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Short Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church dedication service, 1895.
Community Presbyterian Church Manse, Lake City, Colorado.
The Presbyterian Church of Green Ridge, Green Ridge, Missouri.
Salt Fork Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Nelson, Missouri.
Presbyterian Church, Renovo, Pennsylvania.
Presbyterian Church, Coatesville, Pennsylvania.
North Reformed Church, Newark, New Jersey.
Berean Church, South College Avenue above Nineteenth Street.
Boquerón Presbyterian Church, Boquerón, Puerto Rico.
Interior of the Temple of St. Gervais.
Second Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tenn. sanctuary.
Tenth Church, Corner Thirty-eighth and Hamilton Streets.
The Church on the Circle.
First Presbyterian Church, Sacaton, Arizona.
Webster Presbyterian Church, Webster, Texas.
Cold Spring Presbyterian Church, Cape May, New Jersey.
Presbyterian Church, Rincón, Puerto Rico.
First Presbyterian Church, New Castle, Pennsylvania.
Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois.
First Presbyterian Church, Rahway, New Jersey.
First Reformed Church and Parsonage, Long Branch, New Jersey.
National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.
Iowa, Sac and Fox Presbyterian Mission, Highland, Kansas.
Millican family photo album. page 14.
Fourth Church, Forty-Seventh and Kingsessing Avenue.
Bedford Presbyterian Church, Bedford, New Hampshire.
First Presbyterian Church, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania.
Johns Island Presbyterian Church, Johns Island, South Carolina.
First Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Presbyterian Church, Macon, Missouri.
