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NSSA Convention - Portland, Oregon.
Governor addresses Sunday school leaders.
Christian youth village planned in New Zealand.
Christian youth village planned in New Zealand.
Ecumenical youth conference in Middle East.
Ecumenical youth conference in Middle East.
Church school parade.
Ecumenical youth conference in Middle East.
Ecumenical youth conference in Middle East.
Ecumenical youth and student conference of the Middle East.
California youngsters aid Phoenix church.
California youngsters aid Phoenix church.
California youngsters aid Phoenix church.
California youngsters aid Phoenix church.
Ecumenism: Congregation level.
Pope Paul's 'Sunday School' class.
Pope teaches children.
Teenagers from California paint poor Mexican church in Phoenix.
Happy Valley Camp (Port Deposit, Md.).
Happy Valley Camp (Port Deposit, Md.).
Church school on a mountainslope.
Greek Orthodox youth meet.
Pax Romana holds interfederal assembly.
Teenagers spend summer with Arizona Indians.
Young church members decorate Outpost.
Young church members decorate Outpost.
Chicago boy gets fresh air vacation.
Chicago boy gets fresh air vacation.
Perpetuating the Kennedy ideals.
