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William McCutcheon Morrison.
William Mccutchen Morrison.
Dr. Wilson.
Jesse R. Wilson.
Dr. Tinsley Smith's pet leopard.
Independence Day celebration in Luebo, 1960.
Independence Day celebration in Luebo, 1960.
Lapsley Memorial Chapel, Belgian Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Refugees from leftist rebellion.
Flee Kwilu.
Fleeing from terror.
Dr. Paul Carlson.
Dr. Paul Carlson.
Safe from Congolese rebels.
Morrison and Sheppard with buffalo.
Three boys with hands cut off.
Child marriage Bakete.
Classroom setting in the Congo.
President Joseph Kasavubu and General Mobutu Sese Seko in Independence Day parade.
Five young men and women.
United Nations assistance in the Congo.
Group of Christians in unfinished church.
Mother and child.
Hydro Project in Zaire.
Group of Christians in front of unfinished church.
Smoking water-gourd pipe.
Child marriage.
Musala man and wife in chains at Luisa.
