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    OK. So when. So with Percy Crawford you worked
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    with Mysterians. And then I'll post
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    although I just became a kid with different kinds of ministers. But
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    he would go away. Maybe nothing. We would be if we would
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    be undertaken at the last year's
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    house prior to the meeting we would go there and have supper. And I would talk
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    with the minister ordered sit and listen while Crawford would talk because you have
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    a sense you can get a feeling of Churchill work. So
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    that when you're saying to them he got to Buffalo he had the idea of sounding and then hysteria.
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    You know how do the necessity.
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    I guess that brings us to a question that is sort of out there that we haven't addressed yet.
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    When you were with Percy Crawford. Did you go and
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    visit churches who were identified as fundamental. And even Jellicoe or.
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    Or did you get invited to mainline the barrel or just May ninth it was
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    a broad segment.
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    Run the main thing about Crawford was the fact that he was a
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    radio personality. And those people knew that those
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    ministers knew that their people were listening. They wanted to meet.
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    Crawford in
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    person. Did the problem
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    of conservative orthodoxy. Versus liberal.
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    Narn ist manifest itself during
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    Percy was well aware that in that he got caught in the
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    make shouldn.
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    Debates when he was in seminary himself. He was a Christian.
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    Yes. And he was aware that he. Trying to think who they yell a follow
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    up is a huge period. Well about another
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    great person proper It was well aware of the debate.
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    But you. How did how did Percy Crawford. Managed not to getting tangled
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    it simply was a gospel preaching that's all he would gotten
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    to but it didn't. It wasn't front center enough during the forty's that.
  • speaker
    Know that he was saying oh you can't come here one of the bible bashing.
  • speaker
    Evangelicals mainline. We we believe in a broader gospel have that kind of never came
  • speaker
    up because he was such an outstanding spokesman.
  • speaker
    Comfort was unique in that his messages were
  • speaker
    sharp this message just would never Malema half hour and forty
  • speaker
    minutes that allowed him to learn to be a twenty
  • speaker
  • speaker
    segment with an hour ago an hour and a half service the average length of service ruined by
  • speaker
  • speaker
    half. So that. Live a Tasia and took about fifteen minutes
  • speaker
    twenty minutes. Our musical section took about twenty minutes to half.
  • speaker
    To have our then he took that out
  • speaker
    so you can. Can you tell me.
  • speaker
    So we between with nine hundred forty seven and nine hundred forty nine. You had a tenure as
  • speaker
  • speaker
    use leader at Prospect.
  • speaker
    Perhaps that gnostic down to Baptist Church and a flip. Can you tell me about how
  • speaker
    many numbers that were in the church was it that sounds like that I'd even delegate
  • speaker
    or fund in the West or
  • speaker
    it was a conservative Baptist Church. The Conservative Baptist of arbitration.
  • speaker
    That was the a belief that was up and causes nomination the conservative that that's
  • speaker
    right that's right I'm Dr doctor. Oh.
  • speaker
    Oh well as a an officer in the Conservative Baptist.
  • speaker
    Missions. Society. So that he was. It was a strong
  • speaker
    conservative Baptist.
  • speaker
    Really a problem of
  • speaker
    the. Now. Grampa this is your first time.
  • speaker
    Coming to Buffalo and it. What did you see when
  • speaker
    you looked at the
  • speaker
    social religious landscape of Buffalo did you see a Catholic city did you see
  • speaker
    a steel
  • speaker
    city. What. What did Buffalo. What was it like
  • speaker
    and what is you strategized youth outreach. What did you view as
  • speaker
    your opportunity or
  • speaker
    obstacles. Number. During that two year period. I was on a single charge.
  • speaker
    And I was not enter into it or going nomination will work I
  • speaker
    will however the Baptists. In western New York.
  • speaker
    Is a loose. Group that met.
  • speaker
    Quarterly call the part of the goal
  • speaker
    of Baptist. Young People's Association. And I was called upon.
  • speaker
    I was called upon to be the song leader and platform man.
  • speaker
    Because I was really probably the
  • speaker
    only one that was here only injured in a minute or that was an even examination all of that was going
  • speaker
    on congregational right on his two years that's right.
  • speaker
    What can you can you help. Recreate for us.
  • speaker
    What Buffalo the city. Before OK what will slow march with the church. I heard it.
  • speaker
    But also the city was like Is still be a
  • speaker
    hard thing the rematch and because they go to the point out of population.
  • speaker
    That's what was the
  • speaker
    Bible into an ethnic areas.
  • speaker
    Spanish that were it Tahlia Irish Catholic.
  • speaker
    And some bourbon.
  • speaker
    Protestant British. It wasn't
  • speaker
    like a or doctor. These days it's Act They use the term angry. You know.
  • speaker
    Yeah. That's that's what I had not actually I pursued. But
  • speaker
    from my standpoint. I recognized that there was
  • speaker
    a sense of isolationism.
  • speaker
    In among the churches that you can depend in the back as
  • speaker
    George's isolation. Desire.
  • speaker
    Here we are a single congregation. We want to be left alone to do our world eventually no was in
  • speaker
    the corporate desire to reach the community. And that's what
  • speaker
    I immediately sensed was mooted there. OK.
  • speaker
    So if we can paint to take that apart a little bit. Where is
  • speaker
    the be remember help. When you say Spanish do you mean Puerto Rican he
  • speaker
    means Hispanic or
  • speaker
    basically Puerto Rican Cuban OK. But not
  • speaker
    Haitian Haitian there's mark down here in Florida. We had no vacation. OK.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    so was it mostly in the
  • speaker
    urban core. In the mid late forty's. That was
  • speaker
    Irish Catholic in the different ethnicities tell you
  • speaker
    in polish the new the decentralization
  • speaker
    of the population. Have already begun.
  • speaker
    So that prospect church. Have the seeds of its
  • speaker
    demise already at that time which was a downtown church and was surrounded
  • speaker
    by them. By the Spanish community. It was a black.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    What can what. Church and they've seen is a thousand. Yet. It was
  • speaker
    a topic. Having that instead.
  • speaker
    Are there.
  • speaker
    OK now. Buffalo is known as a working
  • speaker
    class city. And also has a Catholic said. Do you want to time up with non-citizen.
  • speaker
    I mean.
  • speaker
    Was how Catholic. Was Buffalo and totally dominant. You thought that it
  • speaker
    was the dominant faith. There's rather not a cathedral
  • speaker
    Saturday grow there. Knew how to close in go there and they also
  • speaker
    the bishop had a head of an outstanding residence on the main level
  • speaker
    where Avenue mainline St Louis
  • speaker
    were always consulted for political questions are
  • speaker
    moral questions.
  • speaker
    OK. Presence. What was bustling
  • speaker
    primary industry or industries that kept people
  • speaker
    working for more company. And what if Ford Motor Company happened but they
  • speaker
    had an assembly
  • speaker
    line. Now. And they made more
  • speaker
    results and shover may also be a presence.
  • speaker
    To do that to the largest come like a complete assembly or just
  • speaker
    partial like at and Jim there. No I think it was a production. Place.
  • speaker
    So cars rolling
  • speaker
    off about them on the slope times. I misspoke.
  • speaker
    I think a lot for having Harrison or a Raider OK so.
  • speaker
    So they facts are related sure. And there was a huge
  • speaker
    Chevrolet. Plant in the heart of
  • speaker
    Buffalo called on Delavan Lebanon but I've you know I was not
  • speaker
    in what they actually met in fact
  • speaker
    less than
  • speaker
    when he was in Western Electric Company. Bubba's another big company.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    Electric. And it was a rough table service a lot I was a diverse. Base.
  • speaker
    OK. Yes it's a good one to steal that debt and the studio that for
  • speaker
  • speaker
    still preserve the shale. I see it when I get on the train the mainline.
  • speaker
    In Philadelphia where that now we're waiting for the train Lackawanna still works.
  • speaker
    That's right. Is our rails. Back. So that's the deal and others am
  • speaker
    still production. Huge companies. Another without prior little
  • speaker
    prior to my going there in New York. Is it was a mill
  • speaker
    the. Place where flour mills
  • speaker
    were fairly diverse. Yet Pitchford
  • speaker
    was coal and coke was just a Coke is a.
  • speaker
    And then still production.
  • speaker
    And that's about it and it turned out a whole deal. But so that Alfie will have gone through the
  • speaker
    history of Philadelphia. For course with really diverse. There's no
  • speaker
    single person that's one of the theories is that
  • speaker
  • speaker
    kept him from the dramatic ups and downs. It's perpetrators is a
  • speaker
    different feeling. That's a different
  • speaker
    feeling from. The Asian electronics which are in not.
  • speaker
    The populations. Remote mostly blue
  • speaker
    collar middle class lower middle class people working
  • speaker
    in most fields not a succulent should a bus load with mostly. Again.
  • speaker
    Was working class Absolutely. OK. And then lower
  • speaker
    middle class. Moving into homes. Actual In that time period. Well built
  • speaker
    aircraft which may have a top hers
  • speaker
    or was a huge thing out there are faults
  • speaker
    and when you think a buffalo you have to really mentally clue or present to
  • speaker
    it becomes.
  • speaker
    Were there other sister paint this picture a post-war Buffalo. A little more.
  • speaker
    When you moved there. The book. Both of you moved there.
  • speaker
    What else. When we would open a newspaper.
  • speaker
    June seventeenth. Nineteen forty eight. What
  • speaker
    other celebrity local celebrities might have captured. Like local.
  • speaker
    One of what else is out there in the public. What was their society section
  • speaker
    that was very trendy was all right not to meet
  • speaker
    him and they were real girls on the heart. It was an art college. There. And I
  • speaker
    love whole area and there was a whole area right near the city was very
  • speaker
    bohemian like you would compare it to to whom York
  • speaker
    City's graduate. So that's what Allen Town of
  • speaker
    the time to let you in the scale
  • speaker
    barrier of and we have a festival every year. Now on top
  • speaker
    and was Alan Wood was that a wealthy. Well where was what was this
  • speaker
    national every duster city has fashionable section down the way and
  • speaker
    over mansions in.
  • speaker
    Where did people vacation. Like did they go to Terry did they go to Alec at villain.
  • speaker
    On the southern tier. Did they go to.
  • speaker
    We were there were too much or most up
  • speaker
    was in bed and the tent now left can't think yet right to
  • speaker
    ask him any make people just you see there was a
  • speaker
    large amusement park
  • speaker
    across the border. In the in the I'm very old.
  • speaker
    Forget the name of it while but. Everybody was there was like
  • speaker
    only autocrats don't be great at all besides I heard. Crystal
  • speaker
    Beach they
  • speaker
    call. How do you want to talk about the winters.
  • speaker
    Was it did it was the weather. Where they pretty rough and then it would was.
  • speaker
    You want to mention that. There's a single answer. No.
  • speaker
    No the. The media
  • speaker
    and people's perceptions are way are arriving
  • speaker
    considering the buffalo. Winters. Because most of the.
  • speaker
    Linders occurred.
  • speaker
    South of the city where there was a small range of hills.
  • speaker
    And the stores would come off. Lake Erie and.
  • speaker
    Oh it's almost regular They would a lot
  • speaker
    of this and south of pounds like Easter I sound
  • speaker
    exactly thirty Mansour psychedelic of No that's where
  • speaker
    the sketch where I exactly. Which is
  • speaker
    probably great you don't give them a break in the summertime and I can
  • speaker
    imagine all my heart that was just sounds I may have a sense or reason
  • speaker
    I guess he read writing back from my poor probably ten years ago. In January.
  • speaker
    And it was the southern Jellicoe I almost
  • speaker
    died in the car trip was my first year grad school but it was
  • speaker
    a horrible truth there is a hell of a
  • speaker
    truck and bus loads up actually wasn't it was a light snow and. That was just like what am
  • speaker
    I doing. And one point I was there was driving along. In the
  • speaker
  • speaker
    hit. Their section adventure of not far from elegant and the
  • speaker
    car hit a patch. It was a snow was so big you know less driving through
  • speaker
    ahead in the car did a complete three hundred sixty degree OK his stuff. Started back up and it's kept
  • speaker
    going but I remember getting home. There was a case to say cars are they going to
  • speaker
    the knuckles right
  • speaker
    and I
  • speaker
    can actually see you in the most on the most part.
  • speaker
    The equipment was
  • speaker
    so complete. By the road Sarkies that western New
  • speaker
    York area. When that attack the situation that you never had
  • speaker
    we can't remember more than a couple of times when we were slow to get your
  • speaker
    to where
  • speaker
    now. There is
  • speaker
    a. What were the most prominent sports
  • speaker
    celebrities in local Buffalo that you
  • speaker
    remember. There were any.
  • speaker
    Yes. O.J..
  • speaker
    We have. Slater that's the sixty one where we had
  • speaker
    a baseball team and hockey team. Even before we had a football.
  • speaker
    Off from a new stadium in central Buffalo.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    of a major minor a major minor league. AAA team.
  • speaker
    For years. Buffalo.
  • speaker
    And we still do have calculated that we haven't had a hockey team that was in the
  • speaker
    national hockey and people being as close to Canada as they were
  • speaker
    or likely a hockey camp. Were there
  • speaker
    other entertaining. Figures that were local
  • speaker
    Buffalo. Come to mind that were popular were there. Was there were there theatres I you know I
  • speaker
    don't know where we had a huge. We had a huge boat that
  • speaker
    was steady hitter which was only a hundred yards from the center.
  • speaker
    It was still active in one of their area. Wow. Very odd
  • speaker
    that seats four thousand
  • speaker
    people that show a swap I thought that by itself Peters died out by
  • speaker
    the twenties.
  • speaker
    Well. Not all of that and the also had a stage. Place.
  • speaker
    Mary I get nightclub and. That was on
  • speaker
    Main Street. The heart it was a theater district. Probably out of arrest
  • speaker
    and where. So that it. People came to the seven
  • speaker
    county worry is that they want another Taman to Cape
  • speaker
    buffalo. In the seven counties just include western New York.
  • speaker
    Not from Teria. That's all it would be any seventy miles. Not even
  • speaker
    that a fifty mile circle or a southern CA This
  • speaker
    Any chance you might mention with the seven counties. Do they come to mind you I agree
  • speaker
    or Allegheny
  • speaker
  • speaker
    Genesee. And going well. My
  • speaker
    rope on terror. Sick.
  • speaker
    Did Well done
  • speaker
  • speaker
    There is a influential book out a ruckus.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    There is an influenza book about Buffalo. By William Gray
  • speaker
    pure about
  • speaker
    you and his thesis has a lot of research to support this is
  • speaker
    that in the late forty's in through the early fifty's. There was
  • speaker
    a panic about juvenile delinquency.
  • speaker
    And that. When you study Buckley get a good insight into Americans general concern about
  • speaker
    juvenile delinquency crime. Latchkey kids. And
  • speaker
    that there were multiple organizations and virtually the buffalo Christian Center
  • speaker
    came late enough by the mid fifty's. It just doesn't get mentioned and I even contacted
  • speaker
    him and say. I guess in the next edition I can get it in. But I don't think it's going to
  • speaker
    be published
  • speaker
    again. But. But there
  • speaker
    were issues that he found that were trying to give young people.
  • speaker
    Positive alternative. Some probably have a story Y.M.C.A.. And why double work. Were you
  • speaker
    aware of concern about criminal youth in the late frills.
  • speaker
    The answer is no no.
  • speaker
    OK. So much so that
  • speaker
    we really a world are is not going
  • speaker
    to actually challenge came in I don't
  • speaker
    know what period that came out of some of the opiate
  • speaker
    based organization called to challenge. Cavemen had one of
  • speaker
    these I was. The store front.
  • speaker
    A store front. To use other. So that when the fact
  • speaker
    that Kyle built. But he were alive. Those were for the record.
  • speaker
    You were
  • speaker
    not part
  • speaker
    of conversation. Isn't aware that.
  • speaker
    We've got to have a youth. Event because when young people are out of
  • speaker
    control their way not not feel like the world is good to know I go
  • speaker
    I have a husband. Provision really not a book. Well I think you want a good other seven
  • speaker
    years ago.
  • speaker
    I did send a copy to give receive it. What was it it
  • speaker
    was is said Can't remember but William Graham writes about Buffalo. And the post
  • speaker
    war about never machines up yet you told me that it just
  • speaker
    was probably just forgot about it but.
  • speaker
    And it's interesting and I went to get a conference there and
  • speaker
    said at the city Buffalo and said there needs to just get rough
  • speaker
    today said about the racial issue. Well he said there was a riot in the late forty's.
  • speaker
    There was a boat that went out on Lake Erie. And there were black
  • speaker
    young people and white. And what they
  • speaker
    had some kind of a big fight. And it's causing harm in the city
  • speaker
    and that there is it is a great local study of the general phenomenon
  • speaker
    in the late for him in the early fifty's. A concern about control he's
  • speaker
    there Crystal Beach. But.
  • speaker
    And I recall the up
  • speaker
    but in my mind it wasn't that
  • speaker
    major. That's helpful because that's his take was ever so many
  • speaker
    youth organization or whatever it was that his interpretation. But that's not
  • speaker
    my feeling my feeling is that
  • speaker
    the Y.M.C.A. and the like only see a
  • speaker
    word cosmetic.
  • speaker
    In their in their application to use very cosmetic.
  • speaker
    There were two different. When I go out to get a permit why I'm running more one.
  • speaker
    You've never got the feeling that they didn't major impact on the so
  • speaker
    that when you hear what you say those argue Saudis
  • speaker
    who were anywhere between four hundred nine hundred.
  • speaker
    Every Saturday night. That's an impact.
  • speaker
    But they never
  • speaker
    had some kind of an organization that think that
  • speaker
    a Saturday night can climb hand. Somewhere that have in the thousands.
  • speaker
    But there was a positive safe alternative to drinking and fighting
  • speaker
    and. Well I have a he that. If you were a man and I was once use or going
  • speaker
    just there isn't there is a secular one that
  • speaker
    he didn't know all about kind
  • speaker
    of hours that
  • speaker
    we need to ask was. If you were aware. This if this was a dry. Forest and churches were
  • speaker
    saying OK. To come that I was more aware of the problem that arose in
  • speaker
    the sixties and seventies. As far as riots and street marches
  • speaker
    and not sort of OK. But that's a different story.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    With the stuff.
  • speaker
    Mysterians trying to remember. Above. Anything more you bike to say about like it.
  • speaker
    If I asked
  • speaker
    my wealth of you to get three or four words to
  • speaker
    describe what Buffalo or three or four just a few lines just to summarize
  • speaker
    your impression about the when you got there. As just like what is my.
  • speaker
    With the mood of the
  • speaker
    city pursuing because every time you talked to
  • speaker
    a different version we're going to. And I had the feeling that Buffalo was a very friendly city
  • speaker
    as compared to where I was earlier which is the leg. And we've got
  • speaker
    the opposite. When people go to where the good old can hurry
  • speaker
    from Ivan then they're free. It is in my thinkin. Not a friendly city.
  • speaker
    Recalled an aggressive.
  • speaker
    But Buffalo is friendly. I thought
  • speaker
    so anything I would just see part of that might
  • speaker
    be subjective.
  • speaker
    Because of the fact we look for been. Because of the type of.
  • speaker
    Street was full of the businesses nor can you know about. We never got involved in the
  • speaker
    city of Philadelphia we never got in wealth is an issue
  • speaker
    will charge cover Gratian type of set up a minute I got to promise but
  • speaker
    I was a family like set up is.
  • speaker
    Friendly feeling people really develop their
  • speaker
    family feeling the church.
  • speaker
    So you see from his family feel there's a sense of the family.
  • speaker
    And yet the very much. Your impression of
  • speaker
    just. You know what is bad for me
  • speaker
    that I hated that said he has a child of my parents took me there. And
  • speaker
    I didn't like it.
  • speaker
    So that's why I didn't want to stay in about four months and Francis was already well we
  • speaker
    have Jack but I always kept
  • speaker
    it on I went there why because of the travelling and attack. And
  • speaker
    so that that's why I can't say so and or would say we're going
  • speaker
    to and from Birthday Happy Birthday they took me with
  • speaker
    that friend.
  • speaker
    And I'm a second attempt some. Big city. That turned me
  • speaker
    against and I couldn't imagine getting in the tyrant
  • speaker
    writing those days there were go through ways.
  • speaker
    So that nor do you get a bill to Buffalo.
  • speaker
    From our she was you go through the conflict neighborhood.
  • speaker
    Which was in depression. Stronger. So the. The
  • speaker
    houses looked all over the dirty driver. She
  • speaker
    came driving made of company that's our
  • speaker
    company and the Larkin warehouse.
  • speaker
    I didn't. I didn't try to is a nice Paxson about flop. She had
  • speaker
    nobody does not offer real feeling that it's night there. And way myself.
  • speaker
    And can walk and. When you go to fascism you don't go and have
  • speaker
    to remember. But was a sure way system I know you have to
  • speaker
    come through the better developed.
  • speaker
    Junior Executive.
  • speaker
    Part of which is far better. If someone were to ask
  • speaker
    for me to ask you think
  • speaker
    because. How would you describe the culture of Buffalo we use some terms
  • speaker
    like blue collar.
  • speaker
    I know one of the first hit me was just like Kill bossa comes to mind.
  • speaker
    But I Polish food. What do you can you say anything about the culture the type of cuisine.
  • speaker
    We mention who how we got. Is there any more description you know. Before
  • speaker
    we move. I think the idea is that you must remember that you
  • speaker
    were total the Polish
  • speaker
    section was totally. Says blacks next year was
  • speaker
    totally black. And the Spanish was there working
  • speaker
    towards that
  • speaker
    you got out into the outer suburbs.
  • speaker
    And that's what everybody had says they had been a fast one.
  • speaker
    Then they never go to these different
  • speaker
    sometimes that lasts a lot. Yeah.
  • speaker
    And on and ten are generous
  • speaker
    night. So you're there in
  • speaker
    the northeast. And when about where you are saying is that the
  • speaker
    dissemination Polish culture. For example and the food
  • speaker
    to become a buffalo. Type food.
  • speaker
    Didn't happen until because the. They were get out of the ghetto a Polish like a name row about to
  • speaker
    go who was the. I mean ghetto had been added a ethic to find
  • speaker
    neighborhoods it was a
  • speaker
    business department store. Most I thought the park would store was that
  • speaker
    Nightline a roadway. In the heart of the Polish so the money of the
  • speaker
    suburban people came to their. Or I could come
  • speaker
    to Costco. The
  • speaker
    lower Broadway. The Broadway.
  • speaker
    Mark picked the Bing market
  • speaker
    rose and I would come in to the entire
  • speaker
    inner just abolish area. One of the Buffalo back at heart.
  • speaker
    But to have published two immediately. It's out of the game is a very it was
  • speaker
    a non-porous. The job they would run for. So you go and it was out of there was
  • speaker
    a New York City is very much like that at this point so you go in and that they know when
  • speaker
    he speaks English there is a
  • speaker
    separate world on a train.
  • speaker
    OK. Will be fun lack. Was that already
  • speaker
    that was that who who may be some
  • speaker
    black and hugs to you I think you have a letter or number being affected
  • speaker
    too much. I don't mean that when next time it but only look. You know that it was asked and
  • speaker
    we had moved to an emergency after
  • speaker
    these other words with OK Going to the church they didn't say or we got it
  • speaker
    wasn't like that we never went out for
  • speaker
    a lever that you may start and he didn't. We were able to sort
  • speaker
    of the way. Pizza.
  • speaker
    Little pizza. Spaghetti the Las Vegas Well there was a very very
  • speaker
    and a
  • speaker
    popular spaghetti Buster place.
  • speaker
    But essentially to ask you got there were separate from each
  • speaker
    other absolutely. Wow.
  • speaker
    OK that's that's interesting I did and said OK. Good for You mentioned how. When you got
  • speaker
    to Buffalo to that one of the things that you had served was that the churches were
  • speaker
    independent. And they were sort of islands. Can you describe that you
  • speaker
    can you offer some theories for why. How do you think it got to be that way. I
  • speaker
    don't know because many of those split off from other lines
  • speaker
    and nomination. But for I've got there. And I think that they were
  • speaker
    or basically fundamentalist religion. There was a strong.
  • speaker
    General Association of regular Baptist.
  • speaker
    There was a thorough core of the probably six or seven
  • speaker
    of the general association wonder about this George
  • speaker
    is by very credo their
  • speaker
    isolationists think him there. When you where you are again. Left
  • speaker
    town fun like the different means to her. But this is
  • speaker
    just my
  • speaker
    side. I have my ordination.
  • speaker
    So I have a new nick spreader Motors names. OK.
  • speaker
    It's like and made you. I had Alfred ham.
  • speaker
    Jack. Burger.
  • speaker
    And Clinton. But I get hungry. I have.
  • speaker
    My organization and I
  • speaker
    think if I were to ask you you know. First impression
  • speaker
    like the top three or four. Protestant denominations.
  • speaker
    Or groups. Well. In terms of congregations. What was come to
  • speaker
    mind for the both of you I'd be curious. Pressure during
  • speaker
    president here in the north saying we're Delaware largest churches work. OK.
  • speaker
    They go well beyond the president over these are the wealthier churches are united Fred Syrian
  • speaker
    Presbyterian press just press the chance
  • speaker
    that they ran down the way I am
  • speaker
    now with the split was not really affected too much except there were.
  • speaker
    Several And then when I pressed
  • speaker
    charges but they pressure because every Baptist.
  • speaker
    But not less well
  • speaker
    actually not necessarily A.B.C. that says. Well we're.
  • speaker
    Strong churches. And one was a strong
  • speaker
    with the church. Well tended to people went to Baptist churches and where in
  • speaker
    the city where they locate where they suburban
  • speaker
    country. Demurs diverse. From working
  • speaker
    class careless
  • speaker
    every law is a strong your church in the Jordan area.
  • speaker
    The bustle Baptist Church was a stroke. Church. At that period of time.
  • speaker
    And that was less so very near the edge of the Polish area. But the lose a job there was a
  • speaker
    small world you are an area. OK.
  • speaker
    Unless the Riverside back the stretch was very
  • speaker
    strong. North Tonawanda Riverside that this
  • speaker
    is where in the Riverside section which is a model in the grammar
  • speaker
    syntax of the river on the north there who runs the northeast. Rough West.
  • speaker
    Far North
  • speaker
    West. OK. So Penry have just
  • speaker
    the strictest participated in that Fundamental Baptist young people's association that.
  • speaker
    Will probably have about. We have about twelve to fifteen churches and in that
  • speaker
  • speaker
    surrounding. And then there are a lot of small Baptist churches that were
  • speaker
    several free. Methodist
  • speaker
    churches. But the west winds were not strong on that
  • speaker
    but time in and who was real in this is a rather amazing who sang to me.
  • speaker
    And I think that the secret to
  • speaker
    it the college. One One One thing was
  • speaker
    open and the other was the emergence of the football among
  • speaker
    the in which the football players came into stablished a Wesley had
  • speaker
    less than the
  • speaker
    church. Will the ballpark of our park and have become a
  • speaker
    dominant church that
  • speaker
    has problem with ten lists of upwards from twenty five hundred to four
  • speaker
    thousand people that came out of a lower.
  • speaker
    After my entire. OK. Presbyterian. Wealthier.
  • speaker
    Baptist broad spectrum from huge big churches to small very but.
  • speaker
    And then Free Methodist.
  • speaker
    Independent. So the to chapel in Buffalo.
  • speaker
    The chapel.
  • speaker
    Is of huge church. The
  • speaker
    chapel they started started an independent church and not smart
  • speaker
    enough anation in the interview and no luck
  • speaker
    on that nomination
  • speaker
    non-denominational. OK. And then of course. Sounds a
  • speaker
    case of my work would be considered
  • speaker
    non-denominational OK didn't want to talk anymore at
  • speaker
    all about the culture of independence in that what. When you.
  • speaker
  • speaker
    mention. That back this mindset are just that we
  • speaker
    don't want to
  • speaker
    be associated with
  • speaker
    international agencies and we're kinda talking more
  • speaker
    about independence because because of course what you did was bring together. You were part
  • speaker
    of bringing in churches in but that comment that it took that took a period of time.
  • speaker
    Can do that can bring when they got there to the because of that especially
  • speaker
    because the converts.
  • speaker
    Were so. Or so were you were feeding one
  • speaker
    hundred curdle respect every week into western me your from our newsroom.
  • speaker
    And I'm affected. The pastor So there you go
  • speaker
    I was able to convince
  • speaker
    the pastors that I was not there as a
  • speaker
    competitor. And I was there as a mission that they're going to have to bring young.
  • speaker
    Bring bring them people to their church a little son in the back to you.
  • speaker
    But we've become a the many of the pastors you know. Really do not have the gift of the.
  • speaker
    Trips to the bed of the people who can do that. Shepherds
  • speaker
    were absolutely. There were
  • speaker
    teachers. Can you. It's just helpful though because every
  • speaker
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