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Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Annual letter of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1925.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions draft, 1934-1935.
Annual letter of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1914.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1932-1933.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1935-1936.
Annual letter of African Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1910.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Africa in Picture.
Annual letter of the Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1926-1927.
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1923.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Independence Day celebration in the Congo, 1960.
Congo Mission Network.
Eugene R. Kellersberger Papers
Annual letter of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission to the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, 1930-1931.
Lumu Lua Bena Kasai.
Special song for the Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Congo meeting at Luebo Mission, March 19, 1968.
Slain Protestant missionary and his family.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Integration of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission and the Église Presbyterienne au Congo.
Dr. George Richard Cousar.
Special Bulletin No. 7 from C. Darby Fulton, July 23, 1960.
To All Readers of the Congo Mission News, July 26, 1960.
English Translation of the "Luluabourg Paper."
Leopoldville, Congo report to Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Board of World Missions, 30 November 1964.
