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Independence Day celebration in Luebo, 1960.
Independence Day celebration in Luebo, 1960.
Lapsley Memorial Chapel, Belgian Congo.
Classroom setting in the Congo.
President Joseph Kasavubu and General Mobutu Sese Seko in Independence Day parade.
United Nations assistance in the Congo.
Hydro Project in Zaire.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations relief in the Congo.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations relief in the Congo.
United Nations assistance in the Congo.
President Joseph Kasavubu and General Mobutu Sese Seko in Independence Day parade.
Congolese students using microscopes.
The Kassai Herald.
Annual letters of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1920-1921.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Annual letter of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1925.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions draft, 1934-1935.
Annual letter of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1914.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1932-1933.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1935-1936.
Annual letter of African Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1910.
Annual letter of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1926-1927.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1923.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Congo Mission Network.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1930-1931.
Lumu Lua Bena Kasai.
Embracing Hope.
Adolphus Clemens Good journal, September 1882-February, 1884.
