Highlights of the 179th General Assembly, part 3.

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    The eight years of labor the went into the writing and final approval of the Confession of Sixty-Seven
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    came before the House as Overture I. It had been sent down to presbytery
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    for approval by the previous assembly and returned to this one with one hundred sixty
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    eight presbyteries concurring and only nineteen dissenting. Following
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    almost an hour of debate, it was brought to its historic and conclusive vote. [Smathers, Eugene Feland] Someone
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    move the previous question? I move it. All right. Previous question. [Thompson, William P. speaking] Mr. Moderator, [Smathers, Eugene Feland]
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    the previous question having been moved, you now put the question Shall the main question
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    now be put? Shall the main question now be put? All
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    in favour, now vote Aye. Opposed. Now
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    and now the motion. You know what the motion is after all this discussion? [Thompson, William P.] There has been a
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    request for a division of the house. [Smathers] Yes. Now, what do we do? Count?
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    Is there still request for the division of the house? How
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    do we vote on this? It has to be done.
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    How do we know. You explain it. [Thompson] The vote will be taken by electing sections.
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    [Smathers] Microphone three. The rules for judicatories. Roscoe Wolvington, Presbytery
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    of Southeast Iowa. The rule for judicatories on page one fifteen provide
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    "If division is called for on any vote, it shall be by rising vote without a count."
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    [Thompson] I understood that the commissioner who made the request,
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    first of all, requested a roll call vote. Our rules do not
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    provide for a roll call vote. We have, in this Assembly,
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    taken a vote by electing sections on one occasion. And it seemed to me
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    that this would satisfy the commissioner most nearly approximating
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    what he requested. It's up to the Assembly how the vote be taken. [Smathers] Shall it
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    be taken by voting sections or by standing
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    vote? All in favor of rising
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    vote, say Aye. Opposed.
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    We will vote by. [Thomposn] Microphone seven. [Smathers] Microphone seven.
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    Mr Moderator. I move that we adjourn for two minutes to have a
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    moment of meditation so that we can be in unity with God our maker
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    in taking this vote. And I would give you in thought a challenge to continue
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    from Galatians nine six. And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season
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    we shall reap, if we faint not. Let us faint not, now. Let
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    us take the. Mr. Moderator. May I make a point of order to correct
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    one statement that was made? Seven? The question
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    was raised that there were only two elders on this commission. This is
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    not the case. There were six elders. [Smathers] Let us
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    take just a couple of minutes. Quietness. At least if we
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    opposed to the some of the content of this Confession, we can certainly
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    be in the, in the spirit of reconciliation of recognizing
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    the Lordship of Christ. And let us now search our own minds
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    and consciences before God as before we vote.
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    Eternal God in this historic moment may
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    Thy will be done. Amen. Now, all
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    in favor of the motion to adopt Overture I and the Confession of Sixty-
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    Seven and the Book of Confessions, will be let known by standing. You may
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    be seated. Those
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    opposed, please stand. The motion
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    is carried. Also in the same. Despite
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    our differences of conviction, I hope we can join together in this historic moment,
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    as we stand, stand and sing together "Now, Thank We All Our God," hymn number four hundred fifty-nine.
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    [organ and sung "Now, Thank We All Our God."] A standing vote has to be seen not heard. The vote looked to be about four to one
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    in favor of the Confession of Nineteen Sixty-Seven, which would indicate that some commissioners
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    chose to vote their own conscience and not that of presbytery. The
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    first attempt to amend the Confession was Overture forty-one from Washington City Presbytery,
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    which sought to delete the words "even at risk to national security" and
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    it was defeated.

