Highlights of the 178th General Assembly: Overtures 9 and 10.

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    We begin this part of the highlights with Overtures nine and ten, both
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    of which sought to limit or change, to some extent, the office of the
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    stated clerk. We will follow this with a speech that Moderator Little [Rev. Ganse Little] made immediately
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    before the voting, the results of the election of the stated clerk.
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    William Phelps Thompson's comments to the house upon being elected. And after that a section
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    from the official goodbye of Eugene Carson Blake to the assembly that he had served
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    for the past sixteen years. Overture nine on page
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    ninety five and titled on the election of the stated clerk of the General Assembly. The
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    Committee recommends that the General Assembly take no action. In the
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    text of thing, we believe that this would handicap the General Assembly in getting the best men for the office
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    if the terms are limited. The duties are clearly defined in the Manual of the
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    General Assembly rules fifteen to thirty-three. And, a third matter. There is
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    always the problem of interpretation to the press and the public of a term
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    peculiar to our tradition and not generally known or understood by others.
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    I move the recommend, the adoption of the recommendation. [Ganse Little speaking] The motion
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    is duly made and seconded. It is "no action" on Overture nine. Is there question or
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    discussion? I see no commissioner at any microphone. You are then ready to vote.
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    As many as favor the recommendation will please say, "Aye." Opposed, "No."
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    The motion carries. "No action" on Overture nine. [Committee chair speaking] Overture ten
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    on page ninety five on the election of the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. This is similar
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    in substance to the proceeding overture. The committee recommends that the General Assembly take no
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    action. I move the adoption of the recommendation.
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    [Ganse Little speaking] The motion has been duly seconded. Overture ten is similar in character to Overture nine. The
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    recommendation is similar, "no action." Is there question or discussion? As many as
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    favor the recommendation of the committee will please say, "Aye." Opposed, "No." The
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    motion carries, "no action" on overture ten.

