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Refugees from leftist rebellion.
Flee Kwilu.
Fleeing from terror.
Dr. Paul Carlson.
Dr. Paul Carlson.
Safe from Congolese rebels.
Slain missionary honored.
Sentenced to be shot.
Missionary sentenced to death in Congo.
Mission workers flee Congo terrorists.
Mission workers flee Congo terrorists.
Slain Protestant missionary and his family.
Congo medical missionary reported dead.
Congo medical missionary reported dead.
Nun who eluded terrorists safe In Belgium.
Congo missionaries safely home.
Congo missionaries safely home.
Belgian royalty comforts nun.
Saved from Congo terrorists.
Rescued Congo missionary recounts experience.
Baptist missionaries victims of terrorists.
Serving in Congo.
Slain Congo missionary's sister and family rescued.
In memory of Belgian martyred priests.
Methodists name Negro bishop for white area.